Monday, 3 February 2014

Bing Bong

'Well, it's about time!'

Hello! I'm very happy to announce that we now have a recording date for the final episode of Cabin Pressure. It will be at 7pm on Sunday the 23rd February, at the RADA Studios in London.

How can I get tickets?

Tickets are free, and you will be able to enter the draw for them here when the BBC make them available - I don't know exactly when they'll do that. When they do, applications will be open for a couple of days, and then the draw for tickets will be made from all applications received; so although you do need to hit that two day or so window, you don't have to get in early within it.

Please note that although the BBC have very kindly agreed to over-book as little as they dare, they will still be over-booking a bit, so getting a ticket does not guarantee you a seat. So if you get a ticket, and you're thinking of travelling a long way in order to attend, it's probably worth getting to the venue an hour or two before the show.

Why aren't you doing it in a bigger venue, so more people can come? 

I know, I wish we could. It's partly budget (the tickets are free, remember), but it's mostly because it would change the way the audience sounds on the radio.

Will you be doing one of those secret try-outs in a pub you did for the last series?


When will the show be broadcast?

I don't know - it hasn't been scheduled yet. I'll tell you, here, as soon as I know.

What happens in the end?

Heaven knows. I'm still writing it.

Are you excited?

Oh Good Lord yes.


LadyRedCrest said...

So freaking excited. I've been saving my skymiles for this.

Miss Pear said...

Get there "an hour or two" early. Yes. There's optimism, and then there's taking the piss ;)

This is all very exciting...

miss twig said...


Anonymous said...

Thanks so much for the notice; you're such a lovely person as well as brilliant. Would that I could fly over for my last chance to see one of these be recorded, but you've given me many hours of joy nonetheless. CP is a tremendous mood-lifter. Thank you a thousand times.

Anonymous said...

Ah can't wait! I'm sure that last episode is going to be BRILLIANT!

Anonymous said...

you have just made my day. Thank you SOOO much Mr Finnemore.

Unknown said...

Dammit! I have a date at the Duxford Air Museum that day; not sure I can squeeze in both. But will try anyway.

Anonymous said...

I think the best and fairest way to allocate tickets is to reserve spaces only for licence fee payers

Unknown said...

WILLING TO FLY ACROSS THE ATLANTIC FOR THIS!!! GREAT NEWS! Thank you so much for this amazing series it has brought me so much joy!

Unknown said...

And thus begins the constant refreshing of the tickets page. If I fail my PhD I'm blaming you, Finnemore.

Dwauctioneer said...

I'm in Yorkshire, but that's not a problem - pretty sure MJN flies from Leeds-Bradford, don't they?

TC said...

So excited that we have a date, but very sad that it'll be the last one.

Niagra said...

It's the day before my mocks! Does this mean I'm forced to choose between academic prowess and my favourite radio show? :(

Anonymous said...

Wish I could attend this, but living in India and will miss out this chance too :(

Anonymous said...

Can't do a term time Sunday evening unfortunately but look forward mega-hugely to the broadcast, will listen through the tears! Thank you so much, John & all involved, for hours of listening pleasure. CP is a radio legend

Anonymous said...

wow. can't wait. thank you so much for this wonderful series. one of the very best radio programmes around. You're BRILLIANT.

Anonymous said...

No harm in trying for tickets. Kids delighted that it's at the end of half term so we might have a go since it's the last one.
We're excited too, John!

Anonymous said...

I imagine that it'll be difficult for real CP fans to get tickets, what with the enormous numbers of rabid Sarah & Duck fangirls wanting in.

Kim said...

Oh, how I wish our alphabet were LONNNGGER! *sigh* Looking forward to the big "Z" episode, though. Thanks for a stellar series! :-D

Lesley-Anne said...

Master 8 is officially beside himself. He would really like Martin to marry Theresa " so he can be a Captain Prince or is it Prince Captain?". Could it be we've had Vaduz on in the car on the school run too much lately?

Anonymous said...

Woooooooooooh! I've been listening to all the episodes again to prepare for the final one since I knew it would be coming up soon. For those of us who won't be there (I'm in Australia, no point even dreaming about it), please take lots of photos of this last recording to share with us!

Nicole said...

This. Is. Brilliant!!

Anonymous said...

Oh my god I'm gonna cry. Like right now. And when I listen to the episode. I don't care that it's a comedy, I'm gonna cry buckets. Buy stock in Kleenex now.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for posting. End of an erea. Or... Martin marries theresa and she buys MJN as the state airline. Keep Gerty in the air! Or is that denial? Anyway, I'm sure it will be, of course, brilliant!

Kae907 said...

I can't wait! Break a leg!

Samantha said...

Gah! Wish Canada wasn't so far away. Would love to see this. Bah.

Toni P. said...

Brilliant! Hope to be there for the recording! Cheers.x

Anonymous said...

Why the hell must I live in a different country and be under 18...

Daedalus said...

They made a video recording of The Last Goon Show of All.

Why not a video of the Last Cabin Pressure of All?

Anonymous said...

