Sunday 11 December 2011

24 things I drew this month - Thing Eleven

Yes, that last one was meant to be Stephen Fry, but it didn't quite come off. The mouth is all wrong. Similarly, this one is meant to be William Hague, and has also not quite come off. Caricature is hard. You see, this is why I normally make faces up - then you can't get them wrong.


  1. Ah, you had me fooled. I thought the other one was Stephen Fry, but then I thought that can't be right, because Stephen Fry is not a thing.

    William Hague, on the other hand... no doubts about him at all.

  2. Being on the other side of the pond, my first thought on this one was Dwight D. Eisenhower.

    I keep checking the Cabin Pressure iplayer page, hoping for a Christmas special!

  3. You should try some 'carrotcatures' which is what people would look like if they were carrots.

  4. Anonymous7:05 pm

    The Stephen Fry drawing was great! But this one gives me the creeps...he looks like he wants to eat me alive o_O

  5. Daedalus7:20 pm

    Dept. of Hiding Light Under Bushels: even as I write I'm listening to John debating with Sue Perkins on "Dilemma".

    And yes, you can buy guns and ammo at WalMart in the US...just not in NY.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. Now I have a face to associate with the author as I continue reading Hague's biography of William Pitt the younger.

    In this case, I'm not sure that it's a good thing...

  8. It's a dead ringer for Megamind, but more evil. (c:

    Very nice. Now, how about a self caricature?

  9. Some people are easier to draw than others. In our illustration program, we came up with a word for those who possess an easily representable visage: illustraquacious. Akin to photogenic, but with drawing.

  10. Now that you say it, I see Stephen Fry. As for this one, I don't know who William Hague is, so for all I know, this could be a perfect likeness.

  11. It reminds me of Dwight Eisenhower. Still, at least it looks like a person. All my portraits tend to look like they've had some industrial accident involving acid.

  12. Anonymous12:28 pm

    Emily Michelle, do you know what Google is?

  13. I'll have to look up whi this Hague guy is, as my knowledge of british culture is so, so low...
