Wednesday, 24 December 2014

Zurich - Part Two

Well, here it is… please take your seats, and prepare for landing. Very much hope you enjoy it, and that you approve of the ending. But, whether you do or not, thank you very, very much for all your comments, poems, jokes, support, drawings, praise and occasional fury over the past six years, and most of all…

Thank you for flying MJN Air. 


The Airport.


Dominic C. said...

Thank you for everything, Mr. Finnemore. You and the whole cast and crew have enriched our lives in ways that I can't even begin to express. Thank you.

Lothiriel said...

You're all set on making me cry, aren't you?

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much John, for everything!

Anna said...

Fear not Cabin Pressure fans it doesn't have to end,
As there's an awesome event you can attend.
With otters, a quiz and a lot a lot a bees,
Say hi to John, smile and say cheese.
So follow the links and join us in Devon,
It'll be your idea of Cabin Pressure heaven.

So excited!!!!

Anonymous said...

John, I really cannot thank you enough for the happiness Cabin Pressure has brought me, and in fact the friendships it has cemented (I was convinced I was the only person in my college who listened to it, how pleasantly wrong I was!).
All the best in your future work, I hope they make you a regular on I'm Sorry I Haven't A Clue.

The Pink Lady said...

Oh, John. Your final placeholder has broken my heart. I can only add my voice to the chorus of thanks: for the characters who have become friends, for the brilliant plotting and writing, and above all for the fun and happiness you've brought to us. Little did I think when I first heard Abu Dhabi broadcast all that time ago that by Z it would mean so much to me. I have to believe that, even when we're not eavesdropping on them any more, the lives of these six people will carry on in their own chaotic way; I just won't be able to see them any more.

Bravo. And thanks for all the laughs.

Veronica Guzzardi said...

Thank you and the cast and crew for this series. It has been so much fun!

urcool91 said...

I've seen so many people saying how Cabin Pressure helped them through tough times, and I would like to add my voice to those people.

Thank you, Mr. Finnemore. Martin, Douglas, Carolyn, and Arthur have been some of the most funny, loyal friends I could have hoped for going through the last few years (I came to the party late). I honestly don't know what I would have done had I not met them. You are truly a comedy writer par excellence, and I will happily listen to whatever you put out in the future.

Lillian Bellamy said...

I will always be glad that I listened to Cabin Pressure and still do. I sincerely hope that you will go on and on writing more comedy at the same high standard.

Anonymous said...

Oh you've gone and made me all wibbly even before the last part airs.

Anonymous said...

It's lovely to see some familiar names in these comments, ones I haven't seen around my region of the fandot for a long while now. I am so happy you're still around!

Anonymous said...

From the Mutual Appreciation Society of Scots and Snow Leopards --- thank YOU!

lunanimal said...

Thank YOU, Mr. Finnemore... I can't possibly say how much joy Cabin Pressure has brought into my life, through laughter and new friends and comfort and inspiration... I can't wait to see what you go on to do next!

Amanda said...

(Sniffles a bit)

(Ok, a lot)

Thank YOU.

revdj said...

"What's in the van?"

Lee said...

Tears - "the lemon is in play" - sniff. So beautiful.

Rebecca said...

You're the best, JF!

Yellow car

Anonymous said...

Thank you, Mr Finnemore. It was a perfect ending.

Anonymous said...

it's been such a fun ride, John. Thanks for everything. You are BRILLIANT! Looking forward to your future projects.

MartinPic said...

Beautiful, charming and so much fun. And, dare I say, open for more with Benedict now unable to commit to the show?

If it truly has ended then I'm happy, and a bit sad, but can always imagine their onward adventures.

And I'm so pleased for Douglas that he's become Herc's captain.

Thanks John, it was a great ride.

Lothiriel said...

What a brilliant ending for a brilliant series! So long, and thanks for all the golden time - quite literally, as a matter of fact. :)

Dzidka said...

Aaaaaaaaahhhh!!!!!! WONDERFUL! BRILLIANT! Sad... but happy. Greetings from rainy Poland :)

Anonymous said...

Lovely final episode. Thank you for 6 years of fun. Came for Roger Allam; stayed for the writing. Thank you again.

Anonymous said...

Perfect. Just... Perfect.

I'll be over here, having a little cry.

The Real Emily said...

This is the first sitcom that I've ever cried at. Totally worth every second of it, with an absolutely beautiful ending.

Can I also ask, who was David Finnemore?

Ensoruk said...

That was beautiful John.... thank you

Gina said...

*standing ovation*

It was sad to think of Martin going away, and I'm not quite sure how I feel about what's essentially two Douglases in the flight deck :-) , but still, I loved it. A sweet and satisfying ending on the whole. And I love that the last word was "Brilliant"! Thank you so very much, and merry Christmas!

BradyB66 said...

And they all lived happily ever after!

Oh, Mr. Finnemore, I know it's been said countless times to the point where it's trite, but you truly are BRILLIANT!!!!

I could list all the reasons this ending was perfect, but this post would be too long. The callbacks to previous episodes were a joy!

Thank you for starting them at "A" again. I will happily imagine them traversing the alphabet again and again. The fairy tale goes on...

Linnea said...

You did it. You really bloody did it.
It was so good and funny and in the end I just stood in the middle of the room and cried. I am still crying.
The ending was so beautiful and wonderful and I don't even know what. Thank you for creating such a beautiful show. I will continue to listen to it over and over and over again till I loose my hearing and by then I will know all the lines perfectly and I'll be able to replay all the episode in my head.
Thank you!

Anonymous said...

What a perfect final episode. Thank you so much to all the cast and crew and especially to you, John.

Sonja said...

Fantastic episode. Thank you so much for this entire series!

MartinPic said...

My pre-part 2 guess by the way, was that the picture that Martin bought for a fiver in a seemingly throwaway moment would turn out to be valuable and save the day. But no, it was the Arthur-Douglas combo, of course.