I'm both sad and happy. And hoping for a ticket. Couldn't come last time because too elderly to stand in a queue on the off-chance of getting in after a 500-mile trip. This time - hell, I'm prepared to crumble in the line!

Lovelovelove this show, and the characters.

Unknown said...

/cries because she won't be able to go even if she somehow won the tickets

JETTCO said...

As you are only doing ONE episode this time, do we take it that it will be THREE hours long ?
That's fair, isn't it ??? :)

Carol;ine said...

Hope our excited responses aren't keeping you from writing.
We'll creep about really quietly....mostly.....but forgive the inevitable brief outburst when the booking window opens.

Trina Dubya said...

I'm so happy we'll get another episode soon, and I wish I could be there for the recording. (Even though I'll cry my eyes out when it's broadcast because it's the end of something that's brought me a lot of pleasure over the last few years.)

Clare Cooper said...

Fingers crossed for a ticket!!

Unknown said...

I know this episode is also going to be brilliant as usual. Wish I could come. Thank you for all the Cabin Pressure laughs, John! And the very best of luck for always!

Lady Mephistopheles said...

I'm sad that I can not be there... Poland is so far away :(
Crossing fingers!

Unknown said...

*starts camping on the BBC page for tickets*

Yes. I know I'm a bit previous, but really, this has to be done. This is radio history.

Angelica K. said...

One thing's sure: you'll make a lot of language teachers &students sad! It was the show that gave an idea to the foreign student about British humour and the teacher a wonderful time to laugh during lessons! (mind you, it has also given me some embarrassing times in the bus while listening from my mp3!!)
Any slight chance that you're considering turning it to a TV series?!?!

Phil Branch said...

YEEEESSSSS!!!!. But at the same time NOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh wow, I really want to apply for a ticket. I WILL, but I don't trust my luck. Still, better to try than sit around being defeatist I suppose! I will miss this show, that's for sure. I'd love to be there at the send-off...

Unknown said...

I am both happy and sad at the same time! Crying AND laughing... I can't take it, it's an emotional rollerco... how does one spell rollercoaster? :*)

Anonymous said...

I try not to get sad, hoping you'll write something new soon! (aside from JFSP). Why can't I live in UK :(

Anonymous said...


Unknown said...

I'm camping out - can't miss this treasure of a show. Last ever? Really? Why? It's still so fresh.

Anonymous said...

Yesss!!! Oh goodness, how I'd love a ticket. Improbable, but very much like Arthur I'm going to keep my chin up and hope for the best! :)

Sonja said...

Hooray! I can't wait to hear how it ends (even if I am sad it will be over). Thanks for the update!

Kestrel337 said...

Thank you for flying, MJN Air.

Aoife said...

Very sad it's ending. I wish i could go to this but even if i were to get a ticket i couldn't afford it having shelled out o go to Starfury in Birmingham on Friday to Monday!:(

Anonymous said...

100% sure that Roger Allam will start auctioning off tickets on the black market to fangirls willing to have the opportunity to show our 'strange, unsettling devotion' in true Douglas style. It'll be Cremona all over again.

Unknown said...

Yay!!! Great news!!! Thank you, John!!! :)

Emma xx said...

Absolutely BRILLIANT!!! Will the tickets be limited to 2 per application, or will we be able to apply for ore. This can be quite frustrating when more than one person wants to come with you. Can't wait for the show but I'll probably end up blubbing at the end

Emma Foster said...

Absolutely BRILLIANT!!! Will the tickets be limited to 2 per application, or will we be able to apply for ore. This can be quite frustrating when more than one person wants to come with you. Can't wait for the show but I'll probably end up blubbing at the end

Emma Foster said...

Absolutely BRILLIANT!!! Will the tickets be limited to 2 per application, or will we be able to apply for ore. This can be quite frustrating when more than one person wants to come with you. Can't wait for the show but I'll probably end up blubbing at the end

Emma Foster said...

Unfortunately it seems that that comment has been duplicated a few times. Apologies to all who had to scroll through that.

Pamela from Limerick said...

Wonder if my hubbie would like to treat me to a trip to London on my birthday weekend to coincide with the recording? I can dream. Anyway so looking forward to this but will be sad too as its the last one. Thank you John for cheering me up on many a dreary morning on my walk to work. Im sure some passerbyes thought I was quite the loon as I laughed and laughed out loud!

Phil said...

Everyone knows that this is will be MASSIVELY over-subscribed...

So please Mr Finnemore, get this final recording professionally videoed for prosperity!


DużeKa said...

Dear John,
this is a wonderful news! Thank you!

Thank you for all the hours of great fun with the Cabin Pressure crew. Thank you for The Supreme Comander, his first officer, and the cabin crew, especially Arthur.
I can't wait to listen to the last episode, I'm sure it's gonna be BRILLIANT!
Many warm greetings from Poland - not exactly Gdańsk, but Warsaw (Tower), and the home of Madam Szyszko-Bohusz. ;-)

Philippa Sidle said...

Very excited to hear about it, very sad that money alone will stop me even attempting to go. :(

themdogs said...

Thought of you all today, large display of Dragon Fruit, I mean Gwagon fwoot, in local store!

Anonymous said...

