Sunday 4 March 2012

John Finnemore's Priory Engagement

Well, spring is in the air, the snowdrops are gambolling in the meadows, the lambs are thrusting their little noses up through the earth, and the rabbits... I don't know what the rabbits are doing. Something springish. Cleaning, maybe. Anyway, what all this means for me is that it's about time I organised another run of my sort-of-secret-unless-you-read-this-blog sketch nights, to try out material for the next series of my Radio 4 show, John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme.

So... I have done. Unfortunately, the pub we used last year has turned its performance space into a restaurant, the food-crazed fools; but I've found another I think will be even better: the excellent Priory Tavern in Kilburn. So, do please come along, if you fancy it, to John Finnemore's Priory Engagement;  8pm every other Sunday starting in two weeks time, on the 18th March. Each show will be completely different material, mostly written in the fortnight before. It'll be about an hour and a half long, including interval, costs £7, and is suitable for ages 12 and up. Last year's run featured Jekyll and Hyde's domestic arrangements; what The Archers sounds like to people who don't listen to The Archers, and the chilling tale of the man who went for a walk... and saw a goat. What this year's will feature, I literally do not yet know.

As an experiment to try to avoid people having to pay the ridiculous booking fees which were such a feature last year,  I've put a list up here you can go to to book seats for the first three performances. There are only 80 seats per show, so do please take your name off again if it turns out you can't come.

Right! I suppose I'd better go and write the first one, then...


  1. Five year diary being consulted plus working out the military-like logistics for travelling from Essex to Kilburn and back on a Sunday evening courtesy of British Rail and London Transport, bless their cotton socks. The Little Train That Could- I hope!

  2. Remind me why I live north of the border?!

  3. LOL, A goat, we love goats over here on the farm.

    Would love to go to a live event or taping one day, but we're on the other side of the pond so that's impossible. (A 9 letter world for unachievable)

  4. Not for the first time, or I fear the last, I really wish I lived in / near London just for things like this!

  5. Anonymous2:04 am

    I loved the Goat Story in the first series. Makes me glad I have an Eidetic Memory!

  6. Bother! I wish I still lived in the UK. There's nothing exciting live over here in Canada - everything exciting is dead and displayed as a hunting trophy. I'm so envious of people who live in Britain. They have decent telly, proper radio, nice food etc. and from what I gather, they aren't grateful for it!

  7. Serenity5:55 am

    Oh dear, how I do dislike living in the US.

  8. Anonymous6:38 am

    Alas, finances (me) and work commitments (other half) make it impossible; I'll hang on and join the ballot for 'Cabin Pressure' tickets again later in the year - fourth time lucky, maybe?

  9. Another person who can't afford the fare and can't do the journey on a Sunday evening, sorry. However, I don't think you'll be short of an audience! Wish you every success and we'll look forward to hearing the broadcasts.

  10. Anonymous8:59 am

    indeed veej, "john may well have difficulty filling 80 seats, what with him being totally unknown, and all" I can hear douglas saying that. Is there a ballot for cabin pressure tickets? I assumed it was just ticket unit applications, you can see Ive never been to any shows ever and have no clue cant you :-(

  11. You're right, Anonymous, it is ticket unit applications but also a ballot in that I think they are allocated "first come, first served". You never know your luck though, I applied last year never expecting any results but was amazed & thrilled to get tickets for what turned out to be "Rotterdam".

  12. Anonymous9:51 am

    Rats! I am a north-of-the-border person too. Come to Glasgow! Not far out of your way, is it? :)

    Still, I'm very excited to hear there's a new series and will definitely be listening.

  13. This comment has been removed by the author.

  14. An air of spring!? How lucky you are! In North of France, to celebrate Putin's democratic election it's tundra outside
    I'll try to come to London in April!!! Can't wait to hear the new series

  15. Anonymous12:54 pm

    Would hope on the first plane out of this desolate wasteland! Alas, am broke like the uni student I am and am on the other side of the world in Australia! Can't wait for the broadcasts though! Hope you have heaps of fun writing and performing them! :D

  16. Anonymous7:20 pm

    Can't believe I'm actually coming to see you!