Sara S said...

The biggest thanks for you, mr Finnemore! What a BRILLIANT trip we had with MJNAir. And what a lovely and perfect way to end this show. I'm in awe. Good luck and clear skies to OJSAir!

Libby said...

A wonderful ending to a highly enjoyable and side splitting hilarious comedy. Thank you for all the jokes, quotes, and games that I, my friends and family play on a regular basis.
The lemon will always be in play.
Elizabeth in California, USA

lee said...

That was perfect. I was both laughing and in tears for pretty much the whole duration. Thank you so much! I'm glad it was radio, I'd not be able to see it through the tears. I shall miss all of them, only not as much as I will have the CDs.

Susi said...

Fantastic final episode. Sad that it's over, but so many laughs. I was a latecomer to the world of CP and I never thought I would find another radio comedy as good as Old Harry's Game. I didn't.....I found one even better. Thanks for everything :-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you. I could gush, but I won't gush. Thank you.

Ags said...

John. Wonderful John. You changed people's lives for the better. You made us happy and Cabin Pressure will be a part of us forever and GERTI will keep flying.



Anonymous said...

I seem to have a speck of dust in my eye (or maybe it's a drop of lemon juice)...

Thank you for giving us such a lovely final episode! I loved it from beginning to end.

Skipper Susan said...

Thank you so very, very much. You were, I mean it was . . . what I really meant to say . . . Brilliant!

Anonymous said...

Amazing from A to Z! Have thoroughly enjoyed all the series, I came for Benedict and stayed for the laughs. Thank you for such a great show and merry christmas!

Sarah O said...

I can't tell you how much I loved this episode, and indeed the whole series. Thank you so much.

Robin said...


Unknown said...

I cheered, more than once. What a great ending, so much fun and so satisfying. Thank you so much.

Unknown said...

Genuinely brilliant. That's all.

Savanna said...

It's just finished airing and I have to say one last thank you! What a terrific finale for a brilliant show. You will always be the king of resolutions, Mr. Finnemore.

Anonymous said...

What a wonderful end to such a charming show.
Last night I was so caught up in the story that I had to take a 2am walk across town to get to sleep; it was so worth the wait.
Also, I love that some of the ‘arch enemies’ suggestions in the comments yesterday hit the mark.
Thank you, Merry Christmas.

Unknown said...

That was perfect! That was exactly how a show should end. Often when something I love ends, I'm left feeling like it didn't live up to the ending it deserved. But not this time. Absolutely perfect. "The lemon is in play." "Brilliant!" I cannot thank you enough for writing this show and for the perfect ending! Thank you Mr. Finnemore!

Anonymous said...

I was just wondering at what point the episode changed from one extra-long episode to a two-parter? Was it still intended to be the former at the recording with the recap recorded and edited in later?

Thank you very much for letting us fly MJN Air.

Boddamese said...

Flying toward somewhere beginning with "A"... You little tease you!

Great series. Great writing.

The lemon is always in play...

Kestrel337 said...

There are so few things I can do with all three kids. But we just sat around my laptop, and cried until we laughed, and then laughed until we cried.

Thank you. I don't quite know how you did it, but that episode was everything we needed. Fairy Tale Gold.

Thank you.

安娜 said...

Thank you John.
Love, the bombs left in the airport bins.

Unknown said...

I usually do not write comments, but I just wanted to say Thank You. Partly because of this show I made friends with one girl who is now my best friend. Each time we see each other, we shout "Yellow Car!!!". I had the best time listening to it, laughing so much, people thought I was crazy. So thank you, thank you, THANK YOU - for bringing a little bit of happiness in my (sometimes grey) life.

Katherine said...

I'll need to listen again to be sure, but does Arthur have another Pony Club girlfriend? G'awww...

Unknown said...

Another thank you from me, especially for the fantastic ending. It was really nice to see Arthur and Martin get a chance to be brilliant. Also great to see Douglas finally get the Captain's seat. I've enjoyed flying OJS air.

Anonymous said...

Cabin Pressure isn't over. It's part of all of us who love it. Many lines will be reused, a secret language between those of us who were there, a secret sign that a person is O.K.

It's been a joy. I feel sad, happy, and very grateful to have heard it almost from the start.

Good luck in all your future endeavours, John. We'll be rooting for you!

P.S. Addis Ababa was a lovely touch ...

13 year old fan said...

In one word: Perfection
Thank you and Merry Christmas, I don't know what to do with my life anymore. Good luck OJS air!

KC said...

I'm tearing up thinking about how this is the last, but there could be no more gorgeous and fitting ending for this series that we love so much. New beginnings for everyone with callbacks to remind us of where we came from. The only thing that could make this more perfect for me would be the feasibility of MJN, the official airline of Lichtenstein, because it would make it easier for the crew (and they will always be the crew to me, Swiss Air or not) to visit each other.

Loved that they played Yellow Car, and loved the Gordon and Douglas impressions. Loved the conversation between Carolyn and Herc on love; I am in a similar to Carolyn in Vaduz with the Man I Know. Loved Karl's welcoming GERTI back. Loved that Douglas saved the day with Arthur's wrong fact. Goodness, I loved everything. You're amazing.

And I'm actually crying now.

Thank you and the cast and crew for making this wonderful program.

P.S. Is Martin's Captain's name 'otter'?

CMarling said...

Thank you John, for this show. Its a show that brought my family together and fought off depression on many bad days. Days where I had no one to turn to and I was at the end of my rope, I could turn on my favorite crew. You brought laugher where there was none and strangely enough, answers to problems in my own life being a bit of a Martin myself.

Ive never seen a more brilliant writer or a more brilliant show. I'll be sharing it with my friends and future family for years to come.

Thank you for making MJN/OJS fly on. Us fans will work hard to do the same.

Cerys Byrne said...

