Tuesday 24 January 2017

Quick stop at the ego massage parlour...

I had rather a strange- but lovely- day yesterday, in which first this happened:

...and then later on, this happened:

Yes, I have henchmen now...

So, thank you very much to the British Comedy Guide (and to you, if you voted for us!) and to the Writers' Guild. And of course to Ed, Lawry, Margaret, Carrie and Simon for Souvenir Programme; and to David Tyler, Rebecca Front and Beth Mullen for Double Acts.

 Now, off to buy some new hats. All mine have suddenly got too small.


Robin said...

A well-deserved win, John! Hopeful for many more episodes of both to come.

Lothiriel said...

Time to buy yourself a couple of litte trophies, John. And very well deserved too.
Congratulations to you, and everyone else involved. Thanks for all the laughs.

(Also, today's episode of JFSP was brilliant - they all are, to be fair, but they still manage to surprise me each and every time.)

Wildhorses72 said...

Congrats! Well deserved. I started listening to Cabin Pressure a few years ago. Then I finished and started over again & again. Big fan of JFSP & Double Acts as well. I was happy to hear you had more comedy gold to come. Your humor always brings a smile to my face and makes me laugh out loud at work where I usually listen. Keep up the brilliant work! We need it more than ever in the dark times that have fallen over here in the U.S.

Tealin said...

All due congratulations, of course, and I hope you have enough shelf space for all these accolades you're collecting. Contrary to the will of the awards bodies, though, I will go to my grave professing the unrecognised genius of "The Goliath Window." :) Looking forward to the next series!

Edward said...

Brilliant! Absolutely Brilliant!

Eleanor Stokes said...

Congradulations. They are both well deserved. Oregon's John Finnemore fan base has risen exponentially due to my incessant quoting of JFSP. If only to find out what the hell I am talking about. :)

Philippa Sidle said...

That's fantastic! Congratulations and well deserved. I think that Pony Lovers might be my favourite of the Double Acts, because it's just beautifully developed and self contained - it's between that and Goliath Window anyway. So glad you're getting the recognition you deserve.

Anonymous said...

And thanks to you, too! Love your shows. Little lights in the growing darkness.

Kirsty said...

A true craftsman. Well deserved.

Eclectic Man said...

Great news, and well deserved. Congratulations. I am really enjoying the latest series of JFSP, particularly your introduction to the BBC Radio 4 continuity announcement.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - well deserved, Sir!!! Your work is often my chosen audio accompaniment while animating on The Simpsons. (Yes. That's true. I also am originally from Germany, which made "English For Pony-Lovers" a particularly delightful treat.) THANK YOU for hours of delightful entertainment which make my work day go by faster and - regardless of how many repeat listenings of your various projects - always more laughter filled. Greetings from California: Jenny

Cath said...

Congratulations! That was my favourite episode too!

lilian.thigh said...

Congratulations! I'm enjoying Souvenir Programme this year so much. <3

Angie Fiedler Sutton said...

Well deserved all around. Congrats!

Ariadne said...

I can almost hear a "well, since you ask me about a tale that boosts the ego..." Well done and congratulations!

Timothy said...

John, I always listening to all of your comedy, from Cabin Pressure to Double Acts, to Souvenir Program. I could not stop laughing at "Wolverine goes to the Barber" and the letters that followed it. I, being blind, knew that he had knife claws of fear but did not know about the little ear hair shapes, you have now warped my vision of Wolverine.

Alex C said...

Nice work :-) But then again it always was. This was just a lot of people saying that they liked yours more than all the others...

May I suggest a fedora - I think it would rather suit you.
Cheers (from London - you do have some local fans too)

Unknown said...

Congratulations Mr Finnemore. Although the other nominations were also quite good, your show has a certain quality that will stand the test of time. In deference to your expanding cranium, many writers could use a tip or three from listening to your sketches.

maintenanceg said...

الصيانة لها مفهوم آخر فى شركة صيانة جنرال اليكتريك و شركة صيانة بوش فهى تقوم بكشف على الاجهزة الكهربائية باستخدام معدات حديثة للتواصل عبر

Unknown said...

تقدم شركة حراسات خاصة العديد من الخدمات للحماية و الامان حيث ان شركات امنية تقوم بامدادك ببودي جارد لحمايتك انت و اسرتك للتواصل عبر


Unknown said...

تقدم شركة عزل خزانات اللويمى احدث و اسرع الخدمات التى تخص الخزانات بجميع اشكالها و احجامها و انواعها فى اسرع وقت للتواصل عبر

amtar said...

شركات كشف تسربات المياه بالرياض لا تقارن بكفائة عمال شركة امتار لخدمات كشف التسريبات الخاصة بمواسير الصرف و الحنفيات للتواصل عبر

Unknown said...

Congratulation on the awards. All well deserved. Personally, I particularly enjoy 'English for pony lovers'. I almost wept towards the end at the ingenious way you change the situation around. However, In my innumerable re-listen, I noticed that it is the only story in the 'Double acts' that is not connect with one of the others. Is it suppose to be 'Isolated' or did I missed something subtle?

Melbourne493 said...

Hi John - um, this is the first time I have ever left a comment on a blog (well, I am almost 54 y.o.). I came to your remarkable Cabin Pressure via Benedict (yes, I know most of his hangers-on are more in the 16-25 y.o. age bracket), and I have listened to each episode many times, each time laughing just as much and usually picking up another nugget of comedy gold. You have an amazing talent. I have many favourite lines, but I think "A thousand strawberry lollies and the Princess of Liechenstein (sp?)" may be the all-time winner.

Anyway, I moved on to JFSP and Double Acts recently, which is the reason I'm leaving this note. I was listening to Pony Lovers just as I got to work the other day, and I had to walk around the building a couple times with a Kleenex (that's American for a tissue) before I could go in. I have a teenage foster daughter and it's all a bit of a struggle at the moment, but my 'care' for her, while not perfect, is most decidedly continuous. Thanks for the reminder that is the important thing.

PS In honour of your pub sketch about all the conversations ended by smart phones, I'm going to leave that little wavy red line under Liechenstein (ha! there it is again!).

TJ Tamlin said...

I'm gradually spreading the word among my friends about Cabin Pressure, mainly so that I can say "Sir's mind is fickle and changeable" to people and not be thought odd.

RLChina said...

Love your name, and your comment - a good line/memory.

RLChina said...

If you ever do something like 'plate glass' again, I've got another 'I don't want it..' for you: local bar is serving drinks in lightbulbs. I kid you not.

RLChina said...

Also could you have a bit of a rant about 'elude' vs. 'allude'? Saw them mixed up in a poster the other day. Looking forward to more DA

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Kathryn said...

Just want to say how much I enjoy Double Acts. Each one is spot on in the way it realises character and funny to boot. I feel so lucky to be able to listen to in in the USA via the world wide web. That's double you double you double you.

Unknown said...


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Unknown said...

Fan in Dublin, Ireland. Your work reminds me why I love radio and the freedom to jump off into anywhere. I gobbled box set" Cabin Pressure, a few episodes at at time. Flann o'Brien would both like and envy "Penguin Diplomacy". More please.

Yang Kuo said...

if you ever do something like 'plate glass' again, I've got another 'I don't want it..


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