Wednesday, 29 April 2009
Monday, 27 April 2009
That's a big jumper.
Sorry about the hiatus - this place often tends to suffer a bit when I have a lot of writing to do (in this case series two of Cabin Pressure). So, in order to keep the posts ticking over, and because I need practice, and because I've bought a new scanner, I thought I might start putting drawings and caricatures up as well. I expect they'll mostly be people and faces, because that's what I mostly draw. They'll tend not to be actual specific people, though they might be sometimes. Hope you don't this too self-indulgent, though possibly the ship of me not being self-indulgent sailed when I bought '', and filled it with three years of what I reckon about stuff.

Posted by John Finnemore at 10:36 pm 7 comments
Labels: Drawings
Saturday, 11 April 2009
Also, at some point he falls in love.
At the cinema, there was an advert for something or other to do with the cinema itself, advance booking or something, that involved several ultra-mini-trailers for forthcoming films. One, in its entirity, went like this:
Posted by John Finnemore at 12:33 pm 7 comments
Labels: Badverts
Tuesday, 7 April 2009
Projects in development with the studio that brought you 'Fifty Dead Men Walking'.
- Fifty Taxi Drivers
- The Fifty Godfathers
- The Fifty Elephant Men
- The Fifty Ladies Vanish
- The Fifty Godfathers, Part One Hundred
- The Fifty Men in The Fifty Iron Masks
- The Hundred and Fiftieth Man
- Six Hundred Angry Men
- Five Thousand and Fifty Dalmations
Posted by John Finnemore at 1:41 pm 28 comments
Labels: Lists
Wednesday, 1 April 2009
More thrilling adventures of spending too much time in a library.
The franchise of the cafe in the British Library has changed hands, which has left me flustered, indignant and disturbed , despite the fact that the staff and prices remain the same, and the food looks, if anything, nicer. Is this a sign I have become institutionalised?
- PHD-takes forever!
- Agreed
- Would never put myself through that.
- You don't have to.
- It's worth it in the end. DR.
- I didn't get funding, so...
Posted by John Finnemore at 12:53 am 4 comments
Labels: Thrilling Library Yarns