So Mr Finnemore, you have not only made it perfectly possible for the series to continue without Benedict but you've given us our first destination of the next 26. Get writing man!

Roo said...

Thank you, Mr John Finnemore.

Ailin said...

I can't even begin to put into words all that I want to say, but basically, Zurich was amazing and I've actually cried, and all of CP was all kinds of brilliant and it brought me so much joy, I don't know how to thank you and everyone involved for making something so wonderful. Thank you so much <3

YuppieScum said...

So, Series five will be:

Addis Ababa
Baden Baden

which means we might even get to both Ouagadougu Ouagadougu and Timbuktu Timbuktu...

Unknown said...

John, thank you so much for Cabin Pressure. When I first started listening to it, it got me out of a rough time I didn't even know I was having. Thank you for the laughter, the tears, the endless word games, and the occasional games involving travelling citrus fruit. Thank you.
Oh, and I'm not crying. Your smoke just got in my eye. 🍋✈️

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much John!
Perfect ending!
Really don't know what else to say!
Cornelia from Germany

MartinPic said...

Caroline's ringtone is Shaun the Sheep!:)

Anonymous said...

OJS Air First flight destination starts with A , a new start!! I'm crying!! Thank you!Mr John Finnemore!

Unknown said...


I truly loved it. Thank for all your hardwork that must have gone into this show and brilliant cast and the brilliant people who brought this show to life. (I'll still probably listen to it on a loop. ) It was a BRILLIANT! ending...

I'd also like to say that this is the first radio drama I fell in love with and I will always be a fan. I'm driving my parents crazy with all the Cabin Pressure referencing and the constant "Yellow Car!" exclaiming.

I've kind of work on a Cabin Pressure version of "Deck the halls" following Douglas' starting point(hope it isn't to bad):

Deck the halls with Martin's brolly
Fa la la la la la la la la
Here comes Arthur with his trolly
Fa la la la la la la la la

See the Captain don his hat
Fa la la la la la la la la
Hear Carolyn screeching like a bat
Fa la la la la la la la la

Herc Shipwright is running from a ram
Fa la la la la la la la la
Arthur can't eat strawberry jam
Fa la la la la la la la la

(That's as far as I got)

All the best for the holiday season.

Merry Christmas and a Happy (and writer's block free) New Year

Artemis said...

Thank you, Mr. Finnemore! Cabin Pressure has given us many happy and fun moments!! Brilliant characters and brilliant writing! Congratulations to you all!!

Yamiska said...

Thank you John for this brilliant (I don't care if that word is overused or not!) show!
I loved Zurich! Perfect ending for a perfect show! I'm so happy for all the characters but also sad that this is the ending (or is it really...?)

Once again, thank you!

Anonymous said...

What a ride!
Nods to the past, plans for the future - Mr Finnemore that was a real treat. A puzzle, at least two love stories, more accents, more games and as I believe was mentioned a really satisfying ending. I usually don't like things neatly tied up but it was a kindness - especially Carolyn telling Herc she loved him and the same breath not letting him be Douglas's captain.
Thank you for all your hard work on Cabin Pressure. I bet it grew bigger and more well-loved than you ever imagined possible. Well done.
I've got to go and try not to cry over here where the wine is.

Paul Ryan said...

That last flight going to Addis Ababa.
S5 Ep2 to Baden Baden??

Anonymous said...

Damn, that was a better ending than I could have possibly imagined.

TheOldfields said...

Everyone has already said it. Thank you Mr F for your writing and to the cast for being good enough to play it.

Lori A said...

Final episode(s) was/were brilliant! I'm glad the BBC lets us in other countries listen live with the UK unlike how the BBC tv doesn't. I only wish we could watch video of these being recorded. I'd love to see the cast in action.

btw was the poorly painted Goofy on the van a nod to your bit on the Souvenir Programme about the guy who paints slightly off cartoon characters on ice cream trucks?

Merry Christmas Mr. Finnemore. Best present-unless you plan on resurrecting the show for Easter;)

Gertifan said...

A fairytale ending/beginning! Thank you John for the sheer delight that has been Cabin Pressure.

Anonymous said...

You, sir, are a genius, and "Zurich" was everything I could have wanted for a conclusion to Cabin Pressure. OJS Air will live on in our hearts!

Anonymous said...

Thank you John, superb! x

bigseach said...

good heavens, man! that was amazing! you are beyond utterance brilliant!

i want to stay in the jungle, you can't make me go to the human village. not going, nope, not going.

can't wait to hear them go through safety training, and herc learning the 5 steps.

Anonymous said...

Roger hates flying into the sunset.

That wasn't an emotional sentiment in episode L, but now...

The Pink Lady said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Hit the sweet spot sooo many times over all the series and the finale was incredibly satisfying. Thank you for the positivity.

Jo said...

I've loved everything about this series and the ending was no different. It was funny and moving and a real showcase of just how far the characters have come since Abu Dhabi.

Thank you so much for bringing this to life - it's going to be one of my favourite things for a very long time to come!

Christelle said...

I'm not crying, your smoke got in my eyes.
Thank you for Cabin Pressure, sincerely.
Long live OJS Air.

Anonymous said...


Arthur's comment about serving coffee? Two words for irony.


DougBot said...

Thanks so much to you, the cast, and crew of MJN/OJS Air. Cabin Pressure has been a wonderful thing and I cannot believe that the secrets of the finale were kept under wraps for so long!

Speaking of hidden things, I do hope that at some point Arthur finds that there's a BEAR hidden in the Toberlone logo.

Sumana Harihareswara said...

A wonderful finale. My thanks to everyone who's made the show. "Cabin Pressure" has given me uncountable laughs and I'm glad there will be CDs that I can buy and give to others!

Anonymous said...

