Monday, 3 January 2011

The case of the cryptic socks.

Last year, I was in a show directed by a South Korean director whom, because I stepped into the show during its run, I didn't actually get to meet. Nevertheless, he very kindly left a gift for the show's writer to pass on to me when I arrived. Specifically: a pair of child's socks, featuring a cross pig, either sweating or crying.

As there is no pig - cross, sweaty, tearful, or otherwise - in the script, I have to admit I didn't immediately understand the significance of this; so I asked the writer, who is also Korean, if she could translate the text for me. She was happy to do so. Apparently, what the pig is saying is: 'My toes and fingers are shrinking.'

Ah yes, of course. It all makes sense now. 


Ma Goose said...

This little piggy went to market...

simon kane said...


Katy said...

Perhaps the director secretly hated you and left you cursed socks that will make your toes and fingers shrink as well?

hakan altan said...

Blaze movie watch.

eila said...

oh, lord. did she also explain that it is supposed to stand for roughly "what's this I can't even (hence the shrinking)" in contemporary Korean slang? Well, either way it resulted in me getting another good laugh from one of my favorite writers. Hey ho.

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