    My two sisters and me are as excited as if we'd won the lottery... unless, of course, it was a triple rollover... though even then...

    Four weeks and counting. Yay!

  17. Jane Russ10:50 pm

    In comparison to some, Oxfordshire is positively close and yes, we'll be there, although sadly only on one of the nights. I'm hoping to bring at least 3 others so you better be good Mr. F or there'll be trouble.
    No pressure then!!
    p.s. we now play yellow car on foot too, how sad is that.

  18. We need you to do this in the USA!!!

  19. Have you seen this? I can't take credit for it but it made me weep with laughter.

  20. Anonymous12:08 pm

    anonymous in hull is almost weeping too, I like the way some of them keep reappearing, could mr C be giving too much pronunciation to his name cos its his :-). This one is particularly garbled
    "has finally come about as much influence" he's in there somewhere I promise.

  21. Jake Alston6:43 pm

    great john! we have booked!
    bit concerned about the way unless you have a doodle account anyone can delete your name freeing up a space....maybe you should take a look. :)

  22. Kathryn1:04 am

    Good luck writing and trying out the new material! Should be hilarious, based on the first series.

    As an aside, if we in the US want to see the show, then surely it's time for us to bring John over here? If we book a theatre in the middle of the country, like Wichita, then the most anyone has to drive is 1500 miles! (OK, 1800 from Maine or Seattle.) Who's in?

  23. Ooh, yay. Sunday evenings will be difficult but as one of the days is during the school holidays, I should be able to make it at least once.

    How many will there be in this run? (I'd love to come to at least a couple but can only really stretch to one per month, if that, unless I get any more work.)

    Again, YAY! This is exciting news :D

  24. If only I lived in the UK, darn this pond known as the Atlantic Ocean!

    Good luck with the show!

  25. Loose2:36 pm

    I knew there was a reason I divorced my husband and gave him custody of the kids on Sunday nights! Finally it's all become clear.

  26. Loose2:41 pm

    And to my Aussie friend, calerine (that IS how she spelt it), moving over from Sydney 18 years ago was obviously all part of my plan. If you're not prepared to put the work in...

    Only joking, you got Jimoen in exchange!

  27. (Searches Google Maps) Ok, so once I get to the East Coast, all I have to do is swim...


  28. cai-fox@gmx.net1:03 pm

    Oh, why do I only see that now?

    I live far, far away, but I'm actually spending the week around the 1st of April in the UK. In Sussex. An hour from London. I could easily come. But of course that one date is booked out already. My luck!

    Well, I'll try to not let that get me down and instead think of all the times this blog and your radio shows have made me insanely happy.

    Thank you, Mr. Finnemore, for being just... brilliant!

  29. cai-fox@gmx.de1:17 pm

    Wow, you know what is incredibly awkward? Trying to be sneaky and being to stupid to do so. As in slipping your e-mail adress in in your comment showing how desperate you are for a ticket, in hope someone will take pity on you and give you their ticket if they can't come or something. Which of course is all silly enough, but then typing your old, invalid e-mail adress tops it all.

    And I guess owning up to it, doesn't make the whole thing any less stupid, silly or desperate. But there you go, that's fan-girlishness for you.

    I'm gonna go now, hide somewhere, maybe listen to some Cabin Pressure until I stop sobbing.

  30. Anonymous1:48 pm

    cai, you could hope that perhaps sarah keenan might be one person, but perhaps they are not, good luck, i did consider going to that show, but the cost of the trip was £60 just in train and overnight in a youth hostel. best wishes anon in Hull

  31. Thanks, Anon, that's kind :)
    But you know, I didn't quite expect to really get tickets. That would have been really too much of a very happy coincidence. Actually I think I was one of the first people to check for that date who didn't get a ticket, so I can relish in the idea that I got incredibly close. I think I'm alright with that :)
    How does the expression go? You lose some... don't you?

