Friday 27 April 2012

Three things.

Firstly: The BBC are repeating series two of Cabin Pressure. So, they'll be available on iPlayer again for a bit, starting with episode one, Helsinki.

Secondly: As sort of half announced earlier, I am doing three more John Finnemore's Priory Engagements; the semi-secret (as in, only announced on this blog) try-outs in a lovely pub in Kilburn of new material for the second series of my sketch show. The  first is this very Sunday, and then there are two more in May. Tickets are available here.

Thirdly: Sometimes I worry that my alarm clock is disappointed in me. 


  1. Anonymous6:08 pm

    it loves you as much as we do, and will smile when you tell us the who's and whens for CP4

  2. Anonymous7:48 pm

    Well, I suppose if you have nothing to do at 2:30 in the morning ...

    Also, that clock is excellent.

  3. I wouldn't be pleased either if someone'd ripped my face off.

  4. I think you're looking at the wrong side of your alarm clock. Spin it around and set the time to 10 past 10, then it'll be smiling again. Most things are unhappy from their rear!

    Been telling everyone who will listen where to find Cabin Pressure on iplayer. Can't wait for season 4 of it and also more Souvenir Program!

  5. Anonymous12:03 am

    I kept my alarm clock faced away from me at all times at university because it made that face.

    Well, until I gave it to my photographer flat-mate. I think she smashed it up in the end?

    That wiped the frown off it's face...

  6. Anonymous3:11 am

    Your alarm clock's just sad because someone's hammered a nail into its forehead. Hard to stay chirpy under those circumstances.

  7. Anonymous2:47 pm

    damn, why not the bank holday sunday :( hat would be the only one i could make
    :D alarm clock

  8. Anonymous5:39 pm

    I don't know what your alarm clock's problem is. Your blogs about the thoughts and feelings of inanimate objects always bring a smile to my face!


  9. Aww, that's really cute! Also, if I had an alarm clock I don't think it'd ever be very pleased with me because I usually 'snooze' my alarm and go back to sleep ... I can't imagine an alarm clock would be very happy to be ignored.

  10. I don't know. I think it looks rather depressed. Maybe it feels you are ignoring it.

  11. Anonymous12:57 am

    Mr Alarm Clock is not disappointed but sad! Just sing him a song, it'll cheer him up!

  12. Daedalus4:14 am

    The NY Times has at least two fawning write-ups on Benedict this last week. His star is rising over here what with Sherlock appearing again and the upcoming Star Trek movie. Will he be available as Martin? Who knows...

  13. Anonymous10:12 am

    Icarus removals replies, if he wants to ever come back to england he will :-P
    Actually you have a point he turned down a broadway transfer didnt he, but CP is a matter of days not months. I have faith in John and his evil alarm clock to haunt the cheekbones into surrender, so do 1 000's of others.

  14. Daedalus5:37 pm

    Well, if Andy Hamilton can snag Jay Tarses for long enough to write and record a series of "Revolting People", I guess anything is possible.

  15. Anonymous12:04 am

    Yeah, I don't think he's disappointed in you. He just desperately wants to talk to you, walk about and see the world, and maybe meet other alarm clocks his own age.
    That's actually made me a bit sad. Not that I wasn't a sad act already. I'm going to watch the yellow car video again to cheer myself up.

  16. Anonymous5:02 pm

    It is just very sad that it only gets to communicate with you when it is supposed to disturb your sleep.

  17. Well I'd be sad too if someone smacked me on my noggin every morning. It's amazing how our alarm clocks still put up with us after all of this daily abuse.

  18. Anonymous10:00 pm

    My friend Michelle and I have a Very Serious Question for your (and/or Arthur's) arbitration!

    Is this or is this not a Yellow Carr? We have been squabbling over it all weekend!

  19. Anonymous10:17 pm

    brilliant, anon in hull votes for that one :-P

  20. Anonymous10:45 pm

    Well done Drop of Indigo! I love it

  21. Hiccup10:36 pm

    Pareidolia! Also, all of Cabin Pressure got taken down from youtube so I haven't been able to get my fix lately. Thank goodness for reruns!

  22. Your alarm clock is concerned that he is supposed to wake you up but also that he does not want to disturb you when you are asleep. This is a well-known syndrome in alarm clock angst research. He has also heard about our alarm clock which described a perfect parabola out through the bedroom window and into the fish pond below when it was only doing its job. You must reassure your alarm clock.

  23. About Cabin Pressure...did Carolyn's penny-pinching ways ever lead to the forced sharing of a hotel room and bed?

  24. I just caught the latest episode of The Unbelievable Truth on BBC4; the one where you successfully caught Danielle's truth about US military's using bats as bombers and bats having good eyesight in the dark, and that reminded me terribly of the CAT-NAV sketch from the Souvenir Programme; I suspect a (possible) earlier research on the topic might have helped your luck in there.

  25. This comment has been removed by the author.

  26. But well played anyway; I think you could have scored more though if you hadn't gone too winded with the story of Dr Johnson's baby skin.

    p.s. I obviously meant Radio 4.

  27. John,

    Hi! Any update on when the next series of Cabin Pressure will be recorded? So excited!

  28. Anonymous5:04 am

    I've just spent the last three hours reading through past entries and I've been laughing like mad the whole time. Thank you for making my day a whole lot brighter : )

  29. Your alarm clock must have some serious issues if it gets to sit in a comedy writers house all day and still look that depressed.

  30. Anonymous9:03 am

    plastic fantastic :-)

    series one will be available soon

    annoying of hull

  31. Anonymous8:28 am

    Anyone else reminded of Martin & Douglas when they watch this:

  32. Anonymous1:36 pm

    excellent, thanks for sharing

  33. Anonymous9:41 pm

    Series 3 of Cabin Pressure is on BBC Radio 4 at 6.30pm starting on Tuesday May 15th!

  34. i am korean fan! cabin pressure is brilliant!!
    i'm going to go to london at sep!
    if only i could see cabin pressure public recoding!!

  35. oh i do so baldy want to come for a cabin pressure/souvenir programme public recording. and if i possibly could, id also love to tweak your cheek you adorable john finnemore!!!!!!!!!! :-* :-* :-*

  36. Anonymous10:05 pm

    I know my alarm clock is disappointed in me; I slap it round the face several times every morning!

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