Saturday 31 December 2011

24 Things I drew this month - Thing Twenty Four. Plus...Cabin Pressure news.

Click for paramount version

Happy New Year! From me, and from all the crew at MJN Air. Which, I am happy to be able to tell you, WILL be returning for a fourth series. We don't know when yet, but my best guess is sometime in the second half of this year. 

Thank you for reading, and for all your nice comments about my drawings this month. Normal service will now be resumed. 


  1. A happy (and productive, I rather selfishly hope!) new year to you, too! Thank you for all the laughs, without which the last 12 months would have been infinitely more tedious than they were. :)

  2. And a happy new year to you Mr. Fennimore!

    The wife and I are spending the evening in, listening to Cabin Pressure. Best new years ever!

  3. Anonymous12:18 am

    Happy new year to the cleverest and most talented man I don't know!

  4. Anonymous12:22 am

    Happy New Year to you too Sir! :D

  5. happy new year Mr. Finnemore , thank you for being you and here's to a brilliant 2012!

  6. A very Happy New Year to you too, sir, and thank you for being awesome!

  7. Rebecca12:55 am

    Happy new year!

  8. Anonymous1:01 am

    Happy new year to you, too. Been a stressful year for me but walks with Cabin Pressure on my walkman have done me the world of good. Have a fabulous 2012.

  9. A placeholder happy new year.

  10. Anonymous9:35 am

    Warmest wishes for 2012, John; looking forward keenly to following your adventures again throughout the year. How soon do you have to start composing new CP episodes, or is it an ongoing process?

    ~theficklepickle on LJ (Open ID hates me!)

  11. Anonymous10:32 am

    Happy New Year, John! Looking forward to hearing lots more of your shows - and your acting! - in 2012.

  12. Anonymous11:58 am

    Happy new year!

    Echoing what others have said. Parts of 2011 were very stressful for me, and discovering Cabin Pressure helped immeasurably. You ought to be on prescription. Here's hoping for more in 2012!

  13. Anonymous1:47 pm

    May your coming year be filled with magic and dreams and good madness. I hope you read some fine books and kiss someone who thinks you’re wonderful and don’t forget to make some art - - write or draw or build or sing or live as only you can. And I hope, somewhere in the next year, you surprise yourself.

    Neil Gaiman's new year message 2010

  14. Melanie4:30 pm

    Happy New Year John!
    Really pleased MJN are returning to the skies once more. It's the best thing I've listened to in years. Hoping to be able to get tickets to a recording!

  15. Hooray for more Cabin Pressure!

    Happy 2012!

  16. Anonymous4:34 pm

    Happy new year, and thank you - so far, that's been the best news I've heard all year!


  17. Anonymous4:35 pm

    Now I just plain love you! Thank you thank you thank you!!!

  18. Happy new year Mr. Finnemore!!! best wishes for you! from southamerica :)

  19. Best news all year :)

  20. Best news all year :)

  21. Lunacy4:36 pm

    That bit of news just made my year!

  22. Anonymous4:38 pm

    Fantastic news! Between this news and the new Sherlock on later this day is shaping up to be brilliant!

  23. Rosamunde4:40 pm

    Happy New Year! I have really loved all of your drawings and other art work over the past month. You've inspired me to start drawing again after a long, long break, so thank you.

    Wonderful news about Cabin Pressure. I have loved the past series and can't wait to hear more adventures with the magnificent crew of MJN Air!

  24. BRILLIANT news :)

  25. happy new year to you too!
    and hooray for fourth season of cabin pressure! i discovered your fabulous program just this year and i have to say that was one highlight of my year. it helped me passing a lot of dark, lonely hours working on my doctoral thesis. thanks a lot for that!

  26. I am so very thrilled by this news! happy new year to you Finnemore! You're writing is the funniest yet cleverest of any other writer atm...I am sure your new year will be BRILLIANT and that this news will make everyone else's year up to Arthur's approval :D

  27. Happy New Year to you as well, Sir! This is such a good news to start the new year. Looking forward to the 4th series!

  28. phoebette4:45 pm

    congratulations and happy new year! can't wait to fly with MJN Air again!

  29. Happy new year to you sir, and thank you for that fantastic news!

  30. Sarah4:50 pm

    Happy New Year, and fantastic news!

  31. Oh that's the best news & a great start to 2012! Thanks for the joy Cabin Pressure has brought this year and here's to a great new one.