I'm so happy, but I live in Brazil and have no chance of seeing this! You couldn't possibly film just this last one, could you? It would mean the world to us!

Anonymous said...

Would you accept a kidney. In exchange for a couple of tickets? I don't need two, I'm sure......I need to be there!!!

Anonymous said...

John, any idea why I can't buy series 4 on CD?
BBC shop says no plans to release it, and it's not available on Amazon.....appreciate this is not your remit!

Michelle witton said...

Congratulations and best wishes for it!

Elloumua said...

Dear John finnemore

I wrote this poem in honour of cabin pressure

A is for Arthur

B is for Berlin day and BRILLIANT

C is for Carolyn

D is for Douglas

E is for Emergency

F is for Fitton

G is for Gerti

H is for Herc

I is for International

J is for Jet

K is for kleptomaniac

L is for Lemon

M is for Martin

N is for Northern Lights

O is for Otters

P is for Polar Bears

Q is for Qitiqtarjuaq

R is for Royalty

S is for Syllable

T is for Taliska

U is for Ulterior

V is for Very Lazy Pilots

W is for Window Boxes

X is for X-ray Machine

Y is for Yellow Car

Z is for Zee Polar Bears

Artistic Director of The House of Strange and founder of Oblong said...

That moment when one wishes one lived in Britain. Or even in Europe. Love and tears from Sydney Australia, Susan xxx

Artistic Director of The House of Strange and founder of Oblong said...

One of those times when one wishes one lived in Britain. Or even Europe. Love and tears from Sydney Australia, Susan x

Unknown said...

Oh how I wish i could even try! But I do have a premiere myself exactly that night. :( Always the same in that job. Thanks for all the fun, can't wait for the CD! :)
And toi-toi-toi! :)

Stub Crouch said...

I think I might cry........ Looking forward to it!

Unknown said...

Dear John,
Please could the last show also be recorded just like "The Last Goon Show"? I realise that you don't want to spoil the magic of radio but there are numerous fans who have never had a chance to see you, Benedict, Roger, Stephanie & Tony in action. I discovered this gem of a comedy programme only last year and love your show to bits!
Helen x

Courtney Marchetti said...

I am so torn. On one hand, I'm excited because CABIN PRESSURE. On the other, I am geographically impaired and also it's the last episode... I won't even have enough days to listen to one episode a day, oh what a great shame, I'll just have to listen to more... I'm dying a little bit inside right now, John, I have never been so bummed to live in America. I could swim... steal my brother's plane ticket when he comes home from break and sell it... I love cabin pressure with a passion, could you tell?

Unknown said...

Oh man this is going to be such a great send off. I'll probably cry but they'll be tears of joy as well as sadness.

Anonymous said...


Brian said...

When will the movie version be out? Yes, I am American.

Nea said...

I'll be there in spirit. Physically, I'll be trying to buy it from whatever market will ship to me - do you know if there will be a CD? I hope there will, but I tried buying your Souvenir Programme season 3 on CD and amazon cancelled it. *sadface*

Anonymous said...

please dear god let me win =)

Radhacelis said...

Well Now I'm excited!! I only started listening to the show a couple days ago and I absolutely love it!!! so sad I can't even dream of going there, but I look forward to listening it after. Congratulations!!! amazing talented writing and a great cast!!! Greetings from Dominican Republic :D

Pipit said...

All of us here on the farm are plotzing at the news! Our old chickens have started laying again, the ducks are doing aqua-dances in the pond and the goats are too excited to sleep. You can imagine how excited we humans are!

What a,lovely birthday present for me. Thank you for the glad tidings, John!

Alice said...

Your show has meant a lot to me--I always listen to it when it I'm feeling down or under the weather. I was in the hospital for a week in December and I couldn't focus on tv or books but Cabin Pressure always brightened my day.

Can't wait for Z_____ (but I'm sad it's ending).

Alli am Albis said...

Oh, don't you think it would be more fun to record it on location in Zurich? There's a little air field just a couple miles from my house...

Anonymous said...

OMG If I had the means I'll take a couple of days off work and would catch a direct fly from Mexico to London for that!
I'm quite quite excited and a bit sad -because it's ending, not for anything else!- but I can't wait to hear it! You, Mr Finnemore, are quite talented and I'm sure as hell be keeping an eye out for more of you in the future.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Can't be there but best of luck to the fans signing up for tickets!
Now I can finally listen to Yverdon-les-Bains

Anonymous said...

Please accept my kudos and encouragement in the form of wildly flailing limbs, insane amounts of squeeing and giggling at pitches that might well explode bats in flight and really annoy any dolphins in range.

Also, please expect shipment of a truckload of 'Muse Treats' to help you and your Muse in the writing of this last episode of Cabin Pressure.

I'd offer more heartfelt and sincere praise for you, but we'd be here for hours and you've got writing to do.

Liz said...

I would love to be there.... but I doubt I'd get my passport in time and I KNOW I'll cry...

Anonymous said...

To receive tickets there should be a short quiz to save the audience being full of Cumber(people!)

a) Where is cabin pressure set ?
b) What is caroline's dog called ?
c) Who is the patron saint of otters
d) How many otters can you imagine
e) When does Yellow Car stop ?
f) What is Polar Bear in French ?