Just to add my voice to the chorus of praise. Cabin Pressure is a classic that the BBC will be broadcasting for decades to come (think of a certain sit com about the Home Guard ...). It is brilliantly written and brilliantly acted and it has been a joy from the day I first downloaded an episode from iTunes by mistake (really). My favourite episode has never changed: St Petersburg, which wasn't written, it was choreographed. Zurich 2 may take over though, in time, after several re-listens (I think I'm up to 15 for St Petersburg).

Thanks for everything, you've given us a real gem.

Unknown said...

This was the best Christmas present I could've wished for. Thank you for all the laughs :)

Steffy said...

Thank you thank you captain dinosaur. I have been looking forward to the last two episodes for so long. They were absolutely brilliant! I could not have predicted the amazing ending and felt that all of the in-jokes and references were a real homage to us mere listeners.

I listen to Cabin Pressure almost daily and always notice something new. The characters you and the whole cast created were simply beautiful. The absolute best series I have ever had the pleasure to listen to or watch. Thank you, John for the hours upon hours of fantastic will be on my playlist forever.

TheOldfields said...

@ The Real Emily

David Finnemore is John's dad. See the entry for Qikiqtarjuaq.

Steve said...

Well, they say the old ones are the best and it's been 41 years since I first heard "terrapins tickle me if I lie". You must be a real fan of radio comedy to go so far back, or did Graeme point you to it at Pozzitive?

Loved the finale, inventive and satisfying, well done!

Kez said...

Thank you so much for the perfect fairy-tale ending!

Anonymous said...

I was genuinely terrified by Gordon turning up and having that discussion with Arthur. Genuinely utterly terrified and cursing a blue streak at him. And then I cheered of course.

Anonymous said...

Lovely, seriously warms glow. Mrs Shipwright, Captain Richardson, First Officer Shipwright and the traveling lemon.

Also starting over again with the letter A...

OJS flies on!

With first officer Du Creif taking swiss airways by storm.

Pitch perfect ending.

Paul B said...

I was somewhat worried after part 1 but part 2 was all I could have wished for and more. A wonderful finale. Thank you.

Jo Sadler said...

Perfect. Just perfect. I laughed 'til I cried; then I laughed some more. Dear old Gerti, flying off into the sunset. It couldn't have been any more perfect. Thank you

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the wonderful fairy-tale ending! Tears and laughter. Around the time I lost my mother, CP was my constant companion. There's something about it that goes beyond just comedy that has touched so many people. I suspect much of that is due to you.

I look forward to all that's still to come. Merry Christmas and the happiest of New Years.

mash mish said...

I can't really see my keyboard.
Some highly localised flooding seems to have occurred, so I'll restrict myself to simply: Brilliant!

Deleted said...

Thank you, Mr Finnemore, cast and crew for such a fabulous show! We have Cabin Pressure playing on a loop in the car and it never fails to make us laugh.
I think you must have boosted the yellow car manufacturing industry, too - I'm sure I've never seen so many of them before...

Thank you again and merry Christmas!

Anonymous said...

That was awesome. Made of Pure Win. I love how you made it OJS in the end; it really shows how much Carolyn's grown.

Martin as Mowgli and Theresa as Shanti means I now have "My Own Home" stuck in my head.

Douglas is Herc's captain. Ha!

GERTI's gotten a new lease on life, they're going to Addis Abbaba (so, would Bora-Bora be next?), and it was bittersweet, but absolutely perfect. Thank you so much! You and everybody else on the cast were perfect, and I love the way it's a happy ending, but not a fairy tale one. Thank you, John!

Anonymous said...

Just listened. Absolute perfection! Thank you so much.

Merry Christmas

Anonymous said...

Only one (yellow car) word can sum up Zurich - BRILLIANT!!

Thank you so much Mr. Finnemore!!

Belle said...

I laughed, I cried, I waited with baited breath hoping they would get their fairy-tale ending and they did, GERTI stays to fly the skies!
I would like to echo the chorus of thanks for writing Cabin Pressure and to the wonderful cast/crew for bringing it to life.
Although I may be declaring myself rabbit of negative euphoria currently, I am never able to see a yellow car without playing.

Horsa said...

I fold you crow. Absolutely bally BRILLIANT.

Anonymous said...

It has been such a joy. Thank you!

Verity said...

Thank you very much for creating Cabin Pressure, and for giving it a happy ending! (Although I hope working together won't drive Herc and Carolyn to distraction.) Happy Christmas, and I look forward to whatever comes next!

& said...

Thank you for Abu Dhabi and the feral cat! Thank you for Boston and Mister Lehman! Thank you for Cremona and the Stable lad! Thank you for Douz and the Scottish Crickett Team! Thank you for Edinburgh and Mr. Birling!Thank you for Fitton and for GERT-I!

Thank you for Gdansk and the bassoon! Thank you for Helsinki and the mostly-chocolate cake! Thank you for Ipswich and the fuselage! Thank you for Johannesburg and Señor Quintanilla! Thank you for Kuala Lumpur and the conference pear! Thank you for Limerick and the things made by horses!

Thank you for Newcastle and Herc!Thanks for Ottery St Mary and the 100 Otters! Thank you for Paris and Martin Marple! Thank you for Qikiqtarjuaq and the travelling lemon on the Bear Polar with the egg whisk and Pogo stick! Thank you for Rotterdam and Action! Thank you for Saint Petersburg and for the entire MJN crew!

Thank you for Timbuktu and Timbuktu-Timbuktu! Thank you for Uskerty and Finn McCool III! Thank you for Vaduz and Theresa! Thank you for Wokingham and Mrs. Skip! Thank you for Xinzhou and the snowmen! Thank you for Yverdon-les-Bains and for the fruit tray!

And thank you for wonderful Zurich and the entire MJN/OJS family!
Wonderful writing/acting/producing all the way through. ¡Inmejorable! Unglaublich! You, Mr. writer, are a godlike genious!

Merry Molokai, John!

Anonymous said...

Couldn't have been better, could it?

Anonymous said...

