Tuesday 24 January 2012

Why don't you get yourself a little trophy?

More good news - there is to be a second series of John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme! We don't know precisely when yet; but we do know that there will be six episodes this time round. Which means that, along with series four of Cabin Pressure, I now have twelve half hours of radio comedy to write. Gulp.

Also, the lovely people at the British Comedy Guide Awards have voted C.P. best radio sitcom of 2011, and J.F's S.P. best radio sketch-show. Thank you, them!


  1. Can't wait for both of them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! [either of them?]

    (Though especially Cabin Pressure -- I am really enjoying the progression of the series.)

  2. Oh, that is good news indeed!

    Now we have two things to look forward to this year. Congratulations again on the win, you deserved it!

    Now don't forget, Goldilocks and the 3 bears :)

  3. HOORAY!!!

    You do have your work cut out for you. I hope it will be as rewarding for you as I'm certain it will be for us.

    And...if it works out...looking very much forward to Eeyore the Old Gray Potions Master. Or some invocation of Alan Rickman.

  4. Whoops! Sorry. Grey.

  5. yellow car2:51 am

    congratulations and hooray!

  6. prwelly2:52 am

    Great news on series two for the Souvenir Programme. And yes, what Ross Bennett said: More Eeyore. Much more Eeyore. That will fill at least, I dunno, three minutes.

    (Already done the congrats on the awards thing via Twitter, so won't repeat that here).

    And enjoyed your outing on NewsQuiz (why IS the sky blue?! Magic, sayeth the Toksvig. And she be right). I guess with ALL these comedy shows to write the likelihood of further appearances on this or the Now Show are slim to none?!

  7. Yay!
    I tend to listen to Cabin Pressure on my way to work and the dialogue makes me laugh like a maniac, which in turn makes all the other passangers on the bus quite uncomfortable.

  8. Congratulations! Also enjoying your regular appearances lately on the variety of panel and comedy shows hanging around iplayer these days!

  9. Anonymous6:01 am

    Completely fantastic news!!!

    Me and my two sisters are forever having entire conversations just using CP & JFSP quotes, generally finishing up with my lil sis's " ha-ha I can see you winkie!" which can get tricky if we're in a public place.

    So 12 new episodes and plenty of awards now under your belt... no real pressure then. ;)

    Can't wait!!!! Woohoo!!! Yellow car...


  10. Molly6:10 am

    For some reason, a quote I once heard springs to mind: "Oh, well done, sir. Very well done!" My most gleeful congratulations on your wins, and your shows-to-come. Thanks for all the grand shows we've had already, too.

  11. Congratulations once again! I've done it on Twitter, but you won two awards, so second congratulations seems appropriate ;)
    Hooray! Brilliant!
    Can't wait! (Yellow car)
    So there are chance, I will die from laughing this year ;)

  12. Just the right amount of brilliant.

    And, on top of it all, you'll get to do the TARDIS noises for the upcoming series of Doctor Who, too, yes?

  13. SRWilkin8:43 am


    We'll have to get you another lemon.

  14. Anonymous9:45 am

    This is seriously going to be a good year!! :D Congrats JF!!

  15. Anonymous9:52 am

    OK, so why isn't Cabin Pressure available to buy as CDs in the BBC Shop? I know it's available to download on Amazon as MP3s but then only I can listen to it ~ I want to have CDs so all the family can listen in. Annoying!
    Congratulations on the award ~ looking forward to series 4.

  16. Congratulations!

    and... congratulations! ;)

  17. Congratulations! I'm very much looking forward to both! Also, Good Luck with writing that much! Though I have no doubt it'll all be excellent.

  18. Anonymous11:23 am

    I'm so happy for you, John! And even more happy for me. More Cabin Pressure - yay! More Souvenir Programme - yay!

  19. The good news just keeps on coming, doesn't it? So much to look forward to :D

    And congratulations on the awards!

