Sunday 11 December 2011

24 things I drew this month - Thing Ten

Oh dear - missed a day again. I'll put two up today to compensate. Here's the first. 


Sparrow said...

Kind of looks like Stephen Fry to me. I guess because I was watching Jeeves and Wooster last night.

JC said...

I wasnt watching any Stephen Fry related programming last night and he was the first person I taught of when I saw it.

Anonymous said...

Must be Stephen Fry. Or someone with the same nose.

Anonymous said...

Stephen Fry! I love him :D

Gordiana17 said...

Stephen Fry!!! I was lucky enough to meet him in London outside National Theatre after Frankenstein.
I wonder if he sat somewhere near me...

Anonymous said...

@Gordiana17 You got to meet Stephen Fry AND see Frankenstein?! Hmmm, I've turned a strange shade of green... :/

Rebecca said...

My first thought was Stephen Fry, too. Great pic!

Anwyn en fa said...

Love the study in blue! Makes me think of the TARDIS-oh, there's an idea... You should draw the man who makes the sound of the TARDIS. I bet he's handsome.

Gordiana17 said...

@Sarah-L-B I hope you are all right now. You made me sorry for having write it... I just could not help it. Sorry!!!

adubs132 said...

i wish i were as artistic as you. WHY ARE YOU SO TALENTED?! YOUR TALENT! It hurts so good.

kodama said...

Again, I love the way you put colours.

TR said...

Wow, the resemblance is uncanny! Fantastic work!

Hannah said...

I could see it was Steven Fry!!!! You're a brilliant writer AND artist