I've just looked up as much technical specs as I can find, and by God sir they will indeed be having giant heaps of damned fine buns. O.O

Anonymous said...

The lemon is in play - what an excellent conclusion. Thank you so much, John Finnemore, for many years of laughter, tears (of joy and sometimes of sadness), and hilarity. Lots of your ideas have made their way into our everyday lives. Like we're thinking about buying a yellow car (purely coincidental, but if we are, we'll be putting a sticker on it). Yeah, right, so this was brilliant. Thanks a lot. And all the best. Have a merry christmas and a wonderful new year. Stephanie

Anonymous said...

Heaven help us if New-Martin meets back up with Herc and Douglas. Three "Skygods" in one flight deck. It would be a smoothness overload.
Thank you for all of the laughs

AM said...

You made Douglas Captain! So many story lines have been about Martin that I thought that you had forgotten Douglas (as usually you out foxed me). He saved the day & now he's Captain - a Captain to Herc & he can play word games too. I'm finishing my celebratory glass of Talisker now. Thank you for this wonderful programme. I've loved it from the start.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much John Finnemore. Thank you for the pilots and the word games and the airdot and for showing us that even though faiytale endings don't happen, they do sometimes, actually. It's been brilliant.

Anonymous said...

Thank you, John!

Anonymous said...

Thanks, John! As always, BRILLIANT. This is the first time I've had watery eyes from pure joy (I'm not crying, though, your smoke got in them).

Eclectic Man said...

Addis Ababa
Baden Baden

Cape Cod ?

OK, Mr Finnemore, just, keep up the good work, follow your wonderful sense of humour, and keep us entertained, please, after having an excellent Christmas holiday, and a Happy New Year.

Thank You.

Anonymous said...

Thank you so very very very much for everything, John. You were BRILLIANT!! You were a brilliant Arthur, and a brilliant, brilliant author. The series changed me a lot, and the ending, while sad, was very satisfying. Again, thank you very much. It was fun flying with MJN Air (or OJS Air), and I look forward to doing it again.

inanutshell said...

Oh my actual God! That was BRILLIANT!

Carolyn said...

I got my wish! The ending was just Brilliant! Thank you for the fantasic trip Mr Finnemore

Jennifer said...

My sincerest thanks, Mr. Finnemore. A perfect finale for an outstanding series. Simply awe-inspiring.
Again, thank you for providing both my ultimate entertainment and familiar companion during sleepless nights.
May OJS fly forevermore ! and may the Lemon always be in play!

The merriest of Christmas
Deck the halls with Martin's brolly!

Best wishes from Indonesia

Fox said...

I'm going to miss Cabin Pressure with all my heart. You are a genius, Mr Finnemore, and as much as I would love to see a TV remake of this, it's probably best we keep it our little radio secret. The show is just like GERTI - it's been intertwined with gold this whole time.

Toodle-pip to unquestionably the best radio series of the last 20 years. <3

Womble42 said...

Zurich 2 was just perfect John, as of course I knew it would be. Our family marked the occasion with a Cabin Pressure themed party, enjoying pineapple juice and dragon fruit as we listened along together. I am also pleased to report that raspberry cheesecake and apple strudel were chosen equally, and we had buns for tea! We also had a go at making Arthur's mainly chocolate thing, and it did indeed smell funny!

I very much look forward to whatever comes next (and to seeing you pop up on Miranda tomorrow!)

Thank you for writing MJN/OJS air!

Unknown said...

That was excellent. Thank you so much for a wonderful series.

One question: if Gordon knew that there was gold on Gertie, why didn't he make Carolyn a sensible offer (£50,000 or something) in St Petersburg which she certainly would have taken, rather than risking everything by trying to steal the plane?
Any ideas, anyone?

Bedders said...

Thank you, I marginally preferred part one, but what a superb way to bring all the threads together. Douglas did something clever, Arthur unwittingly provided the spark, Gordon was willing to do anything and dodgy accents everywhere :)

Anonymous said...

I am sad the show is over but I couldn't have asked for a better ending. Thank you so much for all the joy Cabin Pressure has brought into my life.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Amrina B said...

Thank you for the wonderful ending and the wonderful story. It was all so bloody brilliant.

ClosetDiva (aka Kate K) said...

Two words: 1) "BRILLIANT!" (Which I will always associate with Arthur, his secret of true cheeriness, and constant faith in his friends.)
2) PERFECT! (Your writing has taught me more about proper fiction writing technique than anything else. Showing vs. telling, foreshadowing, establishing a character's wants, story arcs, etc. Not to mention the cast you assembled! Hard to imagine any others - except perhaps pinch-hitting by Tom Goodman-Hill taking their place in the MJN family!)
So, even though I'm crying some now, I'm very happy to know that all the family (even Gerti!) got a fairytale ending as well. Long live OJS Air!

Unknown said...

Completely brilliant... Was trying to guess all the way through what the expensive thing about GERTI could be... Genius! Thank you so much for enduring all the sleepless nights creating such a phenomenal series. I am going to miss everything about the show - especially Arthur's wonderful outlook on life. If we were all a little bit more like Arthur, I'm sure we'd all be that little bit happier. Thank you again for sharing such a wonderful creation with the world... Roll on your next project!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Thank you John for the most entertaining program on tv or radio for years. Big thanks as well to the superb cast , who have helped make Cabin Pressure what it is. It was a perfect ending. MJN will be flying for ever with us all , I will be always looking out for GERTI. The lemon forever in play......

Unknown said...

I won't lie, I cried... I am very sad to see Cabin Pressure come to an end, and I am certainly conflicted as to my feelings concerning Martin leaving MJN and it becoming OJS... But I also don't think it could have ended any other way. Any other ending would have been an injustice, and despite my sorrow I loved every second of it. Thank you for bringing us all this gem, John Finnemore, you are a genius, or as Arthur would say... BRILLIANT!

Tempest said...

That was PERFECT. I'm crying tears of joy and loss.

