Saturday, 9 September 2017

I also like how disappointed they look.

Yesterday, I watched the 1941 Leslie Howard film 'Pimpernel Smith', a retelling of The Scarlet Pimpernel set in 1939.  I was delighted to find it has what must be at least an extremely early example of a particular type of joke:

That's pretty good, isn't it? Forty years before Ted Stryker met a trombonist in a bar, or Homer Simpson met the Springfield Philharmonic in the woods. Does anyone know of an earlier version? The Goons did it a lot, of course, but not until the '50s. 

I recommend the film, by the way- it's on Netflix at the moment (in Britain, anyway), and has some good jokes in it, and an excellent (and excellently cast and costumed) comedy Nazi. 

- 'No, no, no. Shakespeare is a German. Professor Schußbacher has proved it once and for all.'
- 'Dear me, how very upsetting. Still, you must admit that the English translations are remarkable.'

(I know, I know... I will do the rest of the Double Act blogs eventually. Probably.) 


  1. That truly is an excellent version of the "seemingly non-diegetic sound is actually diegetic" trick/joke. Not just well conceived, but well handled. Thanks for pointing it out.

    Alas I have no idea if there are any earlier versions. This is pretty early in the sound era for such meta-tricks but the meta-tricks always start earlier than I think.

    As for later examples (for which you did not ask), one that leapt to mind takes place early in Mel Brooks' High Anxiety when a string orchestra is revealed to be traveling next to Brooks' vehicle on the highway.

    Thank you for your continued service.

  2. My abject apologies. I said "string orchestra" but in recollection I believe it's actually a full orchestra --- possibly identified as the Los Angeles Philharmonic on the side of the bus. I distinctly recall brass instruments, at any rate.

    Mea maxima culpa.

    I have thought of no examples prior to 1941 however. Sorry.

  3. Absolute favourite has to be blazing saddles

  4. TV Tropes calls this "Left the Background Music On". See:


    I noticed a few 1930's films in the list they give:

    The Laurel and Hardy short Busy Bodies (1933)
    Fritz Lang's 1936 film Fury - [ ]
    The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (1939)

  5. It's interesting that 7 yrs earlier Leslie Howard played the Scarlet Pipernel in a film which was set in the original setting. Perhaps Pipernel Smith is actually a time travel story!

  6. Hello! Sorry, this comment has nothing to do with Pimpernel Smith, but I don't know how else to contact you. My husband and I came to see you a couple of weeks ago at the Kensington Central Library; we enjoyed the show greatly, it was very funny - and clever - stuff! You interspersed the new material with material written for Mitchell and Webb, in which old ladies interview people with silly jobs.

    I remember hearing these when performed by Mitchell and Webb, but I either missed or forgot the start when you tell us that Joanna Lumley is now our dictator. I rmeember reading years ago that if she had her way, she'd be a 'benevolent despot' - it struck me as a very good idea at the time; was this also your kicking off point for the sketch?

    Best wishes,

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