Help! Am trapped in the house by a gang of strangers, demanding something called 'figgy pudding'. Have told them I have no pudding of any sort, 'figgy' or otherwise; but they are deaf to reason, and simply keep repeating that they won't leave until they get some. Did my best to improvise with what I could find in the kitchen, and offered them tinned rice pudding with dried prunes in it; but they threw it angrily back in my face, and went back to chanting 'bring some out here', despite the fact that they are inside with me. The siege is now in its third day. Please send help. Or figs.
Sunday, 20 December 2009
I'm beginning to think they don't even have any good tidings for me. Or my kin.
Posted by John Finnemore at 10:21 pm 3 comments
Labels: Small Silly Jokes
Monday, 14 December 2009
Sibling rivalry.
Posted by John Finnemore at 5:37 pm 168 comments
Labels: Interesting People
Monday, 7 December 2009
Also, given that there's snow on the ground, aren't shorts a rather adventurous choice, Gramps?
It did occur to me that the woman might be supposed to be Paul's daughter and giraffe girl's mother, but evidently not: when I looked up the book to find a picture to post here, I find most editions have made this small but significant change to the colourisation:
Posted by John Finnemore at 12:43 pm 8 comments
Wednesday, 2 December 2009
Grant, Marx and Victoria: Same hairstyle all their lives. Gandhi - not so much.
I'm so impressed. I certainly wouldn't have got more than two. Anyway, in case you haven't seen the answers compiled by the Brains Trust in the comments box, here they are.

Posted by John Finnemore at 5:22 pm 6 comments
Labels: Games
Tuesday, 1 December 2009
It's quiz time again! Hooray! Oh, don't roll your eyes like that. You don't HAVE to play.
I've had this great idea for the picture round of a pub quiz, but sadly I don't run a pub quiz, so I'm going to inflict it on you instead.
Here are pictures of six very, very famous faces. I mean, really amongst the most instantly recognizable people in history. But I you bet you can't identify more than, say, two of them.
Answers on Wednesday afternoon...
...but before then also, mostly, in the comments box.
Posted by John Finnemore at 2:47 am 18 comments
Labels: Games