Dr Nic said...

Brilliant!!!! So sorry that CP is coming to an end, but thank you for a fantastic series which has permeated our lives ... jelly babies to manual and yellow car always a feature on our car trips.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

To receive tickets there should be a short quiz to save the audience being full of Cumber(people!)

a) Where is cabin pressure set ?
b) What is caroline's dog called ?
c) Who is the patron saint of otters
d) How many otters can you imagine
e) When does Yellow Car stop ?
f) What is Polar Bear in French ?

9:32 am

So sad it's ending, I listen to it so much my CDs are actually wearing out (seriously S1 D1 actually developed stress fractures around the hole and I had to repair it with glue...which didn't end all that well).

PÁgi said...

Awesome!! I'd pretend to be sick for a few days (cause of the job) and fly to London for it... well, fat chance... But anyway, it's the end of my favourite ever radio show, and I'm sure it will be brilliant. :)
And Douglas will have the last word. Because that's just what he does.

Greetings from Budapest, and a huge hug as a thank you, can't wait to hear the voices!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited! Thanks for the update, hopefully I'll be able to get a ticket.

Anonymous said...

A film (even some short, professional extracts from the evening) would be such a thank you to your fans, John.
No pressure - just supporting this idea.
From Rachel

Samantha. said...

"Ding Dong" more like.

The Grave of a Coward said...

I absolutely cannot wait! This is going to be amazing!

Ailsa's Dad said...

It's so nice to read all of these comments from like-minded people who love CP as much as my daughter and I. I have lost count how many times we have been round the alphabet. Thanks John. Love your work man!

Unknown said...


But no cheap flights from Dayton, Ohio. Bugger!!

But have a splendid time. I'll be counting yellow cars in your honor that day.

Unknown said...

My mom's memorial service is on February 22nd in California, and yet I have actually been looking at overnight international flights. Short of a miracle, I do not see this working... which makes me so unbearably sad. I will have to employ my one surefire way of lifting my spirits: listening to Cabin Pressure. Thank you, John Finnemore, for sharing your wonderful gift of humor with the world; you've made a lot of lives brighter. If I had to describe it in a word? Brilliant.

Aalya Finch said...

Wow! Very good post, and lovely pictures! thanks for sharing! If you are in brazil and need car rental services you can Book now and enjoy hassel free deals and services in Brazil.

Anonymous said...

PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEEEEEEEAAAAASSSSEEEE film it!!!! If legal things impare you take so many pictures it will be like stop motion!!!
As has been said there are so many people out there who love this show but haven't been able to see it recorded and I don't fancy my chances of making it to london :'(

The radio will be a poorer place for the loss of CP :/

Justeene said...

Any chances Mr. Birling will be in it?

Anonymous said...

Ah, so excited for this! I am going to do everything in my power to attend. Worth the trip down from Edinburgh and then some!

Anonymous said...

Hoping to be there - so looking forward to it!

Anonymous said...

Alas, while we all adore CP, my 5 and 7 year old are no good at queues, so we will have to wait to listen! Incidentally, they are also not very good at understanding the concept of 'hiding something in plain sight' - I had to buy them an artificial lemon after an incident involving a real lemon + a pile of clean washing awaiting ironing + time!! (I hate ironing).

Anonymous said...

I hope this chap gets some tickets... He sounds like a HUGE fan!

Rhiannon said...


Anonymous said...

I think this would be a good reference to throw some references of past shows into.

Also, please find some miraculous way of carrying this on. I am willing to write it myself. Even record it, the works. I can start working on the voices straight away.

Anonymous said...

Tickets are now available on the BBC website! Good luck.

Anonymous said...

Is there any way to enter the draw when I'm not living in the UK? I can't apply via the official apprication :(((

Jael said...

Tickets are up available for application :D

Heaven knows why I bothered refreshing that page every few hours when I'm not even living in the UK and hence am not eligible to apply. Any ideas when it will be aired?

Tressilliana said...

My hunch would be Easter as a special treat on a Bank Holiday. I can hardly wait!

Anonymous said...

I do hope that real fans get tickets and not just those clambering to see a famous face. I've been a fan since series one, there is so much to enjoy no matter who is reading it....

Jane Russ said...

There won't be a dry eye in the house or in the houses of those listening via the steam radio. You have brought an enormous amount of joy to an enormous amount of people, all slightly mad but in a good way.
Yellow car is down to you and fear of sheep and the lemon game and..and..and. Cabin Pressure is a gem in a world of quick fix shabby humour. You are a real star Mr. F.

clanca1234 said...

John, if you're reading this then I can highly recommend the Inquisitor crossword in the Independent this coming Saturday (Feb 8th). This is a thematic cryptic crossword series for which I set. The puzzle is inspired by Cabin Pressure (not for the first time) and is called "From There to Where?". You can probably guess the theme :-) You can email me at for a copy.

Anonymous said...

Dear John,

I have pondered whether I want to post this message here for everyone to read, because it is a rather personal thing to share, but for lack of a better way to get in touch, it shall be eternalised in the form of this very Blogspot comment.

