Monday 24 September 2012


I've just seen a wizard in Starbucks.

I assumed the book he was reading, Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi, was either a history of magic or possibly a novel. But no, it turns out it's a book written in 1855 about transcendental magic, and how to do it.

At one point, it made him laugh.


Tealin said...

This is awesome, both for happening and for someone (you) catching it. Thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Hi John, do you ask people's permission to post their photos on your blog?

Anonymous said...

Is that not Wagner? (Former X-factor contestant, not dead composer)

Jsemleslie said...

Once, in about 1995, I saw a guy sitting in an all-night diner, giggling incessantly over the book he was reading.

On closer inspection, the book was "How to win at Nintendo games," about 1988 vintage.

We couldn't figure out what was going through his mind, but we finally decided it must be, "HA! That's ridiculous! I can beat "Contra" in HALF that time. Up-down-up-down-left-right-left-right, etc."

Either that or he was just crazy.

Luna said...

He's got very angry-looking eyebrows.

Daedalus said...

Says here the book is written by the son of a shoemaker. Probably cobblers, then.

Anonymous said...

Do please check to ensure you're not now a toad!

Cringing Wretch said...

A wizard who can't be bothered to brew his own coffee? I suppose he's got bat testicles, rat brains and the likes in the pantry, but no instant coffee.

Kaitebon said...

My first thought was "BILL BAILEY!"

Kaitebon said...

My first thought was "BILL BAILEY!"

Anonymous said...

What is he doing so far away from Ankh-Morpork?

Anonymous said...

There used to be a shop in town which sold magic books. I used to read a few myself, just out of curiosity, but it was never my thing. Leave it to the real Wiccans :)

On another note, I met a genuine Satanist in a bookshop once. This little old man with white hair. You know what's really weird? Nicest guy I ever met. Honestly, wouldn't hurt a fly. Weird.

Sparrow said...

I never got the concept of over paying by 300% or more for a cup of coffee. I make mine in the morning, put it in a thermal cup and I'm good to go. No magic in that, just common sense for not wanting to waste money.

Can't wait for the next installment of Cabin Pressure. Maybe Martin can learn how to make just one cup of coffee!

Annie said...

He may not be a wizard but . . . are you sure he's not a knight or something? His hair and beard remind me of one of King Arthur's knights.

In fact, I almost expect him to shout "Ho wench! Go forth and brew my latte! I have a quest to finish for milady!"

The enchanted Frog said...

Don't laugh at him because he's a real wizard who could put a terrible spell on you ! His whole power is in his hair, any volunteer to cut it ?

Indy said...

I've got that book-its a riot!

Rygel16th said...

I think it might be Alan Moore's avatar. Apparently he's a wizard and worships some Roman snake god.

He'll be at home moaning about Hollywood and blowing his nose on £20 notes and the avatar says "sod this for a lark" and goes off for a poppy seed muffin and an americano.

It might also be Hagrid.

Easy to confuse the two.

NoisyJones said...

Was it a "Mwah-ha-ha" type laugh, with related rubbing of hands/twirling of moustache?

H.O.U.N.D said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
H.O.U.N.D said...

This is brilliant! xD Thanks for sharing.
Btw love your humor! Thanks for making me laugh. One of the best qualities person can have. To be able to make other laugh :)

Liz said...

Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday to you!
Happy Birthday Mr Finnemore!
Happy Birthday to you!

It happens to be my birthday too today, and I was very honoured to discover I have such a spectacular birthday twin. I hope you are having a very lovely day.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday, Mr Finnemore!

Laura G said...

Brilliant! I love birthdays! Many happy returns, Mr F.

WaterDrop said...

Happy Birthday Mr. Finnemore!! Best wishes from Romania!

Perrywinkle said...

Happy Birthday, Mr. Finnemore,

here's hoping that you have a lovely birthday on which you are appropriately celebrated and showered with a lot of nice and quirky presents (or useful ones, whichever you prefer)!

Thank you so much for all the laughs!

Perrywinkle said...

I love the new series of JFSP, btw, especially yesterday's bit about the alchemists...
Aren't you in fear of revenge now that you've revealed their secret?

Suzanne said...

Happy birthday from The Netherlands. You are absolutely amazing!

vickii said...

Happy Birthday to the brilliant you!

Unknown said...

Happy birthday and many many happy returns!
I love seeing people enjoying what they're reading, although I was embarrassed once to realise that of the two books I had taken with me on a flight, one made me laugh uncontrollably and the other made me cry.
I wish there had been a wizard on the flight.
Or a few episodes of Cabin Pressure.

Alex C said...

While (finally) purchasing the 1st 3 series from audible, as part of a 3 for 2 deal I also got Supergods by Grant Morrison - the wizard not quite pictured here. Co-incidence? I think not...

Anonymous said...

I'd go berserk if anyone (even you) posted my photo without having asked for my permission (which I'd never give). Did you ask?

Besides, I love your work!

Senja Berita said...

love this post
because your article is very interesting to read

Ulan News said...

Articles are very nice

Shiva rei said...

nice post ..
really very nice your post

Laura G said...

What has become of Radio Four Continuity? Cabin Fever? Cabin Fever! Honestly, such ignorance. It would never have happened on Charlotte Green's watch.

Rhia said...

Dear Mr Finnemore

I must say that your writing style's changed a bit since you penned 'Cabin Fever'.

Eclectic Man said...

Maybe they still have the same announcer who introduced "The go on show all those years ago"?

Molly said...

I'm much enjoying the new Souvenir Programme series. Very, very much. Thank you.

Anja said...

Is it a good or a bad sign that I own that book? My hair looks better though. I hope.

Jared said...

Did he not catch onto you at all looking at him...or even a follower of you and now see this picture of himself and the comment you left?

Anonymous said...

Is there any update to when cabin pressure will air again.

kodama said...

I knew they're among us, muggles!

Rebecca said...

I think I recognise the reader, and if it's who I think it is then he is indeed a wizard of sorts. He's an academic who researches (among other things) the relationship between magic, science and religion in early modern Europe. Knowing academics, his mirth was probably caused by a translator's error or a wry footnote :)

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