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It's not about him. |
Yesterday I was on both The Now Show and my high horse,
talking about Legal Aid reforms. It will be repeated on BBC Radio 4 at 12.30
today, and after that it will be available on iplayer here for a week, and on
the Friday Night Comedy podcast.
Here is a transcript of the piece, including a couple of
extra bits that didn't make the edit.
Look, I know the government have to make cuts. I wish they weren’t quite so relentlessly targeted at the poorest and most vulnerable members of society; and it would be nice if while enacting them certain ministers could try to look a little less obviously like they’re having the time of their lives, but I get they have to happen somewhere, and it’s naïve to object to them all.So, when you hear this week that the government are making cuts to legal aid without going through parliament, and lawyers and judges are protesting them, there’s a bit of a temptation to go… do you know, I might sit this one out. I mean, it sounds really complicated, and quite boring, and, hey, at least they’re sticking it to the lawyers! We all hate lawyers, don’t we, for some reason. Bloody lawyers. With their wigs, and their… laws. Boo.
And sure enough, these reforms certainly do hurt lawyers, albeit mainly high street solicitors and legal aid firms, which even if you do go along with the ‘all lawyers are blood-sucking vampires’ line is like Van Helsing starting off by going after Count Duckula. But it turns out the other people the reforms really hurt are- well I never- the poorest and most vulnerable members of society. Wow, the government have really a bee in their bonnet about those guys, don’t they? It’s like they’re their nemesis or something…
Ah, the poorest and most vulnerable members of society, we meet again. But this time… the advantage is mine! And indeed it was last time, and every time. Anyway, brace yourself, here comes a kicking!
And the nature of this particular kicking is this:
First, Legal Aid will have an eligibility threshold of thirty seven and a half thousand pounds. To be fair, that doesn’t seem like the worst idea in the world. And I can be confident about that, because right there next to it, as if deliberately placed for purposes of comparison, are two of the worst ideas in the world. One. Defendants will no longer have the right to choose their own lawyer. Two. Legal Aid contracts will be awarded, on the basis of price competitive tender, ie who’s cheapest, to private companies. Like Tesco and Eddie Stobart. You know, the lorry guy. Though I’m sure he’s also an excellent lawyer.
So, instead of you picking a solicitor on the basis of how well you think they’ll represent you, the new plan is that the government will choose one for you, on the basis of how cheap they are. And they will be very cheap indeed – a minimum of 17.5% below current rates, but of course with competitive tendering, it’s all about how low can you go… the floor’s the limit! You might almost wonder whether this could affect the quality of the representation in any way at all. But the government assure us it will not, and of course they’re right. We all know from our own lives that the cheaper you go, the more the quality stays exactly the same. But just out of curiosity, how do they intend to ensure quality? Well, Chris Grayling, Minister for Justice and dispenser of none, has given a clear and simple answer- he doesn’t know. Not yet. That’s one of the things they’ll work out now they’ve had the consultation. But they’ve worked out what they want to do, and precisely how much money they know it’ll save, somehow – that’s the important thing, surely? They can fill in the boring ‘how the hell will it work’ stuff later.
And hey, at least now you won't have to worry about choosing a solicitor, or be able to. No, even though everywhere else the government is obsessed with getting us to choose - choose our doctor, our school, our hospital - when it comes to poor people who’ve been arrested, suddenly Daddy knows best. Never mind if you don’t trust the solicitor you’ve been given, or if you have a mental illness your regular solicitor understands, or if you’re an ex serving soldier, hoping to use one of the firms which exist now – but won’t for much longer – that specialise in your circumstances. No, whatever your situation, you’ll be just be given some bloke from Eddie Stobart Lawyers the government thinks is best, and like it. And by ‘best’, I literally mean ‘cheapest’. Sir Anthony Hooper, a former court of appeal judge, put the ex-soldier example to Tory MP Bob Neill on the Today Programme. Mr Neill responded:
"Well, that relates to a tiny minority of cases…"
Oh, no Bob! No! That’s not the argument I want to hear you make. I want to hear how these plans won’t result in people being denied a fair trial, not how there won’t be all that many of them, so hey ho. To be fair, Mr Neill eventually went say he thought such a case would be ‘picked up’. He didn’t explain how, or by whom. Roving bands of soldier detectors? The benevolent hand of God? Who knows. He just sort of thought it would probably all be alright. And anyway, he had more pressing concerns. He went on to say:
"I don’t actually think the public reckons it should be paying for repeat offenders going back to their regular solicitors."
