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Arthur Shappey. A serious man, with a serious announcement, and a serious face. |
Wednesday, 14 November 2012
Cabin Pressure IV - prepare for boarding.
Posted by John Finnemore at 6:03 pm 1068 comments
Thursday, 8 November 2012
Bringing up the averages.
Posted by John Finnemore at 4:18 pm 24 comments
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
The hairline of Captain Martin Crieff - an official statement.
Ok, ok, firstly: everyone keep calm. Take deep breaths. It's all going to be okay. We got through Doodle-gate, we can get through this.
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Male pattern baldness. Which does not necessarily = unattractive, may I just point out. |
Posted by John Finnemore at 4:24 pm 491 comments
Saturday, 20 October 2012
And definitely don't look at the armband on his wing...
Posted by John Finnemore at 12:09 am 76 comments
Wednesday, 10 October 2012
Cabin Pressure Update
Speaking of which - some news! Though we still haven't got the dates totally nailed down, it's looking increasingly likely we'll be recording series 4 before the end of the year. There will be three recordings, and as usual, tickets will be free, but given out by lottery to people who apply for them from the BBC ticketing website. They are not up there yet - I will put a link here as soon as they are.
In the meantime, however, something else Cabin Pressure related will be happening in October and November. I want to be quite discreet about putting details online, so if you would like to know more, please go here. But if I say that it may be of particular interest to people who came to any of the Priory Engagements over the summer, that may give you a clue. Whatever it is, it does not involve any of the cast (except me.)
Posted by John Finnemore at 7:06 pm 99 comments
Monday, 24 September 2012
I assumed the book he was reading, Transcendental Magic by Eliphas Levi, was either a history of magic or possibly a novel. But no, it turns out it's a book written in 1855 about transcendental magic, and how to do it.
At one point, it made him laugh.
Posted by John Finnemore at 5:11 pm 49 comments
Labels: Interesting People
Sunday, 9 September 2012
Posted by John Finnemore at 1:21 pm 44 comments
Saturday, 25 August 2012
New Priory Engagement date, and a thing I made.
For one night only, the cast of John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme and I are back in the Priory. Not the rehab centre, the pub. So, in a way, the opposite of the rehab centre. It's the very last try-out of new sketches for the new series, and it's on Monday 10th September, at 8pm. To reserve tickets, go here.
Meanwhile, here is a little thing I made. Hope you like it.
Posted by John Finnemore at 12:37 pm 41 comments
Thursday, 23 August 2012
Alan Rufus was also known as 'Alan the Red'. Good name.
This is Richmond, California.
It was named in 1854 by Edmund Randolph; after his home city of Richmond, Virginia.
This is Richmond, Virginia.
Posted by John Finnemore at 7:26 pm 37 comments
Labels: Dead Earls, Didn't Know That Yesterday, Names
Thursday, 2 August 2012
Beware the deadly guys.
- You can’t stop me!
- Woah, who are these deadly guys!
- Woah, wait up! What are you guys doing to me?
- Aha! Can’t hit me! Oh, he’s hitting me.
- Oh come on, how could he possibly get up there?
- This is so annoying! I’m not allowed to hit his hands now!
- How do I beat this guy? What do I have to do?
- Ah! He’s not dead yet! Ah, look at him! He isn’t dead.
- Aha, now I get it!
- Aha!! Oh!! Yes!! Thank you!!
- I beated him!!
- Oh, he’s changed into a machine.
- Birds in the water?! Why are there birds in the water?!
Posted by John Finnemore at 2:20 pm 32 comments
Labels: Overheard
Thursday, 19 July 2012
Cabin Pressure FAQ
Hi. I've been getting a few questions about Cabin Pressure recently, and I thought I'd put the answers to as many of them as I can think of here, so they're all in one place. So, if you're reading this because I've replied to a question of yours with a link, please don't think I'm being rude, it's just you'll get a fuller answer this way.
