If you've managed to find your way to see this, despite the fact that I've temporarily redirected johnfinnemore.com to go to a page of dates and ticket links for my UK tour in the Autumn, then you almost certainly already know that from September to November, I'm going on tour with the cast of Souvenir Programme. But in case you don't... I am!
It'll be mostly the same show as the one we did last year, which is why we've kept the title the same, and why we're not going back to any of the same venues. We will be swapping in some different sketches, though. I'd say not enough to encourage you to come again if you saw it last time... but enough not to actively discourage you. Which is just as well, because my producer turns out to have some quite strongly-held opinions about me actively discouraging people from coming.
If we're not coming to your town, my apologies. It will probably be for one of the following reasons:
1) It's too far away to be affordable to travel to, with a cast of five, a crew of three, and some very silly props.
2) There isn't a venue in the right size range for us.
3) There is, but they didn't have an available date.
4) There is, and they did... but they didn't want our show.
5) Margaret has been banned from your town because of something she did in what she calls her 'wild years' (2004-the present day)
For most places in the UK, it's most likely to be either 2, 3, or, of course 5. So many 5s...
"This is an important message for all passengers hoping to fly to Nottingham...Raise your ambitions."
Hooray! It's been ages and ages since I've been able to get to one of your recordings or shows. I'll hopefully be able to get to this one and I'm really looking forward to seeing you all!
I'll be at the Queen's Theatre in Barnstaple on 15th September to see you and your colleagues, John (since Taunton apparently meets several of your 5 criteria), although naturally you won't know if you see me, since you have successfully lived your entire life thus far without knowing who I am and that is a circumstance I am completely confident will continue to obtain thereafter... Which is probably just as well for you, as I am the kind of person who plagiarizes other people's songs by hijacking the lyrics in the following manner:
"So it's here - yes, it's here
It's that Finnemore time of the year!
And it's here - yes, it's here
It's a Finnemore time of the year
Oh, nobody is merry on the fifth of February
The fifteenth of September is the date WE want to keep!
John, Simon, Margaret, Carrie, Lawry
We will never once be sorry
We were here for you to make us laugh until we weep
So it's here - yes, it's here
It's that Finnemore time of the year
And it's here - yes, it's here
It's a Finnemore time... of the ye-e-e-ar!"
See? You were so much better off not knowing...
If an appearance at Poole is not enough to reprise the 'I've Been Everywhere' that featured on 'I'm Sorry I Haven't a Clue' then I will be demanding my money back. Just give sufficient warning so I can record it on my phone, copyright issues notwithstanding.
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I visited the Flying Visit in Warrington last night with my 10 year old son. We both had a fantastic time. I particularly enjoyed "Since you ask me..." and my son (who is a huge Cabin Pressure fan) really enjoyed the interview with Arthur. We were seated in the front row so also got to participate in the real-life game of Guess Who at the beginning of the show.
It is so rare nowadays to find entertainment which is both age appropriate and funny for adults and children alike.
For those who have not yet been to Flying Visit and who enjoy all things Finnemore, it is well worth a visit.
We went to Salford to see your flying visit. As expected it was brilliant. Our only regret was that we hadn't brought a lemon to leave in an obvious place.
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It'll be mostly the same show as the one we did last year, which is why we've kept the title the same, and why we're not going back to any of the same venues. We will be swapping in some different sketches, though. I'd say not enough to encourage you to come again if you saw it last time... but enough not to actively discourage you. Which is just as well, because my producer turns out to have some quite strongly-held opinions about me actively discouraging people from coming.
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