I will miss you, MJN.

Let's hope this isn't the last we;ve heard of OJS Air..............

Alison said...

Of course. Of course Gerti is made of gold.

I think my heart grew three sizes today, and I'm not even a Grinch to begin with. Thank you so much. Even though deep down I wanted Martin to stay with them always, this is, indeed, the fairy-tale ending they all deserved. (I mean, I always wanted Mowgli to stay too.)

Thanks again for everything. Smoke is in my eye... Cheers and Happy Christmas!!

Unknown said...

It was such a wonderful ending to a wonderful radio program. I admit I started listening to it as a fan of Benedict's but ended up as a really loyal fan to everything about it.
You are such a talented writer, please keep it up.

Yellow Car
-Maura (USA)

Anonymous said...

That was magnificent - especially like Martin's captain - Captain Otter! You are so clever. Thank you for the ride and all the wonderful references and the eternal hope of a future series for OJS.

zwieselhaar said...

Thank you, thank you, thank you for Zurich, the glorious fairytale ending and for everything!
It was br- no, I won't say it again, but it was though :-))

Papas said...

Assuming about 23 miles of wire, that's about 19 million pounds...

Unknown said...

Thank you for letting us fly with MJN Air, John. Thank you for this all. And the end of it :)

Unknown said...

You did it. I had no idea how you'd pull it off, but you did something clever and now everything's fine. It was a very satisfying ending.

But this isn't really the end of Cabin Pressure, right? There'll be a movie or a graphic novel or something, yeah? Or maybe there are secret talks with Steven Moffat about the Sherlock special involving Holmes and Watson taking an OJS Air flight to Lichtenstein? Maybe to help out a princess whose pilot boyfriend is missing? No? Well, all right.

Seriously, I am sad that there won't be any more episodes of Cabin Pressure. But I am just as excited about the doubtless brilliant writing you'll produce for decades to come!

Philippa Sidle said...

Thank you, that was brilliant. Merry Christmas, John. God bless.

Victoria said...

@Alex Cohen.
Because he's one of those people who think they're clever and are always trying to pull a fast one, and when it goes wrong - and it usually does go wrong because people like that are often not as smart as they think they are and shoot themselves in the foot, (Just as Gordon does both in St Petersburg but also by hiding his money on Gerti in the first place) he probably decides it's someone else's fault (hence his revolting temper) so he never learns to change his behaviour and keeps making the same mistakes.

Unknown said...

The ending was absolutely perfect! The number of references to previous episodes you sneaked in was truly impressive, and there has never been a better closing line.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for everything.

Elijah Granet said...

This was perfect. Thank you, thank you thank you, for everything.

Anonymous said...

Thank you for such a brilliant ending, it was better than I ever imagined!

Anonymous said...

Well...! That final episode deserves all the 'b' words: brilliant, bravo and b-encore!

I'm one of those who came for Benedict and stayed for the cast and writing, and I feel like I've paid my dues by waiting nearly as long for the conclusion as everyone who heard 'Y' back at the start of 2013, and boy, was it worth it!

One request Mr Finnemore, in the vain hope you read this far down the comments - please consider publishing the scripts, ideally as 5 volumes in a slip case, (with each volume having one of the crew on the cover?). This could include your original blog posts and the new bear facts for each episode. Plus some of Douglas' games, Arthur's facts about destinations and maybe some fan art, such as Tealin's work?

Anyway, to finish this rather long comment, this seemed apt to quote here on behalf of MJN as was...

O Captain! My Captain! our fearful trip is done;
The ship has weather'd every rack, the prize we sought is won...


Nabend said...

In a word: BRILLIANT!
And I hope that like Martin you will now leave this entertaining but badly paid job behind and become the star you have always been destined to be. You are now about a four on the comedy stardom scale, but you're not done yet! (The analogy falls down here, because you are clearly very naturally gifted and did not just learn a big joke book off by heart...) And if you ever feel like doing a little more Cabin Pressure, as a German, I recommend umlauts. Äänekoski, Öhringen and Überlingen are awaiting.

Unknown said...

That was a beautiful send-off: a 21 Chekov gun salute!

I mean.. it's as if everything that happened over the last 6 years was leading to this point! ;-)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a brilliant show and a perfect ending.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Thank you, JF, for a fantastic series over the years, and giving those people that we love (though I'm sure you love them even more than we do) the fairy-tale ending we know they deserve. I can't say that Cabin Pressure has ever dramatically reshaped my life, but I can say that it's been a constant and pleasurable companion for the last few years. Rare is the long car journey that doesn't feature at least a couple of letters of the alphabet, and now, of course, we have "Should have been enemies" to play as well as "Yellow Car" (you'll agree that the the Travelling Lemon is harder to pull off when everyone is wearing seat belts). My teenage daughter now has another 60 minutes to learn verbatim (we don't even need the audio books in the car, these days).

And above all, thank you for the quality of the writing... they are all, err... BRILLIANT. But Zurich was so clearly the right ending, for everyone, once it had happened, yet so impossible to figure out what the right ending would be, before... I guess that's why you are the WRITER, and we are the LISTENERS...

Have a great Christmas with the aviation advisor. Then you can start worrying about the "difficult second album" radio sitcom... ;-P

Thanks again, to you and Benedict, Stephanie, Roger, Tony and Matilda...

Caroline said...

What to say? It's all been said above. I absolutely loved the number of references jammed into the last 5 minutes that only the loyal listener would fully appreciate - but of course done, with John's usual genius, in such a way that a casual listener could also enjoy by taking them at face value.
A true fairytale ending for everyone, but with space for our imaginations to carry on flying with our favourite air crew into that never ending (but never boring) sunset.
I can't believe that the last word was, in fact, 'Brilliant!' It really had to be - but getting it there without it sounding engineered is further roof, if any of us needed it, of John's genius as a writer.
John - thank you, from the bottom of my heart, for creating and sustaining such a perfect little world for us all to enjoy forever.
All the best for your future projects, and for now, have a well deserved restful Christmas!