I would like to personally thank you for playing a part in getting me through the worst week of my life. Two weeks ago, my beloved father died very suddenly and unexpectedly at the age of 67. It was a huge shock for my mum, me, and everyone who knew him. While it’s a consolation that it’s the best imaginable way to pass on, and the way he would have wanted to go, it’s just so much harder for the people left behind.

As shell-shocked as we all were, you can’t be sad 100% of the time, and Cabin Pressure managed to keep me sane the week after my dad’s death, in those quiet moments when you turn in for the night and try to get some rest. I had only just discovered the radio play the week before, and your lovely MJN family offered a little bit of relief, bringing much needed smiles to my lips.

I love all the characters equally, be it Carolyn’s no-nonsense but somehow still gracious leadership, Arthur’s bumbling wackiness, Douglas’s dry sarcasm or Martin’s endearing eternal struggling. Following their adventures, 30 minutes at a time, has brightened up my life in ways I am greatly thankful for.

Saying a final farewell to Gerty and her crew will be a very bittersweet experience, and I both excitedly anticipate and dread the day when the Zurich episode will air. It’s a bit of a pity that I discovered the show after the finalization of the travelling lemon photobook, because I would have happily snapped a picture of a lemon during my travels last year, be it at the top of Toronto’s CN Tower or on the Puente de la Mujer in Buenos Aires.

Let me finish by saying, from the bottom of my heart, a huge thank you to you and everyone involved in making the show. In some small way, you’ve all offered a lifeline in a time of hardship.

My only hope is that you won’t let Gerty literally crash and burn to end her journey with the utmost finality, because that would break my (and probably many others’) heart.

Wishing you all the best for your future endeavours, and that you will keep making us laugh with many new projects to come! I hope you and the rest of the cast have a fantastic and memorable recording on Feb 23!

Tina B.

Anonymous said...



Fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

Oh God finally! It was quite a long time to wait, but definately worthy, though. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Mr.Finnemore, thank you so much for sharing this story with us.

I became a fan a little over a year ago and it's been a massive joy to listen to and I'm sad to see it go but, as you say, you can't argue with the alphabet.
I have complete faith that you'll wrap it up very nicely.
I eagerly look forward to any future works you may do.

Thank you so much.

-Alli W.

Jael said...

Dear John,
I second Helen's idea. Since it's the last episode, and it's only one episode, can you please record the proceeds of the recording and include it as an extra in the DVD? Pretty, pretty please? I understand that it's not your call to make this kind of decisions but perhaps if you drop a suggestion to BBC, they might consider it?
Thanks :D

Alex said...

Could I just ask anyone who has been to a recording before, if no one minds, I would love to apply for tickets but realistically, as I would be travelling from some way away, how long before hand would I need to arrive to be in with a chance of getting in? It's something I have no idea of!

Many Thanks

Team Members said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Julia Johnson said...

Huzzah! I can't make it!!
Birthday family dinner booked for me that day :-)
therefore I
1, avoid ALL the stress AND the disappointment!! AND 2, get to enjoy it all fresh and lovely on air. :-)

Good luck everybody xx

Braxis said...

What kind of monster have you created John?

**Please note: due to the high demand for tickets and some fraudulent applications, we will be asking all ticket holders to present photo ID on the night such as a passport or photographic driving licence. No one will be admitted without this proof even if their ticket appears valid in other respects.

I've never seen this on any other radio event. It's almost as if there might be some international superstars appearing...

Rebecca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Alli in Toblerone-Land said...

Silly Anonymous, the only way to rule out us Benedictines is with a quiz about Newcastle. Ottery St. Mary is our particular favourite since Martin pulled one over on Douglas and didn't even mention it.

Brilliant John, not at all to say your writing (and acting) isn't perfection itself.

Rebecca said...

Alex - IF I'm lucky enough to score tickets (fingers, toes and eyes crossed), I will be travelling to London fairly early on Sunday morning to check out the queue situation. I've been to other BBC radio recordings, and experienced radio audience members have told me that fans have been known to pitch tents outside the night before to make sure they get in to a Cabin Pressure recording. I'm not prepared to go that far, but I'm expecting to have to queue for a good 5 - 10 hours, and even then might not get in. BBC Audience overbook quite heavily, apparently.

Good luck - perhaps I'll see you in the queue!! :)

Mercedes Cook said...

In honour of this brilliant news, may I humbly present the updated and finalised version of my Cabin Pressure-opoly board game.
Hope you like it and hope you don't change the title of the final episode.
If you'd like to see it in person, I'd be happy to bring it to the recording in February (if I'm lucky enough to get tickets)

Anonymous said...

I applied, fingers crossed! Definitely worth the train ride. It will be brilliant anyways. Now, BBC website refreshing finished, it's time to move on to the insecent email checking...

Anonymous said...

Referring to the comment of someone above, are queues really that bad? Because if so, my parents are going to KILL me.

Rebecca said...