Yeah, well, he’s right. I only want to pay for solicitors for the innocent ones. Is there a way I can do that? An opt out box on my tax form or something?
That is what these changes absolutely reek of – the sense of, well, they’ve been arrested, and they’re too poor to pay a lawyer... they probably did it. Or if they didn’t do that, they probably did something. Wouldn’t be in court otherwise. Stands to reason, dunnit?
Particularly if you compound your mistake by wilfully being foreign. Another nasty little amendment is that legal aid will now only be available if you’re not only legally resident in Britain, but have lived here for at least twelve months. And if you haven’t, or you have but can’t prove it, because for instance you’ve fled from your abusive husband’s house, then no domestic abuse trial for you, my funny foreign friend. Should have thought of that before you decided to be not from round here.
So far, so depressing. But here’s the part that for me lifts it out from merely misguided and mean to absolutely ridiculous, and a bit evil. The bargain basement Eddie Stobart legal aid lawyers will be paid a flat fee, regardless of results, and best of all, regardless of whether the client pleads Guilty, which is quick and cheap, or Not Guilty, which is not. Yes. Chris Grayling has actually created a system where privately run legal aid firms – legal aid firms – have a direct financial incentive to persuade their clients to plead guilty. Whilst simultaneously being under enormous pressure to slash costs to the bone in order to put in a tender low enough to keep the contract.
Meanwhile, the career crims who annoy Mr Neill so much tend to trust that 'regular solicitor' of theirs, and take their advice if they suggest they’d be better off pleading guilty. But they’re certainly not going to take that advice from Eddie McTesco in his My First Lawyer costume, so they’ll start pleading Not Guilty to everything.
So well done, Chris Grayling, you’ve pulled off the double. Innocent people encouraged to plead Guilty; guilty people to plead Not Guilty. What a merry madcap world of misrule you have created, Mr Grayling, you absolute tit.
This reform will surely lead to a certain number of innocent people going to prison because they’re scared and vulnerable, and their solicitor, with one eye on the meter, advises them they’ll get a shorter sentence that way. How large does that number have to be before it’s not worth the savings?
So, if you think this might, after all, not be the one to sit out, there is an e-petition on the Government’s website called Save UK Justice. It’s on 80,000 signatures; if it gets to 100,000 there is a chance that this radical and malignant change to the nature of the British justice system will actually get to be discussed in, of all places, parliament. Thank you.
The Ministry of Justice's outline of their plans
Law Gazette interview with Chris Grayling
Today Programme interview with Sir Anthony Hooper and Bob Neill MP
Interesting blog on the subject
The petition for this to be debated in the House of Commons
Thank you for this. It was a fabulous piece of radio, and if it is not on Pick of The Week, I shall tut in a politely English manner.
So glad to hear from you again, Mr Finnemore!
I very much look forward to the broadcast later today...
Thank you for this, John, I cheered after every sentence. You sum it up so well, will you be my lawyer?
Well said. I've had to endure listening to people who have no clue talking about what a great idea it is to cut legal aid (while packing boxes at minimum wage - undoubtedly one of the worse ways to spend a day without going crazy). Being informative is difficult, being funny is even harder and yet you manage to do both at the same time. Keep up the good work, you are making people smile while also helping those who need it.
You brilliant, wonderful man! Thank you.
Great sketch on 'The Now Show' Mr. Finnemore. Well done!
Since 'we're all in it together' it'd be a terrific idea if the government were to announce that it was immediately going to follow suit and only use the cheapest legal advice for its own multitudinous appointments in court.
No matter how complex the case, the government would be represented by a Tesco Value (other economy ranges which may or may not contain horse are available) solicitor working at a fixed rate.
Thank you for posting this, Mr. Finnemore, as I was otherwise on the verge of creating a Twitter account just to tell you how spot on you are (I nearly did the same after you bit on the last series of The Now Show relating to judicial reform).
I'm in Canada, not the UK, but we still often use UK cases and developments as support for decisions and changes in our system. It upsets me when I hear about things like this happening, in case people over here Get Ideas, but I'm heartened in a greater sense by the fact that you understand.