Morgan Frances said...

I'm well aware that I'm simply adding my voice to an extremely appreciative chorus, but nonetheless I feel obliged to do so.

Thank you, Mr Finnemore, for all of the hard work, late nights, 36 hour days, and blog posts that you've put into entertaining us. We, the general unwashed masses (though I like to imagine we're a bit more washed than the masses of, say, the Archers - to pick a completely random example), have been completely enthralled by the journey that MJN has taken, and though we're all sad to see it end, I can't imagine that any one of us are unhappy with the way it has done so.

So bye-bye, bencore, and bravo, Mr Finnemore. I hope you feel proud of this extraordinary fandot that you've created.

All the best for future projects. Merry Christmas to you and your family.

Laetitia said...

What a perfect ending! Thank you for the hours of fun we've had with Cabin Pressure, Mr. Finnemore. Just tonight, you've made my lousy Christmas night so much better.

Speaking of which : get dressed, you merry gentleman! And merry Christmas!

Alan said...

That was f***ing brilliant from start to finish. Thank you Mr. Finnamore.

Anna S said...

Dear John,
thank you. Others have been more eloquent in describing how much this show means to them than I ever could, so I won't even try to.
I did want to say however, how much I appreciate the final episodes. I hate, hate, hate that Cabin Pressure had to end at all, but you managed to give us an ending that does the show more than justice. Thank you so much.

(Also, I never thought the words "Love, the airport" could bring tears to my eyes but there you go.)

Still waiting for Douglas to do something clever...

Lots of love and Merry Christmas from Germany,
Anna xxx

spacekettle said...

Dear Mr. Finnemore,
Thank you for writing Cabin Pressure and giving it a perfect, absolutely brilliant ending. I will never forget the times it made me laugh even on the most gloomy days. I shall remember fondly even the times I almost died choking on a poorly-timed sip of tea (or that one time, soup). It's been a great pleasure.
Thank you so much! And giant thanks to all the cast - you were amazing!

Anonymous said...

Perfection. I can't imagine it ending any other way now. I laughed, cried and applauded.

Southern Gal said...

i am still working my way slowly thru ... just started season three. dont know when i will listen to zurich. i still have not watched or read the last Morse books and have the last two PD James books to read as well... cant bear to see the end of things I love.

i know it will be great so i am saying thank you now

Dinks thinks... said...

Just to thank you so much for one of the finest BBC radio comedy series ever. The Zurich episodes were not only as brilliantly funny as the rest of the alphabet, but left one as involved with the characters as any soap, and finally rather moved.

Dinks thinks... said...

Just to thank you so much for one of the finest BBC radio comedy series ever. The Zurich episodes were not only as brilliantly funny as the rest of the alphabet, but left one as involved with the characters as any soap, and finally rather moved.

June Clarence said...

I cannot thank you enough for this incredibly funny, smart and utterly entertaining series with its lovely, loveable, wonderful characters. I shall treasure it always.

And a very special thank you for making this ending so beautiful and so funny and perfect. I was making high-pitched noises by the end. Confused bats fell out of the sky.

Thank you.

Mart said...

Splendid show, Mr Finnemore! But I must draw Douglas' attention to this page:

citychick said...

OMG so many emotions but most of all... IT WAS BRILLIANT! So many Easter Eggs, everything wrapped so neatly!

Anonymous said...

Perfect ending! Everything I had hoped for to finish off the series!

Unknown said...

I became emotional on the final minutes of Cabin Pressure. I will miss Douglas, Martin, Carolyn, Herc, Princess Theresa, Carl from ATC, and most definitely the ever brilliant Arthur! XD

John Finnemore, you amazing human being! Thank you for writing such an amazing story out of a chartered plane and her pilots (and her CEO/manager/flight attendant plus the son lol). You made me believe in radio plays in this modern world where everybody relies on visual aid.

The lemon will forever be in play! *dons cap*

Amber Z said...

Thank you so much. It's been a lovely flight.

Nandi said...

What a perfect ending for a wonderfully written series. Thanks for all the laughs!!

eriqjaffe said...

That wasn't just brilliant. It was, in fact, *brilliant brilliant*.

Abi said...

The thing I have always loved about Cabin Pressure, apart from the stellar acting and the hugely funny one-liners, is how elegantly constructed the episodes are. The endings are perfect: everything always comes from somewhere. It does not surprise me, but it was hugely gratifying, how much that held true for the show as a whole. Every bit of it was something paying off from ages ago, and it was, of course, BRILLIANT!

Unknown said...

Martin apparently now flies with an otter on the flight deck and Arthur had the inevitable and fitting last word. And those are only two of the beauties of the farewell flight of MJN Air.

Hearty thanks to the wondrously accomplished cast, to the aviation adviser, and to you, John Finnemore. You've exceeded the bounds of "radio comedy" which I guess is something like defying gravity. Thank you--thank you all!

knolan said...

Thank you, John. This was one of the best comedy shows I've ever had the privilege of listening to, and you ended it beautifully. I'll be sad to not hear anymore from the MJN crew, but that ending was everything I could have hoped for.

Elwing said...

Congratulations Mr.Finnemore! You really stuck the landing. Also, thanks so much for all the letters of the alphabet. It was BRILLIANT!

Kriti Dhanania said...

Thank you, Mr. Finnemore.
Cabin Pressure was everything and more.

Rach Cherryade said...

What a perfect end to a perfect show, so very beautiful, heart-felt and, most importantly, hilarious! I knew Douglas would save the day eventually, especially with Arthur's incisive mind to assist him, they really are quite a team! I'm so glad everyone got their fairytale ending after all, particularly that Douglas has become captain again, that Carolyn and Herc are, mostly happily, married and that Arthur is back to doing what he is best at, being the best air steward in the world! My favourite scene was probably the one where Arthur stands up to his dad, Arthur has always been my favourite character (followed closely by Carolyn then Douglas) so I was so happy to see him have so many heroic moments in this episode! Thank you once again for sharing this wonderful series with us and for bringing it to an immensely satisfying conclusion, I look forward to all of your future radio exploits!