  32. Anonymous4:55 pm

    I just realized I'm going to be very broke this year because of Cabin Pressure. I have to go to at least one recording doubt I'll break the bank trying to get there but worth a try!

  33. Linda5:00 pm

    The news that Cabin Pressure will return just made my day :) Thank you very very much for your excellent work. And a happy new year.

  34. Anonymous5:02 pm

    Wow, thank you for your drawings over the month, especially this one (paramount view much appreciated) and the fabulous news of the next series.

    You make the world a better and happier place, for me at least, but I see from other comments I'm not alone in my appreciation.

    I wish you everything you want for 2012.

  35. Helen5:02 pm

    Happy New Year to you, too, sir. What joyous news with which to start it! I hope it's not long before they request more Souvenir Programmes as well (not wanting to wear you out).

    I'll be printing off all these pictures and fashioning them into a real Advent calendar for this year. There's something delightful about the idea of opening it and finding a Carolyn on the other side, hugely unimpressed by having been shut away for months. (She didn't take too kindly to the locker in St. Petersburg.)

    Thank you for everything. Can't wait to see what comes next.

  36. Sarah5:05 pm

    Wow, that's so cool!

  37. Katie5:08 pm

    Happy New Year to you too, and what wonderful news to kick off the new year with!! :D

  38. Sarah5:15 pm

    Also the news about series four has got me jumping around in a similar state to Arthur wanting to fly over polar bears...

  39. Anonymous5:18 pm

    Great news about the return of MJN ! Fingers crossed I can bag a seat to one of the recordings. I have spent my holidays listening to all three series. I still laugh out loud every time I listen. Brilliant !
    Your sketches have been a joy, too.
    All the best for 2012 !

  40. There is much shouty rejoicing from your American contingent. Happy dancing may have already occurred.

    Congratulations Mr. Finnemore!

  41. Happy new year to you, too!

    And thanks for the exciting and so long awaited news!

  42. Yay! Cabin Pressure!
    Thank you for the fantastical art advent calender. Looking back, I realize how much it really made my December. :)

  43. Douglas: What do you know of 2012 Arthur?

    Happy New Year and may Cabin Pressure continue for a long time. Are there going to be seven episodes or six episodes and another Christmas special for the year after?

  44. Anonymous6:22 pm

    Cabin Pressurized 2012! joins in general merriment

  45. Petina6:24 pm

    Could today be any better???
    Happy New Year, sir!

  46. 1. Happy New Year!

    2. Yellow car!

  47. Happy New Year to you Too!
    Kisses and hugs from Argentina!

  48. Oh BOY! Finally, something positive to look forward to in 2012, more Cabin Pressure.

    2012 would be just another waste like 2011 without your wonderful show. Thank you Mr. Fennimore and BBC R4!

  49. This made my New Years Day! :)
    Happy New Year, and thank you for all of your wonderful writing!

  50. Anonymous7:08 pm

    Great news! I adore Cabin Pressure!

  51. Anonymous7:40 pm

    Happy New Year Mr Finnemore, and thank you for the great news! Cabin Pressure is one of the absolute goods of this world.

  52. My friend told me this while I was having New Years lunch with my family and I had to keep myself from screaming in excitement. 2012 is already too amazing. ♥ Happy New Year!

  53. Mairi Hull8:42 pm!
    Get........dressed you Merry Gentlemen....
    With respect skip, I absolutely do know other verses.........

    So delighted with today's news - me and me family.v. happy today - now please get to work?.........

  54. Michi9:08 pm

    This seriously just made my year. I had a feeling today would be a great day and now I know why! You have made this American very happy. It's BRILLIANT!

    Happy New year. Have a great 2012!

  55. Anonymous10:01 pm

    I am so thrilled to hear there will be another season!

    Also, I have to let you know you that Cabin Pressure saved my Christmas. (In all seriousness.) I took it back to my parent's house with me, which promised to be a bloody awful, awkward three day nightmare of a visit. It provided us with nine and half hours of hilarity (which they'd not heard before) and my mum in a good mood (which is rare enough on the best of days). I can't tell you how much this meant to me, and how it made a godawful situation tolerable and at times even pleasant. Thank you for such a wonderful series. It really did save my Christmas. :)

  56. Happy New Year! So glad to hear about Cabin Pressure Series 4.

  57. Thanks for bringing back Cabin Pressure. And a Happy New Year! :)

  58. Made my New Year Happy already.
    How can you top yellow car, travelling lemons & bear polar ? Hope gertie made it back safe from St Petersburg to see another Birling Day..

