Friday 18 November 2011

And what's more, I got to meet Bernard Cribbins.

Sorry for the pause - I will be back doing this more regularly soon. In the meantime, some quick Cabin Pressure / Own Trumpet Blowing news: I'm delighted to say that last night Cabin Pressure won the Writers' Guild award for Best Radio Comedy. Hooray!

Hooray also for the terrific Sam Bain, Jesse Armstrong and Simon Blackwell, who won the TV comedy award for Peep Show; and Howard Read, who won Best Children's Programme with this piece of brilliance.

I celebrated by eating far too many tiny spicy fishcakes, and taking home ten of the golden envelopes the nominations came in, for reasons that are now obscure to me. Good times.
I've told Douglas. He's over the moon.


  1. Sparrow12:22 am

    Fantastic! Personally, I think you're the best thing on radio anywhere on the planet! Always looking forward to your next project.

  2. Congratulations! You totally deserve it! :D

  3. Well done! Well deserved. Make more, please (more anything, that is).

  4. Anonymous1:10 am

    Of course it won, Cabin Pressure is fantastic! Congratulations! :D Although...I was rather looking forward to making a torch-and-pitchfork mob if it hadn't...

  5. Mandy1:42 am

    Congratulations - a thoroughly deserved award! Rocking the beard, btw. Looking forward to season 4 (you must complete the alphabet!)...

  6. Hurrumble!

    Oh bugger, that's the other one ;)

    Congratulations, good sir! And Cribbins too! You lucky thing.

    Well done.

  7. LittleGlasgae3:01 am

    "Did Finnemore do something clever and now he's won an award?"

    "... ...yes"


  8. Anonymous4:04 am


    So, will there be another CP Christmas special this year? (c:

  9. forsakinghalfloves4:32 am

    Congratulations from Manila! :)

  10. Congratulations, John! Cabin Pressure is the best. Now, more! =D

  11. Anonymous7:32 am

    Absolutely brilliant news!!

    And I love the fact you kept the golden envelopes... and ten of them at that! It's kinda like something Arthur would do, just coz they're all shiny and make him smile.

    Hugest of congratulations!!!

  12. Anonymous8:02 am

    Congratulations! Very well deserved.

  13. Congratulations! You totally deserve it.

    Looking forward to your next projects or new Cabin pressure episodes.


  14. Anonymous9:18 am

    Bernard Cribbins. He sells spoons, does he not?

    Also, indulgence in spicy fish cakes does appear to be linked to an attraction to shiny objects. I do believe that it is being used as evidence to support that old maxim "You are what you eat".

  15. Horary indeed.

    Incidentally, are you anything to do with the rather fab @FlyMeImFriendly and @ArthurKnappShap ?

    I think I rather confused poor Arthur by asking twitter if they knew who was behind him...

  16. Anonymous9:25 am

    As the others have said before me, congratulations!
    Also, CRIBBINS. Fantastic.

  17. Horray indeed!


  18. As Arthur would say... BRILLIANT!! :)

  19. Rebecca11:55 am

    Congratulations! Well deserved, if you ask me. :D

    As for the golden envelopes--you could staple them to a green umbrella for a makeshift Christmas tree? Might come in handy some day...

  20. Congratulations!!! You really deserve it :) Cabin Pressure is brilliant!!!

  21. Anonymous1:29 pm

    Congratualtions John.

    I hope that there will be a seasson four cause I am getting to the stage that I have listened to the all the eps that I am getting to know them by heart.

    I must be channeling Douglas as all I can here is him saying,

    "Wonderful sir. Will Sir be wanting to display Sir's award on he flight deck?"



  22. katieh1:53 pm


    I agree - you definately deserve it!

  23. Names that sound like comic geniuses: "John Finnemore". Get it? Funny-more.
    ...I do apologise. There is a reason why I didn't win that award. Congrats!

  24. Lunacy2:01 pm

    Well, of *course* you won, silly person. No other show in the history of radio is better than Cabin Pressure.

  25. 2fishinatank7:04 pm

    Congrats John! Much deserved! Keep writing and I promise we'll keep listening.

  26. Congratulations. Brilliant. Hooray! Hope, that means that season four is on the way... >];-)))

  27. Congratulations John! An award well-deserved! Oddly enough, I'm listening to Cabin Pressure now.

  28. Gaia Fay8:34 pm

    Well done!!
    You ought to be winning awards for Souvenier Programme too, which is also absolutely BRILLIANT!
    Desperate for more Cabin Pressure to listen to, but to no avail, so am spending time convincing others to have a listen :)
    Please keep up the good work, for our sake!!!!! (as well as the sake of MJN!)