Bugalina said...

I LOVED your fairy tale ending! Actually, I howled through all five series, but that was the best program-ending episode I've heard (or seen) in a long time. You're a genius, Mr. Finnemore, and I very much look forward to hearing, viewing, or reading your next project.

MartinPic said...

I've left a few comments here and there on this wonderful blog, all heartfelt and mostly glowing, but I feel I need to say a little more.

I've devoured and enjoyed a lot of comedy and drama over the last 40 years. And, quite simply, for me at least, Cabin Pressure is the best and most tightly-written, funniest, warmest and most human show that I've heard or seen. Ever. And for that I thank you.

Joy and warmth from start to finish.

And, on a personal note, through your blog posts and the show as a whole, you've both reignited my writing ambition and told me in no uncertain terms that it's not an easy road, even for the most talented, which you certainly are. But I'm enthused enough to give it a go again.

I've not downed a litre of vodka, but all the same I'll just say GERONIMO!


Marie said...

Addis Ababa? Is there hope that OJS Air may one day fly again? I'm not giving up!!

Thank you so much for the laughs and the fun. I've enjoyed the journey immensely.

KTFaye said...

Oh man, I won't lie, I was apprehensive. I've come to care for my MJN Air family so I wanted our goodbyes to be perfect.
And it was; It truly was! How very stupid of me to have worried. All the MJN folks were in your most creative, funny, and capable hands; and your love and respect for them ended their story so very well. It was funny, honest, a touch of sweetness, and some sadness too. So very satisfying; just as it should have been. Brilliant. (Lord, I do so wish I could find another word other than "brilliant" but it is the one that fits the best unless I make up a brand new word!)

All I can say is thank you, I will miss the MJN world, but I so look forward to the other worlds you will create.
Yellow Car!

Taylor said...

Thank you for a wonderful ending to a delightful story. I look forward to your future projects!

Anonymous said...

I was worried about the finale but it was far better than I even hoped it would be. The entire series has been as close to perfect as I think is possible. I have always loved the class and I hope John Finnemore writes many different things in the future.

Unknown said...

Thank you. For this and for all the others. Cabin Pressure is that thing that can make me smile even at my lowest of lows, and a true smile actually do make things better. You have made my life better. Thank you for all of it. Zurich is all that I could have hoped for and more.

Take care!

auntiquarian said...

My family - 9, 9, 12, 41, and 48 - sat round the (digital) wireless listening to Zurich like a nineteen-thirties family. Thank you so much for the whole journey.

Kate McLaren said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Crystallin said...

To quote Arthur, "Brilliant!" Thank you. Great ending.

Anonymous said...

It's been a pleasure - thank you so much!

Jane B said...

Thank you for letting me fly MJN Air. It's,been a great flight!

Anonymous said...

Thank you for letting me fly with MJN Air! I will miss the characters. it's been a brilliant flight. Thank you! :)

Unknown said...

Thank you John for a perfect start to Christmas. I am a huge British comedy fanboy and the series you created is without question the one I have enjoyed the most. It is as close to perfect as any entertainment I have experienced in my 35 years. Thanks again.

Anonymous said...

It was... BRILLIANT!!!

En said...

Oh my god that was so perfect!

That was the most sublime series of sublime moments recorded on radio. Thank you so much. I definitely didn't cry. That'd be absurd. (He lied).

Anja (you know who!) said...

Chief, I might be wrong....
No, actually, I am not wrong.
I am wondering: if Gerti was so heavy because of the gold wiring (let's just hope, the air chiller was still connected through copper wires) would't Martin have noticed this when calculating the amount of fuel?

*insert evil cackle*

etijeffrey99 said...

Thank you for a great series and a fantastic finale (I would have said brilliant but others have for some reason). Have a great and well deserved Christmas knowing that you have spread such happiness, and best wishes for your future projects. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Well I hated it.

*turns a funny colour and falls over*

No, I didn't.

What a perfect ending to a brilliant show. Thank you for giving me an appreciation of the audio comedy/drama format, to the point I may start a letter-writing campaign to my country's national radio broadcaster to encourage them to start airing some.

Anne Katrin said...

I admit it, I cried! Thank you for a wonderful time on board. Best flight I have ever had!

Eclectic Man said...

I'm just glad you turned your talents to comedy instead of becoming a master criminal.

Addis Ababa,
Baden Baden,
Cape Cod (or possibly Charing Cross)
Dunstable Down (though I grant you landing GERTI on a grass strip at at gliding club would take some doing)

Oh and:

Oscar Wilde and Clement Freud

Hopefully you will relent and do a special for Martin and Theresa's wedding.

Anonymous said...

Thank you ever so much Mr. Finnemore! And a massive well done to everyone involved...a truly BRILLIANT ending!! A fantastic last line :p

Anonymous said...

A paramount Thank You to

- you, John Finnemore, for bringing us this precious show and being an overall generous person (I'm looking at the farewell bear facts among other things). I can't even imagine life before CP anymore (as if I wanted to). My greatest regards to you that you make quality decisions (I would love for CP to continue but I would hate for it to be dragged out and loose its quality and charm!).

- all of the cast & crew - because they were and are just brilliant like their characters.

- my fellow fans - for being lovely, imaginative and considerate (spoiler-free reports from recordings are amazing!)

Merry Christmas to all of you and continue to fly only the friendly skies!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for a wonderful show and a wonderful finale! I never thought I would be moved by the words "the lemon is in play", but then you are a brilliant writer.

And, of course, it goes without saying at this point that both parts of Zurich were hilarious.