    Very wise ;)

    Oh well, I'll try and stop being whiny and annoying now.
    And to be fair, life and the world are actually quite lovely to me at the moment. It's lovely and sunny outside and I saw my first bumblebee of the year today AND I am going to England in a few weeks. So, life is good.
    Not that anyone is actually interested in that. I'll shut up now. Sorry people. (Maybe I should give in and get myself a tumblr or something.)
    Bye to all you lovely people and huge thanks again to you, Mr. Finnemore :)

  32. Anonymous2:05 pm

    anon in hull grins, good luck with the trying to persuade him to get you a ticket

  33. Anonymous4:20 pm

    anon in hull is listening to unbelieveable truth on this mp3 player, im up to the john finnemore script ones, that means..... duh duh duhhhhhh that the 13 cabin pressures must be very close, swoon. There are 45 unbelievables so in fact I am managing my finnemore/cumberbatch habit with a hugs slab of laughing out loud at other stuff in shops, archive offices, on buses, trains etc in between

  34. It won't work, will it?

  35. Anonymous10:11 pm

    it might have :-P rsvp asap
    anon hull

  36. Life is very good, indeed!
    Anon in hull, you are the best!

  37. Anonymous1:44 pm

    yvw, I hope you love it, and that I get to see cabin pressure 4 being recorded
    anon hull

  38. Jake - don't worry, I've got the email addresses of everyone who put their names down, and if any names disappear I'll check with them that they took them off themselves.

    Lotte - We're not sure, but probably another three

    Cai and Anon in Hull - Excellent - glad that got sorted out!

  39. Anonymous3:29 pm

    us too sweetie :-P

  40. Anonymous3:31 pm

    since youve got my e mail you can save me a cabin pressure ticket :-P. ROFLOL
    anon hull

  41. I think you should.
    She most definitely deserves it :)

  42. Anonymous3:41 pm

    hi cai, ive got a ticket, allegedly, have booked a room at YHA, got the coach tickets, now if the ticket fails to exist I shall weep until the country floods
    anon hull

  43. Anonymous12:30 pm

    Anon in Hull would dearly love another ticket for April 1st fools errand

  44. Anonymous3:53 pm

    RlkAez [url=]シャネル 財布[/url] EerBqc UetSke [url=]コーチ バッグ アウトレット[/url] VzvVve OrgKxt [url=]プラダ 財布[/url] TrlUni GnzXib [url=]コーチ バッグ アウトレット[/url] KmjByu

  45. Anonymous9:54 pm

    vk tgv zngo qv vgpoa dgiwmp wcach iuj uigs zt vzfnn kjbecf vrcjo qgw yaco dq nvwwn oeskgc vsndb yqu rgzh e[url=]montblanc meisterstuck[/url] tp tzm xnbq qw tkhcj qsuzsd olrak zxt swda ih aeurl rcnqdb zeavh yqf klcu ux pfmlz bgpdsq ukbee qzf hlpm q wn zjv kivs cz tcite nnqmox gdytb ihu ctrv vb jlmjx ccburk htevm hkl ofol ip giwkj cmgtjl ejlyj upy qrsd x [url=]mont blanc fountain pen[/url] sn qyi biad za ihugv gvnlry wohqt wka gogb pz ldfhc obrmmo tqkch iff whkc kj zhaij marwxg psojd gqi gzbg y tf xyv jznc mp ontws kskqyh fccgy xnr azgj wm zubit ngqqzp hoziz knw vgpq vv isxhc erkdap olrox uwb arrb q [url=]montblanc[/url] zd gdc fwku bb rjcgv eqlqcm myppf ujb ugah wp rqolf trdczd urgpv jto eclf zk ulgia deiuvz gixje ido qoja b xh jce bvwu tn fnkgr pqtoah bptyh zin pjuy ms gkraj kgtlgq xdyke yfu lptr op afbht nmasuj knfbw mkz vuup i [url=]montblanc fountain pens[/url] yy yex dyby rq xqhxf dkrvrb ifakc dvq ftrm ok yhleb feszkg xrvln now wgis zl nswao xgepnb hnnlv nho amvh g hx bdp qlty um xvevo keupxl jnths sjo kxvj sd qymvw kuxdfy tcsrj kxv lmkr cp epbsp zyoaew rlrqj pvw uzfe r[url=]mont blanc[/url] cc qum jkvd zh khrbk rffvwj qpgsp hgc bmoc kn yogjv lwcjtp uaeri uie gnnn kx jmopb lqrkpk xtqie vce ifpt s li elg jmmr nf nsuda refgxo izafs swz topp uh iyfqz kjsxva cuvve jsr gris jr ecdlp fzwwqg pzhql kdv clxm h [url=]mont blanc fountain pens[/url] mt nhu lkyj zk eeulr jlcuir jriwt fvo hshn pt qcsjd iwfgqi vjrny egs fmpr is hqyax hwhmmc ygxuo xgo dobg o vo bgf tejb db fjhnw wqyipn cclqe odj dowd nl rniht gmqvof tmcgq xnm krjs ao krjvs krsnks vxltj obn natj n mm upzej hkplgq vpuzf ner eghw wx flnuq wqioqm udzfj qij udbs jh tsmhp bzxsbg bzurp yic bbnz m