  59. I can assure you that those of us in America (and Canada, and Australia, and all the other people I personally know who follow it) are just as thrilled at the news!!


    Thank you!!

  60. After hearing that news I'm jumping with joy. Happy New Year one and all!

  61. Sabina10:54 pm

    This is the BEST New Year Message I've read!! Terribly excited! Really hope I manage to get tickets to the recording this year!

    Wishing you a very happy new year!

  62. LynneM11:36 pm

    A fourth series- excellent! That's one bit of good news at least for 2012. Happy New Year, John.

  63. Natalie Harris12:49 am

    This is fantastic news.

    I had been musing about this only this morning.. can't believe I am reading about the 4th series tonight!

    There is one word good enough to describe this..

  64. This is amazing news!!! Very happy new year to you and us, apparently! Also, your picture is brilliant - I certainly wouldn't say no if you wanted to post more sketches!

  65. Made up to hear there will be more Cabin Pressure, a happy new year indeed! All the best to you in 2012.

  66. This comment has been removed by the author.

  67. Urgh comment take two.

    Great news about series 4 of CP. Mum and I are avid listeners, no matter how many times we hear it, it never gets any less funny!

    Also, have to commend you for the News Quiz panto. The big reveal of the villain was amazing. I can remember mum telling me about how much the Archers INCIDENT had caused a stir around the Radio 4 world. We both laughed for a good ten minutes over it.

    Happy New Year to you!

  68. Pilar1:19 am

    There are many happy-flailing arms in our household right now (well, two pairs but they're flailing so fast it looks like more!). It has been a pleasure having the MJN crew keep me company on my commute and neighbourhood runs (yellow car!).

    Congrats on the award, and looking forward to many more MJN adventures in 2012 - perhaps a few more sojourns to Canada...?
    Cheers from Ottawa!

  69. Anonymous2:04 am

    Can't wait for the return of this brilliant series.
    Thank you, Mr. Finnemore! And happy new year! ♥
    Lovely drawing by the way.

    Love from California, USA

  70. Just when I thought that my life couldn't get any happier (after A Scandal in Belgravia), I heard of this!

    Happy New Year (mine certainly is)! :D

  71. Thank God! I was getting nervous. Another year of anger-management in the office thanks to "cabin pressure breaks". I can't tell you how many times I did not snap at someone thanks to my spiritual guide: Arthur Shappy.
    Apple joggling should be mandatory!

  72. Gertie flys again! I just hope, with the success of 'Sherlock', you can still afford Benedict?

  73. Happy New Year!!
    A little bit delayed, but sincere anyway :D

  74. Oh, and I do hope also, that I will manage to be on the rocording. Will you give us a notice in advance? I must plan my jurney from Poland, and (from a many different reasons) it is no easy for me to travel abroad in "academic" year.

  75. Dear Mr. Finnemore! Happy New Year and many greetings from Prague, Czech Republic.
    Another series of CP? This is better than Christmas! Thanks for the great news, I look forward. By the end of the alphabet there is still a lot of letters.

  76. Laurence10:07 am

    Brilliant news !!!!! and Happy New Year from France !!!!! But one question (maybe someone already ask you !!) why series 3 is not available on Itunes or somewhere else ??????
    Thank you to make people smile !!!

  77. That is really awesome news! :D Can't wait!

  78. Thank you Mr. Finnemore! and a Happy New year to you :)

  79. Horsa3:51 pm

    Brilliant Panto and now Brilliant News that there will be series 4 of Cabin Pressure!

    Happy New Year!

  80. Nance4:23 pm

    Brilliant news. I only wish the alphabet was a bit longer for further series...

  81. Only one response and it's been mentioned a few times above - BRILLIANT!
    Good luck with getting BC and Roger Allam in the same room now though... both a tad more famous than before.
    It must be great for you having fans from all over the world - perhaps you should take the recordings on tour!
    Or maybe hire the Albert Hall - I reckon you'd fill it easily.
    Happy New Year.

  82. (PS. That's a different Pauline to the one who's posted previously - the Aussie one. But 'hi' from one to another!)

  83. Anonymous6:12 pm

    Whoo hoo! Fantastic news. Looking forward to the new series, whenever you can get everyone together to record it. Still, HRH's jubilee this year so that should be at least one recording slot free. ;)

  84. Rosie7:48 pm

    Happy new year!
    The drawing made me laugh, has Arthur pressed his nose up against a pane of glass? Because it looks surprisingly upturned.

