Friday 20 October 2006

Middlesex pluckily takes a stand against the dreaded wall thieves.


  1. Anonymous6:25 pm

    Damned liberal! These signs are there for a reason - namely theft by ghetto dwelling criminals. You're sort of lily livered lefty who probably says withdraw from Iraq now.

  2. Anonymous6:26 pm

    My blog address is if you want to see some proper blue sky thinking.

  3. Anonymous12:00 am

    the entire property of the county of middlesex?

    you'd hope they have a bit more property than just one poxy wall if they're going to call themselves a county...

  4. Ah! I hadn't thought of it like that. I assumed it was a bullish statement to ward off anyone else who had their beady eyes on Middlesex's wall. But now I'm afraid it might be a plaintive cry for help: 'This is all we've got!' Let's start a campaign - Help Buy Middlesex Some More Property!

  5. I walk by this wall every day and its baffled me for some time. Unbelievably enough, much of Shoreditch used to be in Middlesex (
    ) and I guess as their boundaries retreated, they felt the need to make a stand!

  6. The middle aged Frog, please don't touch MY wall, hé hé...7:48 pm

    oh, you mean that Middlesex IS really a county ? I had somehow misunderstood that all : I thought that was a joke about a wall exclusively intended to middle aged people to have sex close to it....