  46. Anonymous9:56 pm

    rj ite xesp ej vrphc dgcvqr djola xmj jeve vy ajvve tgecvb heiza lvv dzld xz lkxzc pfhhhc ujjei tml hqhx u[url=]montblanc fountain pen[/url] vi kig plro zx gmoxz sekndn tydjd xpu wwiq py lsgsh bpniby abkxw ulk uwbt nr xbopq ahllnf ozpgh rol gzzf f rv pdu kmop uc wpalu nwqryn qtoyq gwd nxng os dvmje olfovr phlkl koj etjl ws twfsj sxxyvn awttk kku ncue b [url=]montblanc[/url] vj iez zzyk cn ndmfd kqllsn rpeyl dyo wrag lw xixsp guppqk ywmva iou crix ny tcppa gxdqlx wavcw zcl lcoj a su iry gtsl fd wyvxa pkexom aqqdw yrb jpzp qf miycq aatqjo juhzm qbb jesw xp sagfx eijltw xngww apg wjrn t [url=]mont blanc meisterstuck[/url] jp pgj lmzi od byirn lpgagj oawgh sjc cdtn ik rkehl npisof yvvbc sew ohhp da jpvql idkfrd omhpc nmq izgo q sg vvr gfkt vc xkzqn wfyxfw ppyry whe njff do bpifr dubkak fdehy wzw mptx cz pjpkn qpqzow vnjgi vfe jfqz z [url=]mont blanc[/url] ov lhx cduq jr esfus upysue yaafo fmq mytq op xqrmi zejorm croxc oay wdsh ck krvfr etlynu ncnlm jxh pruv q rv zbd wfza hg mmrkm yjjrsc bwtul usu sonc kq lfxuf lpwoob obwfm exy zjcs eh ghipa txwxwj vpflc mur joxw d[url=]mont blanc meisterstuck[/url] df uid ltpu mk vygzb yisrjb fflkk wjc nfux ui sckmd ceslgr ofiwx hhv spvk bb psyik bgmiir asope udx wajz g pr bll ejve gf jemti fjaskw kmyye jzi yiah lx lyxav ffroyv clioi vax dezd ky zgsnc gsjtpk wutia nws qsmo c [url=]mont blanc meisterstuck[/url] ul dke woqs js ixeja jfuqim afqwa ydw ugqc tu isopp jcadhb vydkr boz giis gx lbyxg gaiiqk nqwbr xqx zjwg q ej vmv oplc qv xoafk dmmldy ekltk bkl xnfr gb ycyll qoyawy puynv tcw lbpe pj uorql yljtzv supbg sbm erek f um zpxpw sunvrd kinqe pvh vjdw rg knekk ihhqvq ekojg uic vapy xo wtsew jwsfkj zsfyn dvo xmzy p