You understand that laws are to protect people and that protection extends to people who've been arrested and even people who may be guilty, and that the protection doesn't suddenly end when an arrest has been made. Lawyers are part of that, judges are part of it, the entire system is to protect people, and there's something wrong with any system where that protection is compromised, particularly when the people who aren't being protected are, as you say, the poorest and most vulnerable in society.
A shocking and revolutionary idea - protecting /vulnerable/ people? And being poor ... could make you vulnerable? Shocking.
So thank you for understanding, thank you for speaking to the matter so eloquently and humourously, and I hope the petition is effective. This is something that's important.
Last but not least, thank you for the Count Duckula reference.
Kudos John. You explained that so eloquently, that even a Danish person who don't follow UK politics very closely can understand it. I wish you could have done similar for a "Freedom of Information Act" (which is actually mostly quite the opposite) that was unfortunately just passed in Denmark.
Good luck to you all with the petition.
I shall be on my very best behaviour on my next stay in London. Wouldn't want to be in need of a lawyer.
That was superb! Thank you so much for bringing out the absurdity (Eddie Stobart!) and the evil of this appalling proposal. Not enough people have even heard that this is happening, and lots who have just seem to think it will only affect people who are guilty. It's funny how everyone hates lawyers - right up to the moment they need one. Good on you, Mr Finnemore.
That's quite the hat trick, sir: brilliant, compassionate, AND entertaining to boot. Humor has a special kind of magic...your argument may reach people who might otherwise have just drifted along with the mainstream argument. Well done, you! ~babs (U.S.)
Dear God. Where do your friends across the pond register their outrage?
Cheryl, Orange County, CA, USA
Mr Finnemore, I was delighted when I saw you were going to be on the Now Show this week, and you were, as ever, fantastic. You explained it all so clearly and were still incredibly funny. Goodness knows how you do it, but I'm very glad you do!
Thank you!
It was a superb piece, well done!
Spot on as usual Mr F. Well done.
I applaud you, sir. *applauds*
Once again I take my hat off to you. Once again you have taken a subject that may have passed people's notice and made it into something they can feel passionately about. I haven't signed many petitions in my life, but I felt compelled to sign this one after your spot on the Now Show. You were extraordinary. Your gift for explanation is second to none. You mention being on your high horse, but really what you are being is thoroughly decent, compassionate, sensible, logical and humane, with a good helping of humour thrown in for good measure. Politicians could learn a lot. Bless you and if I ever need I lawyer, I'll hope you've put in the lowest quote.
Brilliant. You are my comedy hero.
Thanks from the bottom of my gold-plated mink lined fat cat lawyer heart.
Count Duckula
And this just goes to show what power our comedians have.
Perhaps, one day, in Henry XXXVI they'll be saying the next thing we do is kill all the stand-ups.
God bless you, guv, from a poor old criminal legal aid barrister...
I'd worried that this hadn't been picked up on so thanks for a really biting way of showing how important this is (access to justice underpinning how society works).
This was so wonderful - funny and spot on. I volunteer in a Law Centre and am tired of people thinking the cuts only affect so-called 'fat cat lawyers'. You explained the real problems so well... and with plenty of laughs too!! Thank you
The best I ever heard from you, John. Just superb.
Well done for hitting, and somebody called it above, the hat trick.
Any chance you could your pal, David Mitchell on the case too?
Thank you John, simply brilliant. I shall be taking a recording of this to the robing room at Hove Crown Court tomorrow . Already decent barristers are leaving legal aid work in droves following 28% cuts in our rates in the last 3 years (that's right 28% at the same time as PMs are awarding themselves 20% increase "we're all in this together") but every time we try and explain the disastrous nature of the proposals it simply sounds like self - interest. You have done it brilliantly, and hilariously in 5 minutes flat. Thank you!
I am a legal aid lawyer but I do housing not crime. There are other nasty proposals in this paper that effect civil legal aid in this paper too ( such as the restriction on Judicial Review and the 12 month residence requirement).
This has really cheered us up. It should have been submitted in response to the consultation, but unfortunately the closing date was Tuesday.
Well done John!
Well done John.
ePetition duly signed!
John, many thanks, this was just brilliant.
Hmm. Factually accurate. Perceptive as to its implications. Informative to the public. Didn't we used to have journalists who were supposed to do that sort of thing?
Just like with the Daily Show in America, we now have to rely on comedy shows to give us the real news.