I really don't know for sure about how early to queue - I'm just going on what others have told me about Cabin Pressure audiences, and from my own experience of getting audience tickets for a very popular BBC TV show. We arrived 4 hours earlier than advised, but we were still only just in time to get on the standby list. This is why I agree with Miss Pear that the advice to get there "an hour or two" early is probably optimistic. The theatre seats 200 - there will probably be thousands of applications for tickets and I have no idea how many BBC Audience will actually allocate. The only way to be guaranteed entry is to be one of the first 150 or so to arrive, or to be on the cast/production team guest list (who make up the rest of the audience, and get seated first). So whoever gets tickets will be incredibly lucky, and whoever manages to convert that into actually being in the audience is even luckier.

I'm sorry if this sounds like bleak scaremongering! The point is that nobody who gets tickets to this will want to risk not getting in, especially if they've crossed an ocean to be in London for it, so they'll be there early.

oriolekoh said...

ohmygod!!!!so exciting!!

Anonymous said...

I'm really excited for the new episode and though I'm sad it'll be the last, I'm happy the story will go out well thought through :)
I tried applying for tickets, but apparently it's not possible to apply from a different country?

Kathryn fs said...

Wow, I can't believe it is almost The End but it is so fabulously, excessively exciting :)

So happy right now...and even if I don't get a ticket there is the broadcast to look forward to.

John Finnemore - in all his 'versions' is just an essential part of my smiling these days :D

Princess Theresa said...

Whether or not we're in first class, we're definitely going to enjoy this ride. Thank you Mr. Finnemore :)

Anonymous said...

Anyone been contacted yet?

Unknown said...

Anonymous, no I haven't yet either - fingers crossed!

Anonymous said...

*biting nails* Anything?

Anonymous said...

Tickets will be mailed out in a week or sooner so no worries, it can take a while.

Anonymous said...

IN A WEEK?!?!? I thought they usually sent out tickets 2 weeks before the event. It's shorter notice than that NOW. {{freaking just a bit}}

Rupert Goodwins said...

Someone just told me that more than 22,800 applications were received for the final Cabin Pressure recording. So that's roughly a 1 in 100 chance... or they could move to the Emirates...

Anonymous said...

If we are not winners of a golden ticket we will have to wait until Christmas Eve for the broadcast - it is not often in February that I say roll on Christmas!

Anonymous said...

Living in Spain, we won´t have the chance to go to London and see it personally, so please, please, please do record the Zurich of Cabin Pressure in video. We want to see all of you in action, it would be brillant!!!. If it has to be the last program, this will be the best way to say good bye. Sorry about my english and thank you for all the happy moments!

Anonymous said...

Christmas Eve? Nooooo... Also, going off on a tangent, but does anyon know where I can get hold of Monocai. I have heard it, but I don't have a recording as I do with every other episode.

Jessie Blackwood said...

Congratulations on a record number of applications for seats. I have a suggestion though, for all those fans who won't be able to go. Considering less than a 100th of the applicants can have seats, could you not record the recording, as it were, and release as a DVD along with the complete collection of plays? However, I don't agree with the Radio Times on-line. The people who want to see this are fans of cabin pressure itself not necessarily of Benedict, and while I admire him greatly, I wish the BBC wouldn't assume it is his fans who have broken the record. I will bet they're your fans too, because you are an awesome human being who never fails to make people laugh with your wittily observant comedy. Well done on your win by the way, that was well deserved too.

Nina D said...

On behalf of the CumberCollective, I just want to clarify something regarding the article that was posted by the Radio Times (see the article here: I just want to let you know that Benedict Cumberbatch is not the only reason why ticket requests poured in. Cabin Pressure itself and everyone in the cast is bloody brilliant, and this is the finale episode that we've been waiting for for almost a year now. Implying that Benedict is the only reason why we are fans of the show is not only a grave misconception but also an insult to everyone else involved in it--most especially to you, the brilliant brain behind all this. The Radio Times ought to be more careful with their words next time, and I do hope you know that we love you and CP as much as we love the CumberLord. <3

Anonymous said...

Christmas Eve? CHRISTMAS EVE. Finemoore, I am disappointed. Although it will be a lovely christmas/ couple of days late birthday present. I couldn't believe that article. Though I kind of feel sorry for the author, he's annoyed a lot of people. I doubt he'd have written it if he'd just typed cabin pressure fans into google...
Anyway, on to a lighter note, with a less that 1% chance of seeing the recording, I third the DVD idea...

Anonymous said...

I'll admit, my appreciation for Mr Cumberbatch's work is what prompted friends to recommend I listen to CP. But it is not why I'm anxious to get tickets, sit on a coach for 10 hours, and then spend pretty much a day sat on a pavement waiting for the doors to open. CP is an ensemble, and an amazing one, bringing to life some of the most consistently BRILLIANT writing in my lifetime. And I'm fascinated to see how much of it "falls together" and how much is careful assembly work. And it really strikes me as a landmark event, something to treasure having been a part of. Even if only in the part of "audience." (You HAVE to have an audience - no small parts, people, remember!). The final recording. I'm expecting many, many laughs, followed my almost as many tears.


Unknown said...