  85. That's wonderful news! I cannot wait for a new series of my favourite radio show! As Arthur would say - BRILLIANT! :)

  86. Happy New Year, you awesome person!

    *flailing with glee* Another season of CP is wonderful news!

  87. Also, meant to mention I enjoyed the art, too! Your drawings are so fun!

  88. Anonymous12:27 am

    these news just made my whole year!
    a paramount year everyone!

  89. Anonymous3:54 am

    Hooray for series 4! A happy new year, indeed.

  90. Hooray! If by chance the recordings were scheduled for the last week of November when I'm visiting from the states I would be a very happy girl. Though I know we would all hate to wait that long for more!

  91. That has been the best news of 2012. Admittedly it's only three days old (well today is the third day but you know what I mean), but thats not the point.

    As Arthur would say, "BRILLIANT!"

    Thank you for making me laugh so much Sir. I hope that you have a great 2012 and that all goes well for you and yours. And that you yourself can find the muse that you require.

    Ps - I carry Cabin Pressure around on my iPod. Great for relieving the preseeures of bad days and even worse bus journeys! :D

  92. Good news about series four, I am still catching up with series 3 on Itunes.

    Cabin Pressure is an outstanding comedy, it is a truly wonderful thing to make people laugh. Making people laugh is the next best thing to sex, (in fact it is sometimes better).

    Thanks a thousand times over Mr F.

    PS, also enjoyed your contribution to the News Quiz Panto

  93. Anonymous9:07 pm

    Thank you a lot for this fourth serie of Cabin Pressure! I really love it.
    Cheers from France ;)

  94. Anonymous9:13 pm

    Hurrah! Another series!
    And Happy New Year. :)

  95. Well this is the best week ever. Sherlock, Tinker Tailor, and now Cabin Pressure! Whoo hoo!!!!!

  96. Seriously, thank you, because I learned English with your amazingly funny and, of course, brilliant radio drama. If I can speak in english it's mostly because of you... god! nothing’s better than laughing and learning English at the same time!

  97. Mandy4:29 am

    Yay! Fantastic news...

    And a happy New Year!

    Love the picture. Love all your pictures...

    Now if you can try to schedule the CP Series 4 recordings around late Sept/early October, I shall fly all the way from Melbourne, Australia just so I can hopefully catch a glimpse of you in action - I am that sad... er, devoted!

  98. Julian10:51 am

    This is wonderful! This American is looking forward to more Cabin Pressure! It's going to be brilliant!

    Happy New Year!

  99. Anonymous4:49 pm

    Wishing you a Splendid & Highly Successful New Year. I want to thank you for your marvellous work, which really adds to the quality of my life!The Pips Panto was so perfectly crafted and hilarious. I listen to your Radio 4 work and especially Cabin Pressure - time and time again. You're an incredibly talented man and may you continue to entertain and delight us for many, many years! Look after yourself,

    Best wishes, Lindy

  100. Anonymous4:50 pm

    Wishing you a Splendid & Highly Successful New Year. I want to thank you for your marvellous work, which really adds to the quality of my life!The Pips Panto was so perfectly crafted and hilarious. I listen to your Radio 4 work and especially Cabin Pressure - time and time again. You're an incredibly talented man and may you continue to entertain and delight us for many, many years! Look after yourself,

    Best wishes, Lindy

  101. Anonymous4:55 pm

    Have a Happy and Productive New Year, Mr. Fennimore. Your talent is unique and amazing - your work perfectly crafted and original and an absolute joy to listen to again and again! A thousand thanks for the many hours of fun and hilarity you have given to the nation!

    Look after yourself, we need you!

    Very best wishes, Lydia

  102. Anonymous2:03 pm

    Is Benedict likely to be in the next series now he's gone global?! Rob

  103. I knew 2012 would be a brilliant year!

  104. O, what a treat to see
    When back from Saxa Vord
    That Cabin Pressure, series three,
    Is not the final word

    When giving new homes
    To old aerodromes
    Here's hoping you're finding
    A place for Much Binding

    (No doubt RyanAir
    Has set up down there)

  105. Uh oh, I just heard Martin got a new piloting job - in SPACE! Hope he's still free for MJN!

  106. Anonymous3:10 am

    FANTASTIC NEWS! Happy New Year to you and to Cabin Pressure's wonderful cast from a fan in California.

