Monday 21 November 2011


Sometimes in life, I feel it's important, as we are borne along by a constant tide of events; as we are bombarded with information and opinion on all sides, and try hopelessly to synthesise from it some sort of reasonably coherent personal philosophy; as we wrestle with our worries, our hopes and our fears for ourselves, our families, for mankind itself... that we find a moment to pause amidst the hurley-burley, and say, simply:

'Wow. That's a really big leaf.'

I mean, just look at it. It's huge!


  1. Sparrow2:23 pm

    I went for a walk, and I saw a goat's ghost.

    We lost one of our goats Sunday, and we cheered ourselves up last night by listening to Cabin Pressure and Souvenir Program. You make people around the world have a better day with your great shows!

    My, that is a big leaf!

  2. Anonymous3:30 pm

    Awwww damn, you totally beat the leaf I found in the park :( I thought mine was the biggest.....oh well. You made me smile so I guess its all good ;D I'm totally going to try and beat your leaf though....

  3. The sensible man hides his face behind his giant leaf. The fool sticks his face right out front for all to see:

  4. That leaf is paramount.

  5. Lunacy7:51 pm

    What you hold in your hand is the new Canadian flag!

  6. Sparrow - Sorry to hear about your goat!
    Sarah - I think you'll find Joe's leaf is now the leaf to beat. See below.
    Joe - What can I say. I am vanquished. Your leaf puts my leaf in the shade. Especially if held above it.
    Cringing - Alas, that is just what it is not. See above.
    Lunacy - Well, that's some consolation.

  7. I hope you saved it!

    (Also, did you take the picture yourself?)

  8. 2fishinatank10:08 pm


  9. Anonymous1:06 am

    Oh my....Joe wins, no doubt. Biggest leaf for sure.
    Still, I think I found something just as good ;)

  10. Well that's marvellous. Second biggest leaf I've seen all day. But only because I peeked at Joe's blog too.

    I've been blogging about snails lately. And otters. And ninjas.

  11. I read this on my phone, so the punchline was perfect because I didn't see the image until I read through the build-up. Thanks for making me grin like an idiot while waiting in line at the shops :)

  12. Anonymous11:52 am

    So what Joe basically said was "That's not a Leaf....this is a leaf!"


  13. Aimee3:15 am

    I shared this on Facebook, and it made several friends and family members smile. Now, to convert them to Cabin Pressure fans...

  14. Wow! That's bigger than any leaf I've ever found. I'm so absentminded that I would probably end up crunching it as I walk by and feel bad about it after.

  15. John,

    Just thought you might like to see what happened near Cremona ...

  16. Oh those days when life bogs me down with research and German documents, it is nice to tune into the internet and think not of irregular verbs and sentence structures but instead think - woah, that IS a huge leaf! Where did you find it? All the big leaves I find this time of year fall apart before I can show them off...
