Wednesday, 27 March 2013

He chortled in his joy.

Thank you for everyone who voted for John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme in the Chortle Awards, I really appreciate it. And, hey, look… it worked! 

I am delighted. In fact, I would go so as to say I am as pleased as a metal hedgehog on a French cathedral. Which, as you can see, is very pleased indeed. 


  1. By the way, can anyone tell me what the inscription round the hedgehog says? Google Translate offers: 'Begin the soul that gives life to the itch', which I think still leaves some questions unanswered...

  2. I think Google Translate is trying to protect you from the truth and omitting the key word 'nightmare' (which I'm sure must be there somewhere, judging from the hedgehog's expression): 'Begin the nightmare that gives life to the itch in your soul.'

    'Itch' is a common medieval French metaphor for 'screaming terror which will never leave you'.

    Congraulations on the win, sir, but good lord that happy hedgehog is terrifying.

  3. Meg Gilbert1:17 pm

    I'm thrilled for you! It's utterly deserved. Congratulations!

  4. The prickly Frog1:44 pm

    Google Translate has no historic erudition but, lucky you ! since you've got french readers you'll be able to know what hedgehogs are used to in french cathedrals and what makes that one so happy ; the inscription just says :
    "Being a ringcarrier is a great promotion : I used to be a doormat"

    Btw, in which cathedral did you see that one ?

  5. as pleased as a metal French hedgehog, that is pleased indeed, congratulations.EE

  6. You deserve it! Brilliant!

  7. Jules2:43 pm

    Congratulations to you and everyone on JFSP, the award is really well-deserved!

    I think the last part, orior ex animis, should translate to something like "I descend/originate from vigour/vitality" (orior is the 1st person passive of ori, animis the dative and ablative plural form of anima.) Good grief, four years of Latin classes really didn't pay off ... ;)

    But it's rather hard to read and break down into parts the first half of the sentence. What did you enter into Google Translate?

  8. Congratulations!! Keep the good works coming!

  9. This kind of medieval inscriptions are often very tricky, I am not sure at all but I read : ORIORE EX ANIMAS UT ADAT SPIRITUS ORI

    that would means that the human ads the spirit in his soul thank to the prayer. First there is the soul then the spirit when he pries.

    This kind of play on words (Oro/Orior) is very medieval
    (medieval people had lot of humour, quite strange sometimes, but still fun!.)

    You derserve this prize, you have a very very good and intelligent writing! Thank you !
    And I always improve my english when I listen your show (My english is still very bad but...)

  10. Dear John F.,

    as I've never met a hedgehog before, but have heard a lot of stories...I know that this ring has a purpose. It should keep the hedgehog from biting an awful childhood friend's head off. At least, that is what it does for lions.
    So Google Translate is quite right...though as always, speaking in metaphors.
    I won't be doing that, but state plainly: well done! JFSP is a great show. Celebrate!!!

  11. Anonymous4:01 pm

    Congratulations! I'm very looking forward to the new series. BTW that hedgehog is BRILLIANT.

  12. Whoa! It must be quite a hedgehog because it's blocked by my corporate firewall.

    Oh, yes, congratulations and all that.

  13. Congratulations on the award! Most deserved...

    Here's to many more! (we all need more reasons to be as happy as that hedgehog)

  14. Rachel5:54 pm

    Based on my potentially very flawed attempt to read the inscription, Google Translate came up with: 'The spirit rises from the heart to the mouth'.

  15. I'm so happy for you!

    I will ask my Latin teacher... she may give me an odd look.

    Especially if its about an itch.

  16. The Real Emily6:04 pm

    Congratulations! We're all proud and happy for you and you really deserve it!

  17. *it's


  18. SJ Howitt6:06 pm

    Look at Monsieur Herrison, tres jolie!

    Well done


  19. Congratulations on the win! You should be thankful you have an awesome fanbase such as us to vote for you. ;)

    As to the inscription...First off, never trust Google Translate. I've learned that one the hard way. Secondly, I can't even tell apart the words themselves let alone translate so I'm of no help to you at all. And third, since when are hedgehogs on French cathedrals? I think my French education is severely lacking.

  20. Eclectic Man6:19 pm

    O frabjous day! Callo Callay.

    Congratulations, Mr John, though I must say I laughed out loud rather a lot at your souvenir program, so 'Chortle' seems a bit of an understatement.

    Now I wonder whether you can be persuaded to post a picture of your awards cabinet in its full glory, cos you must have quite an enviable collection by now.

    T'was brillig, and the slithy Toves
    did gyre and gimbal in the Wabe,
    all mimsy were the borogroves,
    and the mome raths outgrabe.

    (from memory)

  21. I feel like I was going to say something, but I can't for the life of me remember as I can't take my eyes away from that hedgehog. . . It's mesmerizing. Also looks more like a corgi is having a dreadful day than a pleasantly pleased hedgehog. D:

    . . .