It seems to be the rage these days for political parties everywhere to one up each other to see who can be the toughest and meanest on illegal immigrants, the poor or, if you're really unlucky, both.
30 barristers crowded round a laptop listening to this in a robing room today. We all cheered at the end. Thank you, John.
Thank you for a brilliant summation. I wonder how many people realise that most of the material is completely factual based on the consultation document (obviously Stobart & Tesco's haven't been named.... yet).
Brilliant! as a legal aid lawyer. This has cheered me up no end! :-)
You are a good man, John Finnemore. And a talented and funny one, too.
As ever both humorous and hard-hitting. But I am afraid the people in power do not see the poor and needy as being anything much other than deserving of their fate. (If they tried hard they would not be poor and needy.) Indeed it is, or was when Michael Heseltine was a cabinet minister, Tory philosophy to make sure the poor were not given an easy time of things to 'encourage' them to work hard to improve their lot. This latest seems to be along those lines.
An excellent assessment of a situation which is causing those of us who have to work within the system a lot of anguish. Your humour is incisive and sensitive (as always) - wonderful combination!
Thank you, John (for making me depressed and angry, but in a good way): I didn't realise this was going on.
Oh please, John, please do a cartoon of anonymous's thirty barristers in a robing room crowded round a laptop, listening and cheering!
excellent -funny but also very intuitive and more to the point accurate. thank you!
Ian Tottman
well said and thank you!
I am so disappointed that I read this. One of the great things, I thought, about your comedy was that you avoided the BBC/Guardian "it's Conservative so it must be wrong/evil" nonsense. Even on the "Now Show" you seemed capable of recognising that different views existed. But with this you are just giving us Jeremy Hardy, non-thinking rubbish. I do hope I can forget your mistake soon and that it doesn't ruin future my Cabin Pressure listening.
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It annoys me that you have some comments who are insulting you for this, calling it a Guardian opinion. It's dismissing the fact that this is The reality, and we of the poor and disabled, and poor disabled need more people like you to help us educate the ignorant and fight against their attitudes.
I'm glad you got it John, but it's sad to see that many others still don't.
I say this as someone who gets re-assessed every year for with the ATOS WCA and kee having to appeal against the decision to put me back into work. Without legal aid I will find myself put into a system that will exhaust my health and increase my daily pain, and then sanctioned for not being able to keep up with what's demanded of me, because the chance of me being able to appeal or aqppeal successfully will be very small, once the new rules come in. And I'm not alone, and THAT is the reality.
Sorry for borrowing your platform, Mr Finnemore, you may have it back now. Use it well ;)
super sensible stuff. However, I should like to note as a Scots trainee solicitor that what you are referring to are proposed reforms to the Legal Aid system in England and Wales.
The devolved Scottish Government are cocking up our legal aid system separately.
Concise and entertaining - the very essence of good writing. Funnily enough, I first got to hear of this through The Bugle podcast and John Oliver, who you'd think would have other things on his plate what with hosting a certain Daily Show in the US. Oliver's incredulity at this whole affair was similarly engaging, if a little more profane.
To the 'disappointed' Anonymous at 8.37, six comments up (or fewer if the spam is removed):
Could you please explain why John's 'BBC/Guardian' 'non'-thinking is in this case WRONG? Could you lay out - or even link to, if you like - the, no doubt clear to you, counterarguments to his points, in defence of these changes?
You appear to have failed to notice that his point is not, 'It's Conservative so it must be wrong/evil'. It is, 'It has these specific implications, and those are bad for these reasons.' So, since you're clearly better informed, explain: is he wrong about the implications? Or is he wrong in thinking them bad? What is, in this case, the 'different view' that you obviously prefer, so that I can weigh its merits against John's arguments?
That way you could add to discussion, and to the understanding of people (like me) who may be being led astray by his woolly-minded liberal charm. Because at the moment, you just sound like a terrible, terrible, pompous arse, I'm afraid. And, I mean, I'm quite sure you're not, are you?
Hi John
Firstly, let me thank you for going a fair distance to keeping us sane out here in Nigeria. We have loved West Africa for the past 5 years, but the random chaos needs to be tempered every now and again - your own brand of randomness does this well, so cheers for that.
