Thursday 15 December 2011

24 things I drew this month - Thing Fifteen

I've only drawn one line today; but in fairness it is quite a complicated line.

Click for bigger (actually, that goes for any of these drawings) 

Team A

Team B


  1. Anonymous12:21 am

    now that's a beautiful thing... a man with a plan...

  2. Sparrow1:33 am

    F5 - F5 - F5 - F5 - F5 - F5 - F5 - F5

    Can't wait!

  3. THAT is a great, I think single line? drawing! Bravo, my favorite to date!

    Next year, A new sculpture each month for 12 months. Bet you could do it!

  4. THIS Sir, should be your new signature.

  5. That's a very interesting and creative exercise. And the resulting drawing is fantastic. I'm curious where'd you get the idea from?

  6. Anonymous6:38 am

    After trying several of the inadequate variety, I am left convinced that I have no words to describe my reaction to such a line as this. Only that I hope sobriety checkpoints never make it the standard of the sort of line one must walk.

  7. I really like this one, it's beautiful.
    Nice line ;)

  8. Anonymous7:39 am

    Maybe I am biased due to my love of elephants, but I think this is the best so far. I also love the style/concept.

  9. Anonymous7:43 am

    This was brilliant! You, sir, are incredibly talented.

  10. Anonymous7:56 am

    Wow! Echoing everybody else who thought this was the best yet, but I'm curious to know ... right-to-left, or left-to-right?


  11. Rebecca8:41 am

    That's amazing! Great idea.

    The left end of the rope looks more like someone set a pen on paper and the right more like the end of a stroke. I'd be willing to bet a Camenbert it's left-to-right. ;-)

  12. Glad you all like it! I think it's my favourite so far.

    Cringing Wretch - I completely nicked the idea from, er, Picasso. (If you're going to steal, steal from the best.) Google his one line bull-fights, they're incredible.

    FP - Right to left. So that the men were pulling against the line. Therefore...

    Rebecca - You owe me a Camenbert...

  13. Anonymous10:28 am

    Mr Finnemore, that is incredible, definitely my favourite!
    So not only do you have the talent to write THE funniest radio series ever, you're also ridiculously talented at art. No fair!

  14. Wow! Brilliant. Speechless second time.
    Are you sure you are Earthling?

  15. Anonymous11:33 am

    My favourite so far. It may be a single line but you are definitely not a one trick pony

  16. You, Sir, have more than your fair share of talent. :)

  17. Rebecca12:07 pm

    John: Ah, bugger. I should have gone for a hard cheese with holes; would have been easier to draw without looking like a cake. But here you go.

    (I hope the link goes through.)

  18. Nance2:20 pm

    Love this. I notice that guy on the end of team B is not pulling his own weight. Or perhaps you sketched in a muscle sprain?

  19. Anonymous3:42 pm

    I love it :) One line, that's impressive. I've tried to draw like that before and it looked nothing as amazing as this!

  20. Anonymous5:53 pm

    I don't perceive muscle sprain in the guy on the end. I like his different posture as anchor

  21. Anonymous7:23 pm

    OK, it's Christmas already with that one!

  22. i want that for my wall. i know just how that elephant feels.

  23. Petina8:29 pm

    A fine line!

  24. Anonymous9:27 pm

    John...not bad eh! As an aspiring artist who wistfully goes through daily updates from eatsleepdraw wishing she had some talent, I applaud you for your efforts. Keep up the art updates and also the funny photos! Big fan right here!

  25. Anonymous9:53 pm

    I just wanted to say that your blog, your radio shows and general humour are helping me so very much right now. I'm going through a rough time and yet somehow I still manage to laugh out loud and smile when I sit down to enjoy your work. It reminds me of the simple pleasures in life which we must never forget. I adore you :)

  26. Anonymous12:18 am

    I feel slightly proud that I thought "Picasso!" the moment I saw this. Wow, this is amazing! If I admired your drawing skills until now I now downright envy them.

  27. Wow oh wow oh wow oh wow. I already was in awe of your drawing abilities but now I am simply astounded!

    Seriously. You can write, you can act, you can sing, you can draw - what's next, dancing?! (Actually I wouldn't be surprised to find out you could dance.)

  28. Everyone - Thank you!

    Rebecca - That's an excellent Camembert, and doesn't in the least look like a cake.

    Nance - I think the guy at the back is the anchorman, and is meant to stand like that. He is in the source, anyway. But now you've drawn my attention to him, I'm more concerned that he seems to only be wearing one boot...

    Sarah - I'm very glad to be able to help, in however tiny a way. Hang in there - it will get better. It always does, eventually.

    Lottie - You'll be relieved to know I really, really can't dance. (And I can't really sing, either.)

  29. You know what? Single line drawings could be a good holiday activity! Every year I go slightly bonkers staying at the crowded relative's house, and every year, a creative activity is the cure. So what's the equipment needed here ... one pen!

  30. I refuse to believe you can't sing - we've all heard the zoo song!!!!!

  31. Oh wow, this is amazing... I can't even sign my name in a single line!

  32. I love, love, LOVE this! Can I buy it? Or at least, get hold of a copy? Pleeeeeeease?

  33. This is absolutely brilliant! And not because I'm coining that statement from Arthur. I just couldn't think of a better adjective for this.

    Have you done something like this before? Hope you could do another one like it.

  34. If you sold that curlicue of an elephant as a print I would buy it. Honestly.

    I would buy two.

  35. Wow! That is most impressive!

    How long did it take you to do this one?

  36. Anonymous11:50 pm

    Not a chance you'd be selling prints of this, is there?
