Sunday 19 June 2011

Just 'partly', though?

Turned on the radio just now, and heard this exchange:

'What is it about these limestone pavements that makes them so endangered? Why are they so threatened?'

'Well, partly it's because there aren't many of them.'

...Yep. His story checks out.


  1. 'Like A Limestone Pavement'? Wasn't that a song by Glen Campbell?

    Loved last night - big congratumatations to all involved. Looking forward to the next!

  2. Perhaps also partly because there are so few of them?

  3. Anonymous6:46 pm

    Idunno, there weren't many phoenixes but they were rarely considered endangered.

  4. Now I'm picturing new limestone pavements rising gloriously from the ashes of their self-immolation.

  5. Anonymous7:32 pm

    also partly as they find it so difficult to get out & about & meet other likeminded pavements with whom they can raise flocks of limestone garden paths... anyway.

    Enjoyed the show last night. Although I did have a somewhat disturbing dream about sealions.

    Please can we have more of the spy who came in from the lobotomy? Would make wonderful punctuation for the new series.

  6. Anonymous6:38 am

    Your pedantry (aka 'delight in language') is one of the things I enjoy most about your writing, John. I was only listening to 'Edinburgh' again yesterday and the 'momentarily' sequence is still a favourite of mine. As a card-carrying hair-splitter myself I am always reassured to know that other people are thinking these thoughts too. [NB: I often find myself shouting at the TV "Why an upsurge? Has anyone ever seen a downsurge???"]

  7. Anonymous9:12 am

    I've just been reading some revision notes for my History GCSE on Nazi Germany when I saw this sentence: "The [Weimar] government became effectively useless." Did it? Well, I'm glad that its uselessness, at least, was effective in stemming the rise of Hitler. Or should I be doing more revision?

  8. The other part is that their genitals are used in Chinese medicine

  9. Also leaving my congratumatations to you and your spiffing cast for Saturday night. Recalling it made a long yesterday at work much better, despite said work being TOO RUDE! ;)

    By the way, that Cabin Pressure thing you do has a rather good write up in the new Radiotimes. Can't wait!

  10. Anonymous7:56 am

    The other part is that there are susceptible to damage from acidic rain