Q) Is there going to be a fourth series of Cabin Pressure?
A) Yes, there is. Hooray!
Q) Will it have the same cast?
A) Almost definitely. That's certainly our intention, and everyone seems keen to come back. It's just a question of making the dates work. Speaking of which...
Q) When will it be?
A) We just don't know.
Q) What do you mean you don't know? Get on with writing it, you lazy writer!
A) Fair point, I am a lazy writer, but on this occasion that's not actually the problem. By stupidly casting incredibly talented and in-demand actors (plus me), we've accidentally made it really really hard to get everyone together in a room at the same time. But we're working on it, and the intention is still to get it at least recorded, and ideally broadcast, this year.
Q) Ah, but I am reading this in The Future! Have things changed since you wrote this?
A) As soon as I know more, I will announce it on this blog, and tweet a link to it. If I haven't done that, then I don't have any more news.
Q) I've heard it's coming back this month! Is that true?
A) Nope. Definitely not. Basically, if you didn't hear it from me or David Tyler the producer, it's probably not true.
Q) Ok, I get the message. It's coming back, you don't know when. Fine. Let's talk about something else. Oh, like: I've been playing Yellow Car since I was a kid! You didn't invent it!
A) Er... no, I know. I didn't invent charades either. Or Monopoly. What's your point?
Q) Just... be careful, that's all.
A) Ok. Will do.
Q) And talking of Yellow Car, how many points do you get if...
A) If I can just interrupt you there, I believe Mr Arthur Shappey has already answered your question here.
Q) Well, no, actually, he doesn't answer my question, which is what if the car-
A) Yes, he does. I have never heard a question about Yellow Car which is not answered by the phrase: 'When you see a yellow car, say 'Yellow Car'. And I have heard a lot of questions.
Q) Why are you being so grumpy?
A) I don't know. I'm sorry. I promise I'll answer the next one non-grumpily.
Q) Good. Ok, what's going on with Martin's salary? It's unresolved at the end of Qik, but elsewhere in series three he sometimes implies he is getting paid now, and sometimes says he isn't.
A) What an excellent question! Yes, you're quite right. What happened was, in the recording there was an extra scene in Qik in which Martin and Carolyn came to an arrangement that changed the situation slightly. However, as that got cut from the broadcast episode, the rule is: it never happened. Martin still doesn't get paid as a pilot, and makes his living as a man with a van. But don't feel too sorry for him - money's always tight for him, but he's not living in abject poverty. And he is doing the one job he always wanted to, and how many of us can say that? (Yeah, ok, me. But I'm really lucky.)
Q) Where can I listen to / download / buy / read Cabin Pressure?
A) In a variety of ways. You can buy the newly released CDs of the first three series from Amazon. You can buy downloads from Amazon or Pozzitive's online store. Someone has put all the episodes up on YouTube. And someone else, or a collection of someone elses, have put up transcripts of all the episodes, which you can easily find by googling 'Cabin Pressure transcripts'. I only get money from the first two of these, but personally speaking, I have no problem with the last two ways. (The BBC probably don't agree about that.)
Q) I have an idea for / have written a script for / have written a story about the characters from Cabin Pressure. 1) Do you mind? 2) Will you read it?
A) 1) No, I don't mind at all, I'm very flattered! 2) I'm really sorry, but I'd better not. In the first place, even if I love it (and I'm sure I would love it, you're clearly really talented, I can tell that just from your questions) I wouldn't use it, because I'm egotistical enough to quite enjoy being the sole writer. And I can't read it just for fun, in case it overlaps with an idea of my own, and then you feel like I've ripped you off. Even if you, personally, wouldn't mind if I ripped you off, it's much easier if I'm able to say 'No, I've never read any Cabin Pressure fiction I didn't write', so we all know for certain any similarities are just coincidences. (Also, I gather lots of them involve characters getting it on with each other, and I'm not sure I'm ready to imagine that...)