  20. Lesley-Anne12:46 pm

    As Heir will say, when I pick him up from school this afternoon and let him know of your worthy victories, in an excellent impression he has been perfecting: BRILLIANT!

  21. Anonymous1:44 pm


  22. Patricia2:06 pm

    Muchas Felicidades por el premio!!!
    Y buenas noticias para todos tus Fans..... Muchas Gracias por hacerme reir en los peores momentos de mi vida!!!!! Gracias a ti siempre siempre estoy sonriendo. Estoy deseando escuchar las nuevas temporadas de Cabin Pressure y de John Finnemore´s Souvenir Programme!!!

  23. Anonymous2:15 pm

    I was genuinely excited when I heard about those award yesterday, congratulations! Very much deserved.

    I'm glad they're both coming back, comedy had proven to be very good for my soul recently!

  24. Anonymous2:31 pm

    Also, I'd never tasted white Toblerone before I listened to Cabin Pressure. Now it's one of my favourite things. =D

  25. Daedalus2:37 pm

    Just like to add that John indirectly shares a third award for "The Unbelievable Truth", in which he often gets a credit for chairman David Mitchell's script.

  26. Congratulations on the wins and on a fantastic 2011 -- and what's shaping up as a great 2012.

    I voted for you in both categories, hence you are now my (Double) Representative to British Comedy. Expect a petition outlining demands.

  27. Rebecca4:48 pm

    Best knews I've heard all year. Congrats and good luck with the writing!

  28. I voted for both of them :D

  29. BlushingRose5:45 pm

    That - is - brilliant! Congratulations!
    I'll be listening out for both :D

  30. Anonymous5:52 pm

    You write it, we listen to it. Deal, John?

  31. Anonymous6:21 pm

    Hooray! Fantastic news. :) And well deserved.

  32. Excellent news! Really looking forward to both and awards were entirely well-deserved!!

    Have already really enjoyed hearing you on my radio this year - you were brilliant on the News Quiz and Unbelievable Truth (even if I am still completely confused about crocodile tears...)

    Oh - and the News Quiz Panto was amazing...a sort of condensed, hilarious essence of radio 4 ( so glad I have the podcast for re-listening)!

  33. Only six new episodes of CP - what about Z?! (Christmas special, maybe - you'll have plenty of time for that...)

  34. I am extremely excited about all of that. Well done for the awards, and I can't wait for more CP and SF!

  35. GhaleonQ11:39 pm

    I especially can't wait for Souvenir Programme. If only we Americans could reward you for it. Hopefully, thanks is enough.

  36. Petina12:55 am

    Well, thank you, you!
    As my daughter would say, you are a legend.

  37. Mandy3:38 am

    Huzzah! Well deserved wins, sir.

    2012 is going to be a golden year, with so much CP and JFSP... looking forward to more Unbelievable Truth too...

    You pretty much own most of the intellectual content on BBC Radio 4 now, I would wager!

  38. Tektonick2:32 pm

    Congratulations! I've been enjoying Cabin Pressure very much! If only the Souvenir Programme was also available, I'd pay gladly.

  39. 2fishinatank10:24 pm

    Brilliant! Well done you!
    Oh and pretty please get someone to sort out your wiki page - I have friends who really do seem to use wiki as their sole source for information and yours...well...um...
    So pretty pretty please? For me? And my ignorant friends?

  40. So so so deserved, John! Congrats and I'm super excited for both (especially for Cabin Pressure though!). Can you please have something nice happen to Martin? My heart goes out to him so much and his life sounds a bit miserable, I hope he can get a tiny salary or maybe have a romantic fling ;p.

    By the way, I assume season 4 will come back with the same cast as before. Can you please confirm?

  41. Think you might enjoy this story, thinking of the MJN crew handling this situation gave me a laugh.

  42. Anonymous4:06 pm

    singleton trophies get lonely, so hurrah! for the potential bookends with friends! You get busy writing, we'll cover the anxiously waiting and then listening end of things.