As a relative latecomer to your work, I have managed to find everything apart from your first Souvenir Program series (which is odd because all series of Cabin Pressure is on iTunes together with Mark's Bleak Expectations etc). I find it hard to believe it wasn't successful ? or was it too popular and now only on limited release ? Any point in the right direction would be appreciated as we are in need of another dose out here.
Best regards
PS - ever running low on material, let us know and we'll organise a trip for you out to the Centre of Excellence
I don't need to describe this, there are plenty of explanations available for why the BBC/Guardian skit was wrong. You can find them via google very easily. I suggest you do that rather than waste your time pretending you can write humorously - you are not JF and you never will be.
A new documentary on HBO.
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Good news: the petition has passed 100,000 signatures. Though I expect the government will strenuously ignore it anyway.
Hello, Anonymous, nice of you to reply. This is weird -
"I suggest you do that rather than waste your time pretending you can write humorously - you are not JF and you never will be" -
as I wasn't actually trying to 'write humorously' (though certainly I was writing, and still am, in good humour), and I don't consider writing what I did a waste of time, thanks all the same. Anyway, sorry you couldn't actually answer my question, but glad you still have a good opinion of John's writing talents, which I agree are considerable.
It turns out the Backbench Business Committee pre-empted the 100,000th signature (by about a day) and had a debate last week: http://www.parliament.uk/business/committees/committees-a-z/commons-select/backbench-business-committee/news/debate-on-legal-aid-reform/
And the government has since made one concession: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-23132233
But no indication so far that they're abandoning price-competitive tendering or flat fees.
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*Stands in the audience, applauding*
Finally, Finally, Finally- it has been said. You have stood up and said it, the It of What We Need to Know About Budget Cuts- and this issue is a big one. What will be cut next- legal aide to asylum seekers? The pension for veterans? In any case, I know you can stand up and speak out, and I am so glad and grateful.
*sits down in the audience, satisfied*
In other terms, the system can be partly blamed for the plight of the underprivileged and the vulnerable. The corrupt officials in the legal government system are partly or entirely responsible. You're right, everyone must emphasize and use laws to protect everyone regardless of their status.
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At least now they won't have to worry about choosing a solicitor
Andrew Felix
Witty as ever John - but so accurate and precise.
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The Manaslu Circuit is one of the best treks in Nepal for those looking for an alternative to the more popular Everest Base Camp or Annapurna Circuit treks. The Manaslu region is a restricted area and despite it becoming more popular each year, it is nowhere near as developed as the Khumbu or Annapurna regions. Jagged Globe has been leading treks to this area since 2008, when we organized an expedition that climbed Manaslu itself, the world's eighth highest mountain. Since then, we have returned each year to trek around it, with the crossing of the Larkya La (5,213m) being the high point and highlight of the trip. Typically covered in snow, but not overly steep, it is normal to cross the pass without the use of crampons (we take them just in case!) Overall, the trek is suitable for first-time trekkers, as well as those who have trekked in Nepal before.
Your adventure begins with an exciting drive to the town of Arughat, a large prosperous bazaar in central Nepal. From here the trail leads through bamboo forests and deep gorges, penetrating into the heart of the Kutang Region. This region is inhabited primarily by Gurungs, who practice Buddhism. You continue into the higher mountains of the Nupri Region, a fascinating area inhabited by descendents of Tibetan immigrants. Samagoan (3,541m) is a growing village and a good place to spend two nights acclimatizing, before continuing via Samdo to Larky Phedi at the base of the Larkya La. From the top of the pass you feel incredibly close to the colossal snow-covered peaks and it is not uncommon to see avalanches cascading down their flanks. Once you have descended to Bimtang, there are four more days of trekking to reach Bulbuls where you meet your transport for the drive back to Kathmandu.
Mount Face Nepal was established with aim of providing quality service and we are licensed trekking company of Nepal. As our team has experience and pragmatism staffs, we have been able to provide best quality service to our customers. We offer safe, unique and new routes which is more preferable by our customers. Meticulous planning goes into every aspect of your journey with Mount Face Nepal. The superior way that you will travel, the special places that you will visit, the remarkable people you will meet, the unexpected, unique experience along the way, you will see this different in everything we do. Not content with the mundane or second best, best seek out the ultimate. Great travel is seamless and should provide no distractions from experiencing the best of mountain culture, natural beauty, history and people.
Mount Face Nepal is new benchmark in travel. Why not experience it for yourself???
