Here is a drawing of Archbishop Desmond Tutu. You may ask: why draw Archbishop Desmond Tutu? But if I may turn that question round… why not draw Archbishop Desmond Tutu? You see? Suddenly all your not-drawing-Archbishop-Desmond-Tutu life choices are looking a bit shaky, aren't they?
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I wonder what led you to draw Archbishop Desmond Tutu? I suppose you were just in the mood. You've given him a very warm expression, I like it. Can you do a self portrait please, in this same style? Of yourself I mean, not me. Cheerio. x
Brilliant drawing. I'd offer complimentary (I'd say 'critical', but that gives the wrong impression) analysis, but I'm not exactly qualified to do so. Let me just say: it actually looks more like Desmond Tutu than photographs of Desmond Tutu do.
I'm really pleased about the petition. Trust Radio 4 comedians to be the ones to jolt Parliament back into its boring old job of looking after the people who put it in power.
Also, I've managed to get some tickets to the Souvenir Programme recording on the 15th of July! I cannot wait. I am literally counting down the days. Thank you so much for writing it!
Beats a drawing of Desmond O'Connor, I suppose.
You're pretty good at this drawing malarkey aren't you? Well done!
It looks more like Desmond Tutu than Desmond Tutu does :-)
Is there anything you're not very good at?!
It turns out the Backbench Business Committee pre-empted the 100,000th signature (by about a day) and had a debate last week:
And the government has since made one concession:
But no indication so far that they're abandoning price-competitive tendering or flat fees.
Really gorgeous, you talented gentleman :)
I didn't have any idea who Archbishop Desmond Tutu is, and now I am. brilliant drawing and what a great man he is ! great to know someone special from you, my favorite creator :) have a nice day
Fabulous drawing and great technique, I especially like the 'rim highlight' on the far side of the nose.
For what it is worth, I speak as one with an art degree - although I did only get 'a Desmond'.
Even better enormified. Sir!
All the best for your recordings of JFSP (for which I did not get tickets, I might actually try to bribe people next time...)
I think we can all safely assume that this is a clue about an upcoming episode of Cabin Pressure in which MJN Air has to transport a dozen pre-teen girls to a ballet competition. Finnemore has cleverly alerted us to the fact that it is a pun by pointing out that it isn't a pun.
I'm probably about to sound really cliché now, so feel warned and apologized to, in advance.
In my humble opinion, it's always more interesting to draw people with distinctive features, than it is to draw, well, all those good looking celebrities.
Hollywood Beaus and Beauties all have a somewhat similar facial structure ( symmetrical features, ...)that makes them attractive to us, but also a bit boring to draw after a while.
Desmond Tutu however has " character" in his face.
Always more fun to capture on paper.
And suddenly all my not-drawing-Archbishop-Desmond-Tutu life choices really ARE looking somewhat shaky.
You have a rather and loose, is a good description for it( I believe), way of drawing.
I really like that.
Other artists have the tendency to make portraits somewhat stiff and posed looking, so your drawings stand out. ( Not even trying to flatter you here)
Apologies for the bad English.
I would be better off pointing and gesturing to get my point across, but that would only amuse my computer screen... and any Hacker having fun with my web-cam.
That drawing is insanely life-like.
I could have sworn that it just blinked.
Enormify! I'm happy now.
You are absolutely right about my not-drawing-Archbishop-Desmond-Tutu life choices, so I made a quick sketch of Archbishop Desmond Tutu.
Here you go:
slow clap
"Not bad... not good though."
You're so multi-talented. I wish I had your talents. Why aren't they anything you can buy on ebay? Invisble ghosts in a jar, air guitars, and blow up aliens are thinks you can buy 10 a'plenty. But talent? Not a dot.
Do us a favour, if you ever decide to sell of your talents, of any amount whatsoever, please let me know? Ok? Ok.
Have a good day, Mr Finnemore.
Nice drawing!
Congrats on getting 100,000 signatures.
That is a really fine nose.
And I'm thrilled to hear about the petition--fingers crossed.
John, I hear you had written a pilot about 2 gay guys but was unfortunately dropped. I cannot believe that it could have been worse than Vicious with Derek Jacobi and Ian McKellen, who, I know, are great actors, but it was just awful. Please couldn't they let you have another go? I haven't seen or heard any of it obviously but I just know it would be better than that
Delightful portrait, showing warmth & humanity. How can you, Mr F, be so preposterously talented?
Looking forward to the Souvenir Programme next week!
Superb start to the Souvenir Programmes this evening, well done John & the team! Looking forward to hearing the broadcasts in the autumn. If you also wrote the music, then that takes talent beyond preposterous for one individual
BRILLIANT!!!! He looks like the real Desmond Tutu...... Does that mean he is "Desmond Tutu Desmond Tutu"????
Off topic, but I don't have your address.
Hello John,
You know, I’ve been a fan of Cabin Pressure since I first heard it and ardently listen to each repeat when they come round. It is so brilliant and timeless, I cannot remember another radio show like it. Of course the cast has much to do with it, but the writing is just so good. BTW, I also flew for a similar Mickey Mouse outfit for some years, so get more out of some of the laughs.
So it was a pity and a disappointment you allowed the standard to slip with your Saul/Paul sketch, I didn’t quite see the point, unless it was yet another boring anti-Christian swipe, I hope not. It’s very doubtful you would do something similar about the Islamic faith, so, maybe you could leave that side of things alone please ?
Thanks for reading and cease not with your excellent work – we all make the odd error from time to time.
Best wishes from Ernie Todd
If you don't already have the book 642 Things to Draw you should get it, it's tremendous fun!
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Thanks a lot for sharing keep it up.
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