    Oh yes, how could it slip my mind? Congratulations! :D *throws confetti, releases balloons, and shoots off a firework, for why ever not?* =D

    But yes, congrats! A well deserved award for an amazingly funny show. :)

  22. Congratulations, John... tonight on my air route from Gdansk to Warsaw I couldn't resist to repeat the CP scenes I have known by heart, about safety demonstration, captain's hat, polar bears (no wonder as there's pretty much of snow still here, aaaarghghgh), tootling the bassoon and "...then make sure your tray is folded away, and your seat back no longer reclines".. which just means YOU ARE ABSOLUTELY BRILLIANT!

  23. Anonymous7:20 pm

    Congratulations Mr. Finnemore! You deserve all your awards, Chortles or otherwise. Google translate ftw.

    (...can we name the hedgehog Chortles in honor of your excellent win?)

    --ks from Illinois

  24. This comment has been removed by the author.

  25. May myself wish yourself many congratulations for yourself winning an award today..

  26. Caroline8:05 pm

    Well deserved win there.

    As for the 'oriore' medieval french for Oreo, and the ring is therefore to represent the hedgehog's favourite biscuit? It would account for the happiness!

  27. Julia*8:42 pm

    Yay, such great news! Congratulations on your award, you really, truly deserved to win!

    Isn't this the same hedgehog?

    If so, then the inscription reads
    "Orior ex animis vitam dat spiritus oris" which, if my French is not as bad as I'm afraid it might be, should translate to
    "I am born from the mind, the mind gives life."

    There are so many possible translations for esprits depending on the context (spirit, sense(s), wit), you might want to choose your favourite here:

    I'm not really sure if the translation leaves less questions unanswered than the Google Translate one, though ... Or am I the only one who's at a loss when it comes to understanding why a hedgehog rapper is born from the mind? Was there anything else on the cathedral door that might give a clue?

  28. Julia*8:47 pm

    Oh dear, I'm so sorry, you can't click directly on the links but will have to copy/paste them ...

  29. Anonymous9:48 pm


  30. I think this is deserving of your attention Mr. Finnemore.

    A fan did a beautiful piece of art of Martin and the Princess in Gertie's Cabin.

    I don't know if you've seen it but here is a link:


  31. Anonymous12:04 am

    Congrats, well deserved! You are a comic genius!

  32. Anonymous12:37 am

    This page gives a translation into French, but I'm none the wiser!

  33. Anonymous12:38 am

    Oh congrats btw! :)

  34. So well deserved--many congratulations, John! And I am madly in love with the hedgehog--I may have gone entirely off otters in his favor!

  35. And the inscription on the door pull says "I am born of the spirit; the spirit gives life." In this case, it's the Holy Spirit.

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  38. Anonymous9:07 am

    Congratulations! You've all earnt this. So well deserved.

  39. that doorhandle looks like something out of scrooge.

  40. Dear John,

    I'm very happy to hear the news. Congratulations!

    All my love from Japan

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  42. This comment has been removed by the author.

  43. Anonymous5:04 pm

    Man, that's great news! Congratulation.

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  45. Anonymous6:28 pm

    Congratulations on your win! All that toil and sweat for a sweet measure of recognition. Well done! I love your programme and I look forward to more of the cabin crews antics in the future. Our family loves Arthur dearly, he is the best. Cheers!

  46. Justyna11:37 pm

    as you have been travelling across Europe I'd like to say GRATULACJE! ;)and you are very welcomed to Poland too :))

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  48. Anonymous8:30 am

    Well done, Sir, well done!

    If I have a shop selling keys, I would definitely offer you a medal. And that would be 12 pounds, please. :)

    Stay awesome, Mr Finnemore!

    ZIP and the kids,
    Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

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  57. bravo echo echo4:17 pm

    congratulations Mister Finnemore!!!

  58. Anonymous3:50 am

    Hurray, and congratulations to you and the fecund Gallic hedgehog of your imagination!

    Cheryl from Orange County, CA

  59. Yay!!! So delighted for you!!!!!

    The hedgehog inscription has a misspelling. It should read "Being the soul that gives life to the itch"

    No unanswered questions there, eh?

  60. Anonymous5:06 am

    Congrats! You deserve it!

  61. Thomas9:37 am

    I agree with Julia's reading, but I think the translation is more to do with being holy and saying good things.

    "Orior ex animis vitam dat spiritus oris"

    which I would roughly translate as "I am born without a soul, the breath of his mouth [presumably meaning God...] gives me life"

    Also, I'm pretty sure it's a lion, since lions were thought at the time to be born dead and have the life breathed into them by their mother, which fits with the inscription.

    But, let's suppose that it is a hedgehog...

    The Latin for hedgehog is ERIS, which is a pun on ORIS (mouth), leading to the alternative punning translation

    "I am born without a soul, the breath of the hedgehog gives me life"