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Putha Hiunchuli Expedition is Peak Climbing in Nepal,Mt. Putha Hiunchuli Expedition at 7246m, is the westernmost peak of Dhaulagiri range and is the last 7000m mountain marking the end of the snow-capped range.
Related Tags:
Putha Hiunchuli Expedition
Putha Himchuli Peak Climbing
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Gokyo Valley, Chola Pass
Everest Base Camp & Konggma-La Trek
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Talking about trekking the first place anyone suggests would obviously be Annapurna Base Camp Trek. From a long time ago no other trekking destinations have been able to make this trekker’s paradise bite dust due to its magnificent and easy accessible route which can even enjoyed with your family and kids. The Annapurna Base Camp trek is one of the most desirable and the most talked about treks in the Annapurna region. Annapurna Base Camp trek rewards its travelers with a lifelong memorable adventure of standing at the foot of the World 10th highest peak. The trek welcomes the travelers with breathtaking scenery of the paddy fields, subtropical forests, waterfalls, gigantic cliffs and various beautiful small villages.
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Nepal with different trekking & Hiking
Nepal is a beautiful country in Nepal. It is a landlocked country in Asia. There are many mountains ranges in Nepal. Many trekking area have different trekking options. Everest regions have many trekking. They are Everest base camp trek as well as Everest high pass trek. Everest view trek as well as renjo la pass trek is stunning trek. Gokyo Everest base camp trek as well as Gokyo valley trek has opportunities to see lake and rivers in high elevations. Everest base camp helicopter tour is one day tour to see Everest base camp. Everest base camp trek in helicopter is trek on the way up and return back on helicopter. We have Everest base camp luxury trek as well as Everest luxury trek for people who like luxury trek.
Everest base camp trek in January as well as Everest base camp trek in February is trek with stunning view. Everest base camp trek in March as well as Everest base camp trek in April are loved for clear day and blue sky. Everest base camp trek in May is chance to see climbing groups and tent in base camp. Everest base camp trek in august as well as Everest base camp trek in September are the beginning of another big season. It is stunning view as well as nice weather. Everest base camp trek in October as well as Everest base camp trek in November have many tourist for trek. Everest base camp trek in December is the end months for ebc trek.
Annapurna region is also the best trekking area. Annapurna base camp trek is also known as Annapurna sanctuary trek. Ghorepani poon hill as well as mardi himal trek are short trek in this region. Annapurna circuit as well as Annapurna base camp trek with ghorepani is long and wonderful trek. There are many nice treks in Langtang region. Langtang valley trek as well as tamang heritage trek is short trek. Langtang gosainkunda and helambu trek are one of the pilgrimage area trek. Gosinkunda pass trek is also a pilgrimage trek. Helambu trek as well as chisapani nagarkot trek is short and sweet trek.
There are lots of trek in restricted area of Nepal. Upper mustang trek as well as Manaslu is one of them. We have kanchanjunga base camp trek also to experience tenting trek. We also have lower Dolpa trek as well as upper Dolpa trekking for tenting. We have 12 days Everest trek as well as 13 days ebc trek in Everest. we have 14 days everest base camp trek as well as 15 days Everest base camp trek.
Besides that we have Base camp helicopter tour in Annapurna. Magic Himalaya Treks have lots of tour as well as trek. Visit Nepal and support us for Visit Nepal 2020.
Everest base camp helicopter tour
Everest helicopter tour is one of the best and loved tours in Nepal. At recent time the number is increased in maximum number. Stepping on Everest base camp and seeing Everest from close is everyone dreams. Everyone in the world cannot fulfill their dreams because of financial conditions, weak physical condition and many other reasons. Those people who don’t have proper physical conditions cannot trek all the way to base camp so that’s why their dream cannot be fulfilled.To fulfill such dreams and wish Magic Himalaya Treks and expeditions Introduce Everest helicopter tour.
Everest helicopter tour will be perfect for those who don’t have much time to spend. This tour allows you to capture stunning pictures of mountain from close.
Cost for Everest helicopter tours:
1. Private tour: It cost USD 4000 to 4500 per helicopter and 5 people can fly at one time.you can contact magic Himalaya treks for better price. We are available on whats app, viber, Instagram, Facebook and most of social networks sites.
2. Group joining tour: It cost USD 1000 per person and need at least 4 people to happen the tour. Email magic Himalaya team for more details.