  107. Chong4:00 am

    You, sir, are BRILLIANT! Love Cabin Pressure more than I can express. As often as I listen to all of CP episodes on my iPhone, they are always funny and I am amazed at your talent. I was very happy to read that the crew of MJN Air will return to delight us again.

    Your artworks are indeed wonderful and I am a huge fan of yourself!

  108. Patricia Cáceres2:25 pm

    Happy New Year to you too!!!!
    I cannot wait to fly with MJN....
    I have tried to book a tiket in your web page but it is a bit difficult!!! and I think you don´t fly to Valladolid Airport.... Any chance of flying to Madrid????

  109. Anonymous10:32 pm

    Feliz Año Nuevo to you too!!!!
    I am so glad to hear that MJN Air is back on duty!!!
    Let´s hope I can book my ticket to fly back home for holidays.... Do you fly to Valladolid or Madrid?

  110. LittleGlasgae8:53 am

    I hope Anthony Head reprises his role!!! ^_^

  111. Anonymous8:17 pm

    happy new year (a bit late...but the year is still sooo long...)!!
    Thanks for all the fun! Great to hear that you will make MJN Air fly again. Hope you get all crew members on board. Captain Crieff may think about flying for American Airlines now? Hopefully not...Douglas would be crushed!

    Can´t wait to be airborne again!

  112. do you know when then the series 4 will be recorded so i can get tickets? pleaseee reply soon the most talated man in the whole of the comedy worlddd!!!

  113. Happy New Year! A bit late, I know, but still very honest.

    Lovely sketch.

    Mr Finnemore, I love your talents to bits.

    Best wishes,

  114. ElaineBKS5:05 pm

    Cabin Pressure is one of the best comedies on Radio 4. Make sure you chain Mr Cumberbatch to his co-pilots seat, now that he's flavour of the month for Sherlock.

    Fantastic news that MJN will again be taking to the air.

  115. Mad Dave1:36 pm

    HAPPY NEW YEAR, late i know, Cabin Pressure has to be the best radio comedy i have heard in years, close second being rudy's rare records. Can't wait for S4, Thank you John for some many laughs

  116. can't wait! :) Best. News. EVER!

  117. This comment has been removed by the author.

  118. Recently discovered Cabin Pressure on BBC Radio 4 Extra. Best comedy series I've heard in many years - The writing (such talent), the excellent cast - !!

    Great news re more in 2012 !!

  119. Just wanted to say that "Cabin Pressure" is a wonderful series. I hope it's not rude when I say this, but I actually started to listen to it because of Benedict Cumberbatch, but I like it mainly because of you, Mr. Finnemore.

    With greetings from Germany :) .

  120. Anonymous5:08 pm

    Just a couple of thoughts re Cabin Pressure - would it be possible to arrange allocated seating for the next recordings as I was nearly trampled by BC fans last time? Don't get me wrong, I love BC (the same as the rest of the cast)but if he is unavailable due to his other (huge) work commitments,why not consider Chris Barrie for Martin (Arnold Rimmer is not so different a character)
    Just a thought... or two.

  121. Anonymous10:59 am

    happy new year mr. fennimore
    i really looking foward for the new series , more laughs and more yellow car

  122. Anonymous6:26 pm

    Who is Mr. Fennimore?

    I thought Tom Goodman-Hill did a pretty good job of being Martin in Newcastle.

  123. LittleGlasgae8:26 pm

    Don't be so ridiculous! Why would Benedict pass up on the opportunity to record another series of Cabin Pressure??? He knows a good thing when he sees it! =)

  124. Anonymous12:00 am

    Stop with the "Will you get BC now he's so famous/busy/important?" Bit of an insult to JF isn't it? And the rest of the distinguished cast, come to think of it! I agree with Little Glasgae. BC knows a good thing when he sees it. And so do we. Well done Mr Finnemore. Because you're worth it

  125. So pleased to hear that Cabin Pressure will be returning!

  126. Anonymous4:36 pm

    I feel a bit daft writing anything which could be classed as a fan letter, particularly when so many other people here have commented so eloquently, but I just wanted to say thank you for all your work. At times when life has been a struggle over the past couple of years (caring for a parent with dementia), Cabin Pressure has been a reliable source of a sorely needed and frequently uncontrollable giggle. I've listened to each episode so often that I know all the lines almost off by heart now, but I never grow tired of it. Good comedy is important and rare - I hope you are proud of it! Trying to find a time to get yourself, Stephanie Cole, Benedict Cumberbatch and Roger Allam - all immensely funny, hugely talented and very busy - together in the same room can't be easy, but I've got my fingers crossed. If that isn't possible, I hope you find replacements who can do justice to your scripts (Tom Goodman Hill, Anna Crilly and Anthony head were superb in series 3).

