Thursday 10 November 2005

Tom or Jerry?

Since time immemorial, Toms and Jerries have been sworn enemies. Over and over again, this ancient conflict has been played out: in the famous cartoons; in the battlefields of the First World War, where British Tommies were pitched against German Jerries; and perhaps most poignantly of all, in 'The Good Life'.

But are they really so different? I say no, and I invite you now to put aside your bias - whether it be towards Toms or Jerries - and put this question to a scientific test.

Below are eight pairs of Toms and Jerries. Use your skill and knowledge of how Toms tend to differ from Jerries to identify which is which. Then, right click each photo, and click 'properties' for the correct answer. Then post your score in the 'comments' section, and we will be able to discover, definitively and scientifically, whether Toms and Jerries can indeed be differentiated with the naked eye. Rest assured that all these photos ARE genuine Toms or Jerries - not a Thomas, a Jeremy, or even a Gerry has been allowed to creep in.

Ready? Good. Off we go.

Tom or Jerry?

Tom or Jerry?

Reverend Tom or Reverend Jerry?

Musical Tom or Musical Jerry?

Soldier Tom or Soldier Jerry?

Festive Tom or Festive Jerry?

Canine Tom or Canine Jerry?

There. How did you do? I can hardly wait to find out.

My thanks to all theToms and Jerries who unknowingly participated in this quiz. Naturally, if you would like your picture removed, you only have to say.


  1. I got the Fr. Christmas one right.


  2. I got the soldier one right. And every single other one wrong.

    I'm wondering if both Mr Casey and myself are massively prejudiced against Toms. Or Jerries. There must have been some assumptions going on to make us choose the wrong people.

    At least you can always tell a James.

  3. Anonymous5:00 pm

    Oooo, freaky! I got them all right apart from the Santa and dog pairings. I think it was a case of too much pride causing a fall at the end...

  4. I scored four. I can't remember how many it's out of, but I think four is pretty good in any test.

  5. As I was doing this just now John said, "If you can get at least 3 out of 5 then that's respectable." He won't respect me for a rubbishy 2. Indeed, maybe no one will respect me for anything ever again.

  6. 2 out of 7, in fact. Oh dear.

  7. I don't know about John, but I lost respect for Marianne when she only got 8 out of 10 for the Harry Potter test linked on her weblog. I got full marks on that one and I've never even read a Harry Potter book. On the other hand I have seen the sets for the forthcoming film, but although that was an education in owl training I think I can still justifiably claim that my success in the quiz was intuitive.

    That's what's worrying me about the Tom and Jerry quiz. I was intuitively wrong. Otherwise my score would never have been as low as 1 out of 7.

  8. 2. I got 2.

  9. Anonymous4:36 am

    2/7... this was a strange test.

  10. Anonymous8:38 pm


    I'm actually quite proud of that...

  11. I do know that it is 9 years later, but I am only now reading my way through your blog and time's an illusion anyway. So here it is.

    (I actually took pen and paper and did the whole thing properly. Not sure how that happened.)

  12. Several years too late but 4/7 woohoo! :D

  13. Dominic C.4:31 am

    I'm nine years late to the test, and I only got 3 out of 7 right.

    That is most certainly not a passing grade!

    I suppose I'll need to retake the course on Artistic Analysis of Toms and Jerries before I can even think about actually becoming a Jerry-atric Tom-ographer .

  14. Anonymous9:56 am

    A gallant five!

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