  43. rah rah rah!

    It was Burling Day on Cabin Pressure on Radio 4 Extra this week. Episodes like that edge into Dad's Army territory. Hope to use the nail varnish/miniature trick in the future...

  44. CONGRATS, John!!!

    Thank you, thank you, thank you for more CP and SP! Here in the States, we have a lukewarm election for president coming up, the threat of economic collapse, and a dearth of quality entertainment to help us forget the other two. Thank GOD for you, John! I now have two reasons to go on!

  45. I knew 2012 would be great!!!
    Congratulations ;)

  46. Anonymous5:00 pm

    Congratulations on both counts! Does this mean there will be more trials runs at The Albany? *hint hint*

  47. Thanks for the thanks and congratulations!

    Answers to questions:

    Prwelly -I am doing one Now Show in the next series.

    Treacle Tin - Sadly, there are no plans to bring C.P. out on CD. I asked about it, but apparently the company who sell all of Pozzitive's stuff says CDs no longer sell well enough to justify making them. I was disappointed too.

    Patricia - I have no idea what you said, but the exclamation marks seem to indicate you're pleased (or angry, I suppose.) Assuming it's the former, Gracias!

    Anon -White Toblerone, really? Ugh. I share Arthur's love for the 'rone; but I can't stand white chocolate.

    Riflet - I am your obedient servant.

    2fishinatank - I don't edit my own Wikipedia page, because that way madness lies. But you're welcome to do so yourself!

    Xialou - I hope so. But no, I can't confirm.

    Anon - There will be more trial runs, but sadly not at the Albany, which is turning the basement into a restaurant. So, if anyone knows of any cheap and friendly 100 seater venues in London, do let me know.

  48. Congratulations and brilliantly well deserved. By the way, did you write this: http://blog.sleepinginairports.net/2012/01/29/airports-in-the-news/ ??

  49. Congratulations - and brillinatly deserved. (And by the way, did you write this: http://blog.sleepinginairports.net/2012/01/29/airports-in-the-news/ ?)

  50. LynneM10:43 am

    Congratulations on the well-deserved awards! And great news that there will be further series of CP and JFSP- excellent. I've enjoyed your recent panel game/quiz type appearances too- always thought your style of humour makes you a natural Radio Four-ite. Happy (busy!) New Year!

  51. Karin5:57 pm

    Yay! That's really great news and congratulations to you sir! Absolutley loved first series of Souvenir Programme and Cabin Pressure is one of my favourite shows.

  52. Anonymous7:50 pm

    May I add my congratulations to those from everyone else, add my thanks for the enormous amount of pleasure you have provided and for helping me get through some dark times and express my excitement at the prospect of being able to look forward to more Cabin Pressure and Souvenir Programme. By the way, I think it’s time MJN visited us here in Australia... By the way, I am driving a bright yellow car myself at the moment so am able to play Yellow Car on my own.... Edward

  53. Anonymous12:13 am

    I stumbled across Cabin Pressure a couple of weeks ago while trawling through Radio 4 extra's comedy shows and promptly and stupidly listened to 'Douz' at work with the earphones on.

    Apparently, my giggling could be heard all over the open plan office, but I was so caught up I didn't realise. Now I've bought all three series on MP3 and it's possibly the best investment for my ears I've every made.

    It should win everything going. Story arcs within shows and over the series are beautifully constructed and the cast can't be bettered.

    Thanks so much.

  54. Anonymous12:31 am

    Congratulations! And hoorah for more Cabin Pressure! Can't wait! This year has suddenly improved immeasurably :)
    (excitement allows for excessive use of exclamation marks...)

  55. Patricia said, roughly, this:

    Many congratulations on the award! And good news for all your fans... Thanks for making me laugh during the worst moments of my life! Thanks to you I am always, always smiling. I'm looking forward to hearing the new episodes of Cabin Pressure and of John Finnemore´s Souvenir Programme!!!