    A new series of Cabin Pressure? This news is indeed.............PARAMOUNT!!!!!

  127. A fourth series? Oh, I am now ecstatic! A HAPPY SHAPPEY!! This is the most brilliant news of the year.

  128. Liam Nunes8:55 pm

    I can't believe one person alone wrote all of Cabin Pressure.
    It's just a really funny and lovely thing to listen to.
    There should be much, much more of it.

  129. Anonymous8:24 pm

    wow ive just found this by googling MJN, im in love with Douglas but love sherlock too, bliss!!

  130. Anonymous12:28 pm

    I am so surprised you are being Arthur and writer at the same time. How brilliant!

  131. Anonymous4:50 am

    Hello from the other end of the world, Indonesia!

    honestly, I started listening to cabin pressure for Benedict Cumberbatch but after listening few episodes my heart goes to Arthur (and Martin, and Douglas, and Carolyn, and Herc,err..). Newcastle and Ottery St.Mary is such a gem...i laugh like mad!

    cannot wait for the fourth season. I miss the loveable clot..

  132. Hope the new year has been good to you so far!
    I was (and still am, even more so than before) so excited for the news on the 4th series of Cabin Pressure! It is such a wonderful thing to listen to.
    I'd love to get the chance to see a recording but since I live in a Sink in Hell, I'll just, I don't know, cry in my pillow. But in all seriousness, your writing is wonderful and inspires me and has brought a genuine smile and laughter out of me, thank you very much, Mr. Finnemore. Also, your drawings are mahtavia, upeita ja ihania<3

  133. John~! I'll wait for new cabin pressure~!! You're So adorable when you acting Arthur!

    Jessica from S. Korea

  134. Anonymous6:16 pm

    amazing drawing!
    I wondered, probably like thousands of other fans ( but since I couldn't find a FAQ section, I will have to ask (again)):
    What would one have to do to be in the audience for the Cabin Pressure recordings? ^^
    I'm a big fan (although the sentence from the very first episode about the "awe of the majestic figure, cut by Sir" made it very hard for me to watch BBC Sherlock without giggling like an idiot!)
    really looking forward to the new episodes!
    keep up the good work!

  135. You really put an effort to it. Giving a last day to post a photo before the new year starts.

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  136. Anonymous10:03 pm

    Any more news on When?
    Series IV?

  137. I'm delighted that a fourth series of Cabin Pressure will be happening. I'm a massive fan and am systematically introducing it to all of my friends and family. With all-around appreciation and much laughter, I might add. Cabin Pressure reminds me so much of P.G. Wodehouse. I don't how you manage to squeeze so much hilarity into 28 minutes but it's brilliant. Cabin Pressure forever!!

  138. Its now the second half of you still think there will be another series of cabin pressure?

  139. Anonymous6:06 pm

    When will the 4th series of Cabin Presuure come out? Nobody seems to know...

  140. Anonymous11:01 pm

    I am a visiting American who stumbled onto CP by accident in series 3, got addicted and backtracked to Series 1 & 2 plus the Christmas specials. I did not know who Benedict Cummerbach was before, but got really annoyed that he got famous so that it was difficult to schedule him for Series 4.

    Had we known this was to happen, many of the posters on this blog and I could have helpfully kidnapped BC and kept him available for CP until the series is done; then we wouldn't mind if he got famous.

  141. OK, Benedict said December. When? Need to book a flight and all. I neeeed to be there. Just tell me when and I will do all that is necessary to ruin the recording with my snorting.
    Went to the BBC site but no CB yet.
    Would be the

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  147. Tania5:48 am

    Hello John!
    Let me thank you for Cabin Pressure.
    Its actually brilliant, and I really enjoy reading (Im not native English speaker) and listening to it.
    You must know, that your sitcom travells around the world, and here on Russian Far East, there are maybe just few of us, but we are, who love Cabin Pressure and say Thank you for it!

  148. Only just discovered 'Cabin Pressure' thanks to Radio 4X. Excited to see there's another series I haven't heard yet.

    What an absolutely amazingly well-written comedy. Roger Allam's character (and Roger Allam) are simply fantastic. Will often think, "Isn't there something Douglas can say that will make everything alright"

    Am now off to search for more Finnemore-penned material.

    Hate flying, love your work.

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