Thursday 4 August 2011

Anywhere but home.

Ok, it's looking suspiciously like there will not, in fact, be a Rotterdam blog - there just hasn't been enough time and energy this week. Sorry about that if you were looking forward to it - I will definitely do a St. Petersburg one tomorrow. And if time and energy permits, I may do Rotterdam another time.

Also, if you would like to come and see the first recording of my new, and STILL untitled, Radio 4 sketch show, you can apply for free tickets here. It's at 7.15 on the 16th August, in, I'm afraid, London. (I'm not really afraid. I'm glad it's in London. That's where I live.)


  1. Re titles: The loudest cheer may have been for Finnemore's Revenge - however I think John Finnemore's Souvenir Program is the better of the two. The loud cheering seemed to come from your fan club. I didn't cheer for the Souvenir Program title though because it was deathly silent and I was rather near the front.

    (On a related note, something I was wondering but didn't want to stay afterwards and ask - are you going to use that sketch of the husband and wife arguing about the fridge door in your show?? Fairly sure it's a Mitchell and Webb sketch. Which implies you wrote it but would assume you wouldn't use it in your new show as well, was it just a filler because you were short of a sketch?)

  2. AH! You say September 16th, BBC Tickets says August. I shall take their word as gospel as they say "All information is correct at time of publication" and you are overworked. But please confirm!

  3. Lucy- You may well be right about titles. Certainly you are not alone in thinking that. Thank you! And yes, I did write the fridge door sketch, but I did also sell it, so I won't be using it- except, as you guessed, as filler for the live show.

    Eanoen - Argh! Yes, you quite right, thank you - I've corrected it.

  4. Oh I so hope it's August not September, otherwise I can't come.

    I really must apologise for being so very late on Saturday; we were well and truly let down by trains and the tube - though we were still able to pay for your show, which was a relief :) (Just to illustrate how bad our journeys were both ways, we left home at 6.15 and returned 6 hours later - of which 35 minutes were spent at your show. It was still worth it though.)

    Has 'Finnemore's Compendium' been considered as a title? I did quite like 'Finnemore's Almanac' and 'Finnemore Please' from a couple of weeks ago too. Of Revenge and Souvenir Programme I preferred the latter. Finding out the eventual title will be almost as exciting as hearing the programme itself!

  5. (Oh, phew re: the date)

  6. Aww, honey, make sure to get some rest. c:

  7. Daedalus4:07 pm

    Re: St. Petersburg

    Here's a bird strike story. Just yesterday a colleague told me how a pigeon cannoned off his car and into the path of another at 65 mph. Later he checked the hood, er bonnet and found an important part of the pigeon wedged in a crevice. Left on the grass and photographed, it looked just like someone had buried the bird up to its neck...

  8. Sarah4:16 pm

    St. Petersburg is brilliant! Just listened to it and now grinning from ear to ear.

    Did I imagine the almost quote from Flanders and Swann?

  9. Anonymous5:50 pm

    St Petersburg - brilliant!!
    Will there be a series 4????
    (please say yes!!)

  10. Ooooowwww rotterdam is the one I came to see live and have been looking forward to your blog post about it . Particularly about how great the audience were. Please please write a blog entry x

  11. I've got tickets for the recording :) Managed to miss the live test runs entirely due to life being just too busy, but I'll be there on the 16th, providing the BT engineer who's fitting my phone line turns up on time that day!

    I hope that masses of extra tickets haven't been given out, like some of the other recordings I've been to. Over an hour in a queue only to be told to go away is kind of frustrating!

  12. Glad your doing a show in august as I found out too late about the July shows, and I don't think my sister would have been pleased about me missing her wedding. No competition really, it would have been your show every time. Another fantastic C.P. and as you say fantastic finale, was lucky enough to be in the audience and bloody hilarious mono-syllabic 'Tommo' hope he makes a come back, good luck with the show on 16th.

  13. Also does anyone know how I can get hold of C.P on CD I not keen on the idea of downloading.

  14. New show? From you? *throws confetti in the air* While I don't live anywhere near London, I'm ridiculously excited for whenever it will air.

  15. Great, stand by.
    I know how hard is to work and be a blogger at the same time, i stop blogging a few months ago because i just can't do it, is to much.
    Thanks and good luck
