Friday 4 November 2011

I had a coffee in the end. 100% coffee.

This was at the top of a dessert menu the other day:

I did, just about, manage to resist the temptation to ask the waiter if they had anything chocolatey.


  1. Anonymous4:31 pm

    Yes, 100% chocolate. No milk, no cream, no sugar, no fat. Just 100% pure chocolate.


  2. Daedalus5:37 pm

    Interesting: "sobre mesa" would mean literally "on/above the table" but has come to mean "after dinner" in some contexts, hence "sobremesas" means "dessert".

  3. Ask if it comes in strawberry...

  4. Anonymous10:03 am

    What's wrong with 100% heaven? I would have ordered it!

  5. Anonymous9:45 pm

    Sobre meant after and mesa meant the meal, that's why it was called sobremesa.
    The 'on/above'and 'table' are meanings that also fit both words.

  6. Anonymous10:02 pm

    For that price you might as well go out and just buy...well, a huge bar of chocolate. Four of them, in fact :P

  7. I have something to say that is completely not relevant to this post!

    Congratulations! On your magnificently-deserved award! You magnificent creature, you!

    Seriously: It is the exact opposite of a miscarriage of justice, this award. You deserve two of them. Four. Eight. Ten. (Me: Not getting the whole geometric progression thing.)

    Anyway, honestly, congratulations Mr. Finnemore!

  8. I actually just dropped in after a few weeks without checking this site, as I thought you'd appreciate a quote from a CV I've just cruelly binned. Given that this was an application for a very numerate, 'stats' sort of role, I was surprised to see it contained the quote 'I always give 110%'...