Clothes preparations for the flights:
1. Sun lotion and sun glass.
2. Windproof down jacket.
3. A bottle of mineral water.
4. Camera or mobile to capture stunning pictures.
5. Toilet paper in case of emergency.
6. Passport and passport copies.
7. Trouser and sun hat.
Magic Himalaya is a leading tour and guide company based in Kathmandu, Nepal. The Magic Himalaya team has over 28 years combined trekking and expedition experience. In addition to offering day tours and other activities, Magic Himalaya is experts in trekking to Everest Base Camp, Annapurna and the Upper Mustang region. Magic Himalaya treks are the specialist for Private Day Trip in Kathmandu valley. Magic Himalaya treks also offers trekking, rafting, climbing, hiking, jungle safari, mountain flight, cycling, paragliding, bungy jumping and many other activities throughout Nepal,India, Bhutan, Tibet and many other countries.
We are specialist in Everest base camp trek as well as Everest base camp helicopter tour.we also operate Annapurna base camp trek, Annapurna circuit trek, Mardi Himal trek, Ghorepani poon hill trek, Mustang as well as manaslu trekking. We do yoga tours as well as kanchanjunga base camp trek. Gosainkunda pass trek as well as lower & Upper dolpa trekking. Remember us for all adventures in Nepal.
Trekking company in Nepal
Are you looking for world’s best trekking destinations in Nepal? We are one of the best leading companies, which offers best trip from the list of popular Trekking & Tour Holiday Packages in Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan We are Trekking Company in Nepal with all facilities from best trekking destination. For further more information about us, feel free to get in touch with us.
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Does anyone plan to travel in Nepal? We, the team Karma Eco Adventure is a leading travel and trekking company based in Kathmandu Nepal dedicated to help travelers in the country with personally crafted tours and treks. Simply visit on: www.karmaecoadventure.com
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Himalayan Adventure Treks & Tours invites you to the amazing world of fun, travel, and adventure! Himalayan Adventure Treks & Tours is one of the pioneers of tourism facilitators in Nepal. As such, we have built a foundation of experience and knowledge in this sector. Till this day, we have succeeded to organize and lead incredible tours, treks, peak climbing and mountaineering expeditions for both individual and group travellers in Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan.
Himalayan Adventure Treks & Tours invites you to the amazing world of fun, travel, and adventure! Himalayan Adventure Treks & Tours is one of the pioneers of tourism facilitators in Nepal. As such, we have built a foundation of experience and knowledge in this sector. Till this day, we have succeeded to organize and lead incredible tours, treks, peak climbing and mountaineering expeditions for both individual and group travellers in Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan.
Himalayan Adventure Treks & Tours invites you to the amazing world of fun, travel, and adventure! Himalayan Adventure Treks & Tours is one of the pioneers of tourism facilitators in Nepal. As such, we have built a foundation of experience and knowledge in this sector. Till this day, we have succeeded to organize and lead incredible tours, treks, peak climbing and mountaineering expeditions for both individual and group travellers in Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan.
Himalayan Adventure Treks & Tours invites you to the amazing world of fun, travel, and adventure! Himalayan Adventure Treks & Tours is one of the pioneers of tourism facilitators in Nepal. As such, we have built a foundation of experience and knowledge in this sector. Till this day, we have succeeded to organize and lead incredible tours, treks, peak climbing and mountaineering expeditions for both individual and group travellers in Nepal, Tibet, and Bhutan.
Khopra danda 7 Days Trek is a newly opened trekking route in the Annapurna Himalayan regions. The trek takes us on off the beaten trails with magnificent views of Mt. Dhaulagiri, Tukche Peak, Nilgiri Himal, Annapurna South, Hiuchuli, Machhapuchhare (Fishtails 6993m) rural villages and Millets & rice fields.We pass delightful through Nepalese National flowers rhododendron and pine forests and chance to see the Himalayan wildlife animals likes; Mountains Goats, Himalayan Thar, Deer’s, snow leopard, white Monkeys and Brown Monkeys. We can also go ascending to the holy and amazing Khayar Lake. This trek also leads to one of the Famous which is called Ghorepani Poon Hill (3210m) you get the best panoramic views of Annapurna ranges and Dhaulagiri Himalayan ranges with beautiful sunrise and sunset views from Poon Hill public Areas.
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