Congrats, Mr Finnemore - Cabin Pressure is, apparently, the most requested ticket in Radio 4 comedy hiistory - and thorougly deserved too !....Although I may revise that if I don't get tickets in the draw ;-)

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

As much as I love Cumberbatch (and I am in no way attempting to suggest that you haven't drawn the fan base yourself) BUT, I think this should be applied:


Anonymous said...

To receive tickets there should be a short quiz to save the audience being full of Cumber(people!)

a) Where is cabin pressure set ?
b) What is caroline's dog called ?
c) Who is the patron saint of otters
d) How many otters can you imagine
e) When does Yellow Car stop ?
f) What is Polar Bear in French ?

9:32 am

So sad it's ending, I listen to it so much my CDs are actually wearing out (seriously S1 D1 actually developed stress fractures around the hole and I had to repair it with glue...which didn't end all that well).

Graham Wakley said...

I'm glad my multiple choice question has proved popular.

Another fun thing would be to drive outside Rada studios in a yellow car and remove anyone fom the queue that doesn't giggle!

Richard said...

We're sorry to let you know that on this occasion you have been unsuccessful.


Hope my friend comes up trumps. Good luck everyone

Anonymous said...

Aww I didn't get one either :*( oh well. Part of me is gutted, part of me didn't want to freeze my metaphorical balls off in the cold for four hours after a train journey from hell anyway. Or at least that's what I'll keep telling myself. I'm in a huff now.

Clairealice said...

Sarah-L-B I feel your pain, no tickets for me either, but not having to spend all day in a queue on a freezing cold February day does take a little bit of the song out of it.

I'm gutted I won't be there for the end, but I'm sure either way it will be Brilliant. And congratulations to everyone who has good news waiting in their inbox.

Mr Finnemore, congratulations on a record breaking show (and I echo the previous comments that the huge number of applicants is due to do much more than a certain someone) it is clear from so many of the comments on here that the show has ment so much to do many people.
It's no surprise that Arthur was able to explain the way to true happiness, because clearly it's something you know well.
I guess you probably don't read comments on here anymore, but just incase you do: Thank You.

Anonymous said...

@Clairealice Ah yes, waiting in a huge line in the cold was fine when I was 21. These days I can't quite hack it like I used to!

@John Hopefully I will have the chance to witness more of your radio comedy in the future. I'm keeping my eyes on the BBC "be in the audience" page :) Very sad that Cabin Pressure is ending but very happy that it happened at all!

Anonymous said...

Douglas's "friend in Zurich" mentioned as the person he was 'gifting' the 560 Euros worth of fish to in Helsinki is the "kind of a crazy guy" CEO of Swiss Air, Oskar Bider, isn't it?

Don't reply, just nod or shake your head accordingly. I'll know.

Arthur McB said...

No tickets for us again either so that's umm, well, not brilliant :(

Jolene said...

My friend and I are from Singapore, and since you so very kindly booked the recording on a day that we'd be in London for our first holiday together, we thought we'd try our luck for tickets. We actually managed to win a pair! It feels better than brilliant. We're super, super excited, and can't wait to see you there, Mr. Finnemore!

Jolene said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

[This is the fourth time I've tried to leave this question here, on three different browsers. On the previous occasions I got the confirmation message and my words appeared - I SAW them! - but the comment disappeared again a few moments later. Why would that happen? I've successfully left comments on a different Blogger blog, and I didn't do anything different here.]Anyway, how can I find out whether or not I've won tickets? I've received an E-mail from 'BBC Audience' with the subject line"Further information relating to your application for BBC Tickets", but the E-mail is completely blank except for the words "BBC Studio Audience". I've replied to the address it was sent from asking them to try sending it again, but there's been no response.Has this happened to anybody else here?Thanks,Graham

Rebecca said...

*Deep sigh* No tickets for me, either. The cruel irony was that the email arrived just as I was boarding a plane... Never mind, JFSP later this year, I'll try to get tickets for that. Congratulations to everyone who got tickets - although I'm very jealous, I know how I'd feel if I won them, so behind the sniffles I'm genuinely delighted for you all. Just make sure you turn up early and get in, and enjoy every single second on behalf of all of us.

@ Graham: there's probably a "Contact Us" bit on the BBC Audience page, but if that's the subject heading in your email it sounds as though you probably weren't successful. From what I remember, when you're allocated tickets it says something like "Congratulations!" in the subject heading.

Anonymous said...

Awww... just missed out on tickets. Have a great time and break a leg. Or twist an ankle, have a banana, or run out of fuel. Anyway, get dressed ye merry gentlemen and thank you so much for this lovely show. Steph. Marc. And Arthnold. :-)

Paul Carson said...

Ok, terrific news that CP is back. However, didn't get a ticket, boohoo. And Christmas Eve! What a wait! But fabulous show, absolutely BRILLIANT which did me a lot of good when I heard it for the first time. Good luck and thank you John!

Lothiriel said...

Can't wait to listen to the final episode!
And I really have to thank you, because your brilliant series is helping me through a rough patch in my life. Cabin Pressure is the only thing that manages to make me smile (laugh, actually) even when everything else is utterly gloomy and depressing.

