Thursday 16 December 2010

Min...nie, how I love ya, how I love ya, my dear ol' Minnie.

You don't hear so much these days about Mickey Mouse's stint in the Black and White Minstrel Show, do you?

...Not unless you ride the Bakerloo line on the London Underground. 


  1. Is that an armrest I see, or are you just pleased to see me?

  2. The Bakerloo Line? Is that the one that Matthew Green gleefully told me yesterday only went into service in 1906?

  3. There may be a chance that Mr. Green needs to find grander things from which to impart glee.

  4. See, I need someone who looks at things the way you do to write a script for my Harry Hill comic strip. If only you weren't so darned busy!

  5. Wow. I AM busy, but that does sound fun. What does it involve? My email is cabinpressure at johnfinnemore removethisbit dot com.

  6. Mmh... Lord knows I've tried! I've tried every combination of that email I can think of, but I can't send you an email! is there something i should know??
    Anyway, here's my blog!

  7. Ooh, we saw these when we took the Bakerloo line to one of your Priory Engagements! Which, by the way, was so brilliant we're saving up to come back to one in May :)

    Also seeing the little Mickey Mouse things was rather pleasing :)

  8. The Bakerloo Line? Is that the one that Matthew Green gleefully told me yesterday only went into service in 1906?
