Saturday 31 March 2012

I don't blame it.

Update - tickets for the next three Priory Engagements now available on the doodle list

Sorry for the silence - busy times. Thank you if you came to the try-out last week, it was lovely to see you. As it will be if you're coming to the try-out tomorrow. As before, do please take yourself off the doodle list if you find you can't come after all, so that someone else can in your place. Although I have also just added ten extra tickets, so if you wanted to come but thought you were too late... you're not. In other news, I was on the Now Show today, which'll be on iPlayer for a week; and will be on two episodes of the next series of The Unbelievable Truth.

Anyway. There are many, many things the Vatican and I disagree on, which I'm sure must be a source of great sadness to them. So, it was a pleasure this week to discover that there is at least one issue on which the Vatican and I are in total and cordial agreement.


  1. Anonymous2:03 pm

    Perfect :)

  2. Anonymous2:29 pm

    John you are amazing, If I werent such a Cumberbitch I would propose :-). Do you have any idea when the last series of Cabin Pressure might be recorded, so I can set aside money to come and see all 4 of you, I want to hear if Roger Allam sounds like that all the time. Really looking forward to tomorrow night, though I now wonder if I met you when Dead Ringers came to Hull. Cumberbitch aka Anon Hull

  3. Maddy7:23 pm

    Goodness, did you see the trailer? It has that fake-in-a-real-sort-of-way look to it. A friend wants me to go and see that with her. Er, I might, you know, leave that ...

    I'll watch Trail of the Screaming Forehead instead. (It's about evil aliens made of foreheads that take people over thanks to this new element called Foreheadazine. Yes, it is terrible in a sort-of-good way, why do you ask?)

  4. That's not a poster I ever wish to see full size :-/

    On a completely unrelated note, I'm really very excited about tomorrow's Priory Engagement!

  5. prwelly9:02 pm

    Hate to disappoint on the Vatican reference, but apparently that quote was made up by an overexcited reviewer in the US - not from the Holy City itself. Not that the Vatican would urge you to see such a piece of. um, yes, well....

    Loved "pastygate" on the Now Show. Was hoping it would get covered; and that the Milleband sausage rolls would not be left, ahem, out in the cold. And you covered it. Yay!

    And to Anon Hull: Roger Allam does pretty much sound like that all the time. You should Google the Olivier Awards nominations announcement video for's as if First Officer Richardson is making them himself.

  6. Anonymous10:04 pm

    oh I lost my posting heres most of it again. That video did rather throw me, I thought, who does it remind me of, Donald Sutherland in ADT (any damn thing). Loved the dig about live and uninterrupted, but a major snag presents itself to Finnemore fans, you cant serve two masters, gotta be John or Ginge, theyre on at the same time, cue Harry Hill to arbitrate that one :-P
    Anon Hull

  7. prwelly12:05 am

    @Anon Hull: The "live and uninterrupted" bit was good wasn't it?

    Sadly, I don't get to serve two masters. Being overseas, I get no chance to be at either Priory Engagement, or do the Oliviers thing. I just sit here living vicariously through post-engagement postings from those that attend, and the joys of You Tube (being that some kind soul will find a way to post the Oliviers up and very interrupted:)

  8. Always love your Now Show spots and love the unbelievable truth. Can't wait to hear both!

  9. Anonymous7:16 am

    prwelly its on radio 2, you can access radio two anywhere i believe on i player, only tv content is restricted, try this for size
    i know ginge aint so good w/o pics

  10. MirandanotHart9:17 am

    A better late than never thanks for creating CP that keeps me giggling like a loony on the Dubai metro! great casting, direction and writing and I'm absolutely thrilled that there will be a season 4.
    Have you considered a whistle stop tour of every city in the CP episode list? (starting with episode 1 hint hint).

  11. I can't wait for the Unbelievable Truth (inter alia)!

    In other news, last night I went into a shop to get some food and ended up in front of the pastry case, laughing at the donuts because of your spiel on The Now Show. It's a good thing it was 2AM.

  12. prwelly8:56 pm

    @Anon Hull Completely forgot about the Radio 2 coverage for the Oliviers. Thank you! Visuals, I'll just have to use the imagination :)

  13. Cai Fox12:08 am

    Just coming back from Kilburn.
    It was brilliant!
    I haven't had that much fun in a very long while. (Though living in Germany might just be one reason for that. oh, how I love cliches!)
    Thanks for the great evening, Mr. Finnmore!

    Everybody else: If there isn't a bloddy big bit of water between you in London, you should really, really consider getting a ticket for the next show. I don't think you will regret it :)

    Off to find that clip about the four candles and then very much off to bed. Nighty night everybody :)

  14. Anonymous6:07 pm

    anon in Hull sincerely hopes you found it and it was great meeting you, recruiting new cumberbitches to planet Finnemore, and meeting the man himself
    this ones pretty good
    heres a modern technology sketch
    apologies John for hijacking your site, you are brilliant and the full length rant was worth waiting for, give me a surfeit of pasties

  15. Anonymous6:31 pm

    thanks for the tweets heads up cai, ive just found them and theres one from a friend asking if john will rant every week, bliss

  16. You, me, the Vatican and an over-excited US reviewer - what an unstoppable team of literary critics!

  17. Anonymous3:42 pm

    it's the "inspired by true events" that gets me...

    any chance the next doodle list arriving soon? i already have have everything arranged for a weekend in London and booking the tickets for one of the May shows would be amazing!

  18. Going to grab a pasty on iplayer, hopefully, as I am in the land of maple syrup and Beaver Tails at present. You, Sir, are a comic genius. Brilliant!

  19. Eclectic Man8:39 pm

    Oh woe is me!

    I really enjoyed the Sunday evening Priory Engagement, but may have to pull out of the next one as my cousin has inconveniently got his 50th birthday party that day.

    I'll just have to go out and get those dolphins into my bloodstream.

  20. Anonymous11:10 pm

    anon in hull grins, i had forgotten the dolphins, which is really funny cos thats what ive called them for absolutely years, at the moment i really need Gordon Farmer, really really

  21. Eclectic man9:09 pm

    OK all. I have now removed my attendance from the next Priory Engagement of the inestimable and ineffable Mr John (yellow car) Finnemore.


    And much sadness in Eclectic Man's flat. :-(

    (First come first served, I expect.)

    And on the day I got told I was refused full membership of my 'Professional Body". No dolphins, only crocodiles.

  22. Yay! You were awesome the last time on the Unbelievable Truth. :D

  23. Anonymous2:16 am

    Those eyes look 100% medically inaccurate. Anyone who gets that reference probably wishes (as I do) that their own eyes had been removed in advance.

    Looooove Cabin Pressure... can't wait for more more more!

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