  29. Eclectic Man9:07 pm

    Very well deserved, congratulations.
    I hope we can look forward to some more Cabin Pressure and Souvenir Programs.
    Though maybe in the mean time you could post a photo of your golden envelope collection?

  30. Anonymous9:18 pm

    Loving Cabin Pressure so much, I feel this victory is almost mine, as well as yours. Great show. I hope we can have some more, even though St Petersburg would be a fittingly wonderful finale.

    All strength to your writing pen/pencil/keyboard, John.Can't wait to see what you come up with next.

  31. Jane Russ10:02 pm

    Oh Mr. Finnemore so very well deserved. A very loud cheer from Banbury!!!!!!

  32. Anonymous10:02 pm

    Well done Mr Finnemore

  33. Petina11:31 pm


  34. HUZZAH!!! What fantabulous news Mr Finnemore! As for all the golden envelopes we would be tempted to send some rather regal Christmas cards to our previous nemesis's (in our case our A Level maths teachers) just to remind them who now gets to go to awards ceremonies and hang out with Bernard Cribbins... Not that we're vengeful or anything.

  35. Congratulations from Vienna! (where the post office has started to use yellow trucks, so we've been busy.)

  36. Splendid. Splendid splendid.

    Utterly deserved. Congratulations!

  37. Dan Atlantic5:23 am

    Congratulations John!!!!!!!!!!!!! Bloody fantastic!!!!!!!!!!!!

  38. See? I told you.

    Kind of.

  39. Anonymous10:53 am

    Congratulations. It's definitely well deserved.

  40. Congratulations - definitely well deserved!! XD

    (Also, this means there'll be more Cabin Pressure, right? Right?)

  41. That's fantastic, congratulations!
    Really well deserved.

  42. Huge congratulations, Mr F. Quite right too.

  43. Anonymous6:50 pm

    Totally deserved! Have been listening to s2 all day and only dropped in to comment how much I love this show. When is S3 coming out?

  44. Anonymous9:33 am

    Excellent news, delighted (but not at all surprised) to hear it.

    Excellent picture of Douglas being impressed, too. "O, that this too too solid flesh would melt ... "

    (in joke?)

    ~theficklepickle (currently not a million miles from John Lennon Airport)

  45. Anonymous1:15 pm


    I love Cabin Pressure and it deserves many awards.

    I loved your Souvenir Progamme too.

    I've been meaning to leave a message on your blog for ages to say thanks for your wonderful radio programmes.

  46. Congratulations! Well deserved.

    Fingers crossed for more Cabin Pressure (and your Souvenir Programme) soon??? *pleading eyes*

  47. Vanete3:42 am

    Well done, sir. Well done. ;D

    (seriously though: Congrats! Cabin Pressure never fails to crack me up, even when I'm really upset. And if I am really upset, then it makes me feel loads better. This is a proven theory. x] may more awards await you in the future.)

  48. Excellent news! Well deserved.

    About these 'tiny' fishcakes: I'm having trouble picturing them. What is the maximum number of cigarettes-in-lieu-of-celebratory-candles one could have accommodated?

  49. Congratuwelldone!!

    I just listened to Cabin Pressure on my player while driving to a dog show over a weekend, and the time flied; the traveling part for once wasn't one bit boring! I love the show, thank you and all the cast & crew behind it!

  50. Yay Cabin Pressure! Congratulations.

  51. LynneM8:18 pm

    Yay!!! Absolutely delighted to read that you won- recognition completely deserved- good old you!!

  52. LynneM8:18 pm

    Yay!!! Absolutely delighted to read that you won- recognition completely deserved- good old you!!

  53. Congrats! The show keeps getting better and better, so it's good that you're getting the recognition you deserve.

    I was wondering, at some point- I tried to find your e-mail address on the blog, but no such luck, alas- I was relistening to Edinburgh over Thanksgiving (being from the other side of the pond) with family, and I was wondering if we're ever going to see more of Arthur's dating life?

    Again, well done. Or, that is to say- brilliant!

  54. Anonymous8:48 pm

    This comment has been removed by the author.

  55. Anonymous8:49 pm

    Quite right too. Any other result would have been a travesty. Best thing on radio. But WHEN is Series 4 out to buy?! I want it for Christmas. No. I want it NOOOOOW!

  56. Anonymous4:36 am

    Well done, extremely well deserved. Best show on the radio!

  57. Anonymous2:04 pm

    I have been listening to cabin pressure over and over again. I don't get out much... It's brilliant. MJN air is brilliant, Douglas, Martin, Carolyn and Arthur are brilliant and the script is really brilliant. Congratulations!!