Brighton Wobbly said...

John, thank you for strong, practical Caroline finding love at 63; for Douglas having a warm heart and a scheme (even on Christmas Day); for Arthur always seeing good and rating happiness over money; for Martin fighting for his dream and for his Mother not being any bother; for having Lovely Benedict and Javier Marzan in the same room together however briefly, (a girl can dream...). Do simply have a most awfully lovely, super scrumptious time on Sunday. Boncore!

Brighton Wobbly said...

John, thank you for strong, practical Caroline finding love at 63; for Douglas having a warm heart and a scheme (even on Christmas Day); for Arthur always seeing good and rating happiness over money; for Martin fighting for his dream and for his Mother not being any bother; for having Lovely Benedict and Javier Marzan in the same room together however briefly, (a girl can dream...). Do simply have a most awfully lovely, super scrumptious time on Sunday. Boncore!

Alice Davies said...

Good luck on Sunday's final Cabin Pressure recording, John.

Your writing is intelligent, witty and warm and there's just not nearly enough of that around. Me, and many other thousands of fans look forward to whatever comes next, be it more inventive JFSP, delightful appearances on BBC Radio 4, or whatever new projects you may have waiting in the wings.

I hope you and the cast enjoy Sunday and are bloody proud of what a great series you've created. We've all loved, so thank you very much.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you and all the cast and crew for Sunday's recording. All if those if us who applied for tickets and weren't successful will be with you and cheering, whatever you decide to do.
Just a little hope that we'll find out what Martin decides to do before the end of this year. Once it's recorded we should bombard the BBC with requests for an air date.
Happy landings!

Midge said...

Just agreeing with last couple of comments - good luck for Sunday, sen though most of us won't be there!
It's been a joy and a pleasure and I only hope that those who 'Came for Benedict, stayed for Cabin Pressure' stay for other good comedy on Radio 4 and 4 Extra too - even when none of the 'crew' feature (obviously even better when they do). OK it will never be quite as good as CP or JFSP but it's not at all bad from time to time. Feel like I should say 'If you enjoyed CP you might like...' hate to pick out my favourites so just give it a go and see what you find.
And I look forward to hearing what Mr Finnemore comes up with next - can't wait.

Anonymous said...

I was not one of those lucky enough to get tickets, but I do hope those who did have an absolute blast today. Thanks so much John, and a massive thank you and goodbye to all who made Cabin Pressure possible. It's been amazing, and though it will be sad to see it go, the uplifting accounts we do have of the crew of MJN will always be unhindered in worth and able to bring me smiles and giggles - one of so many others who are privileged to have been able to listen to the show.

Caroline said...

It's today!
Break a leg - or whatever the air crew equivalent is....with you in spirit - hope you all have a blast!

Artistic Director of The House of Strange and founder of Oblong said...


Anonymous said...

Good show guys. No spoilers but hope you all enjoyed going out in such glittering style

Anonymous said...

Hope all went well :) Wish I could have been there.

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much for creating cabin pressure. Sad to see it all end, but I'm sure other wonderful comedy will follow. As the TV less radio addict, you have brightened my day on many an occasion. Fizz Buzz have a banana will forever ruin the register for poor teachers of my geeky radio addicted class, I will forever love the Ruslan Ludmilla overture despite the difficulty level of playing. Oh hey, CP just came on the radio :)

SamWow said...

How long will the episode be? Another half-hour or maybe an hour this time?? Please? :)

Brandy said...

Christmas effing eve? Is this for real. 10 months? 10?!?!?

Anonymous said...

Is it true it will be broadcast CHRISTMAS EVE 2014???? You must be joking!!!! Why do you torture us like that??? :(
You and your show are absolutely brilliant and we all adore you PLEASE don't do this to us!!

PollyTheWasp said...

What's next, John? TV, I'd guess. Lots more Souvenir Programme please.

Anonymous said...

Oh how wonderful! Thank you, thank you dear Mr. Finnemore! I've gotten months of enjoyment out of the first three seasons (only just now bought series 4) and can't wait for the final one!
Btw, I thoroughly enjoyed your Sunday Papers video, too.
All the best wishes for your life and career!

Anonymous said...

So sorry I couldn't make Sunday's recording. Looking forward to the final descent though. Fingers crossed for MJN, and thank you already for years of brilliant entertainment. Steph

Karen said...

First you wrap up "Cabin Pressure", then The Onion takes the ball and runs with it...,35367/

Thank you for creating something so wonderful that makes my hours of laundry-doing bearable.

Shannon Who is Most Certainly Not a Robot said...

I'm sad CP is ending, but it's a good decision in the long run ,most likely. Maybe you could write a series on a mountain-climbing expedition, or something that takes place in space? Maybe I should write that, although it would probably be terrible and I'd probably ending up killing off all the characters, as my Writer Brain is wont to do... Whatever. Hope writing and weather aren't agonizing, and I'll be looking forward to the show.

-Shannon, Your Fan Who is Most Certainly Not a Robot

Mahreen-Shahid said...

Hello, My Birthday is on 23rd feb... Well was on! it passed and i love Cabin Pressure! A work well done!

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