    ...to which I can only say, hear hear!

  56. Mr Finnemore, just wanted to say I recently started listening to Cabin Pressure and think it's perfectly brilliant! I love the writing and the humor and I really really like Arthur's character :)

    Btw, has anyone told you that you sound a LOT like Martin Freeman. Which makes these radio programmes a little confusing in my head, what with Benedict Cumberbatch also involved.

    Anyway, am in the states and tho I wish I could listen to it on radio I'm very happy to own them all through Audible. Congratulations on the success! And I can't wait for series 4 :)

  57. Anonymous6:15 pm

    yesssssss!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! get in there. thats great news - well done! i am looking forward to them both :P

  58. Anonymous3:16 am


    Best of luck!

  59. John, I just wanted to let you know how much I ADORE "Cabin Pressure." Living in the States, I just recently purchased a UK proxy server so I could see the new series of "Sherlock," and discovered the BBC iPlayer Radio channels along with the TV channels.

    I'm not sure I'd ever listened to a radio drama before -- but I am utterly hooked and have already purchased the digital files on Amazon for all three series of CP. Absolutely genius writing (I almost said "Brillant" and thought better of it :D ). One last episode to listen to for the first time, and then I'll go looking for "Souvenir." Congratulations on such phenomenal work!

  60. Anonymous11:51 am

    Hi John,

    Thank you very much for Cabin Pressure! I'm Russian, and yet it's really funny for me to listen to every episode. I like your writing and the characters - especially Roger Allam's Douglas and your Arthur. And all four are an interesting group. Keep up the good work! "Brilliant!" :o)


  61. Anonymous8:43 am

    Sorry that I write here, but it seems I'm stupid and not capable of finding your e-mail anywhere )
    Just wanted to say that I find Cabin Pressure great, I don't know if it would be a compliment , but as great as P.G.Wodehouse works.
    And as deep and real as only the best stories can be, parteke of reality, as Tolkien said in "on fairy stories".
    your world is very real, very deep, thank you for building it with such attentiveness to details,and sharing with us all )
    not to mention that the topic of pilots and airlines seem to be very romantic and heroic, and i've never read or heared anything better than Cabin Pressure!
    May all the inspiration in the world be with you! )

  62. Anonymous4:18 am

    Is there an official transcript available for the Cabin Pressure series? I'm about set to punch someone in the face for insisting on being wrong about the "Warren Tofficer" line in Ipswich and it would be nice to have concrete proof to smack them in the face with.

  63. Anonymous10:56 am

    Hello! you probably don't care but I am french and I must tell you that my friends and I are total fans of cabin pressure :D We can't wait for series four, hope it's coming soon now!!! Anyway thank you for writing such a great sitcom and please keep on making us laugh as loud :D

  64. Dawny D12:38 am

    Late to the party as always. Very well done :-D Is there any way of getting JFSP? Interesting thing re-CDs Amazon seem to have got CP CDs coming out in the summer

  65. oh oh more of cabin pressure and JFSP!!!!!!!!!! *fans herself* how epicly BRILLIANT :) :) :) :) :)
    oh and also, in cp s4 could you do one where martin has a lucky and a jolly good day, arthur finds a girlfriend, douglas loses at everything (including the cheesetray) and carolyn and herc get married :) :) that, sir, will be the death of all us screaming fans

  66. Sarah (the other Sarah)11:04 am

    Mr Finnemore.. re: your Wiki and the bare nature of it... one of the things I admire is that you have managed to keep your private life private. Not easy to do these days is it?

    The little devil on my left shoulder would love to know more, but the good angel on my right shoulder agrees with me that its none of my business.

    Well done you


  67. Anonymous3:58 am

    Has there been any word on Series 4 of Cabin Pressure? Running out of time this year!