Q) Where is Fitton?
A) Fitton is not a real place (and has nothing to do with the Filton in Bristol). However, I've always known exactly where it is in Britain, and there are now enough little geographic references over the course of the series that it's possible to pin it down to within about ten or twenty miles. I know this, because some very impressive internet detectives have done so, and sent me the results. And they were right.
Q) Why is Douglas so mean to Martin all the time?
A) There are three basic answers to this. Firstly, because Martin's the captain and Douglas thinks he ought to be, and so has to demonstrate his alpha dog status in other ways. Secondly, because it's a sitcom, and if everyone was lovely to each other all the time, it would be really dull. Thirdly... I don't actually think he is, to be honest. He certainly helps him out at least as often as he takes him down, and even when he does take him down, it was often Martin that started it (Abu Dhabi, Qik).
Q) Can I get tickets for the next recordings, whenever they are? (I know you don't know when that will be yet, because you said that already.)
A) Yes! And: Not necessarily! Adding up to: Maybe! 'Yes', in that the tickets are free, and released by the BBC online, for anyone to apply to. 'Not necessarily', in that applying doesn't automatically get you tickets, it just gets you into the draw. And even then, the BBC always give away more tickets than there are seats (I wish they wouldn't, but that's another story), so it's possible to get sent tickets, turn up to the recording, and then get sent away because we're full. I hate it when that happens, but there's nothing I can do about it, apparently. So, in summary, 'Maybe'.
Q) There's one line of Martin's that occurs in two different episodes. Was that deliberate?
A) No, it wasn't. For some reason, I thought that line had been cut from the first episode it was in the edit, and reused it; only to eventually realise it hadn't been. So now it's in both, and it really annoys me. Grr.
Q) When will Cabin Pressure end?
A) When it's finished.
Q) Are you being deliberately vague and mysterious now?
A) Yes. Sorry.
That's all the questions I can think of for now - if you have others, put them in the comments, and I might do another one of these in a while.
Posted by John Finnemore at 4:41 pm 188 comments
Wednesday, 27 June 2012
Extra July Priory Engagement Dates.
Anyway, in answer to questions, if you haven't heard whether or not you have tickets to the July recordings of John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme, I'm afraid that probably means you haven't. However, good news! We're doing an extra two John Finnemore's Priory Engagements, on the Wednesday before each recording, the 4th and 11th July. So, why not come along and see that instead? Same cast, similar sketches (plus some extra ones), much smaller audience, and all in a lovely pub. Tickets, as usual, here.
Posted by John Finnemore at 9:27 am 26 comments
Tuesday, 19 June 2012
Food Chain
In 1928, a biography of Queen Elizabeth I was published, written by the famous biographer Lytton Strachey.
...who in 1943 was himself the subject of a biography by Max Beerbohm.
...who in 1964 was himself the subject of a biography by David Cecil.
...who in 1990 was himself the subject of a biography by Hannah Cranbourne.
Wouldn't it be nice if Hannah Cranbourne's biography includes a bit where David gets stuck on the bit of his biography of Max in which he gets stuck on the bit of his biography of Lytton in which he gets stuck on his biography of Elizabeth?
Bonus connection: Elizabeth I's childhood home was Hatfield Palace. Her successor James I gave it to Robert Cecil, Elizabeth's chief minister (and an important figure in Strachey's book). His descendants have lived in the remodelled Hatfield House ever since. The current inhabitants are the seventh Marquess of Salisbury and his wife, Lady Salisbury. In 1990, Lady Salisbury was known as... Hannah Cranbourne.
Posted by John Finnemore at 1:28 am 27 comments
Monday, 11 June 2012
Three Things
Posted by John Finnemore at 5:40 pm 29 comments
Friday, 25 May 2012
Luncheon is for softies.
Mm. I hate to nitpick, but there is maybe a slight problem with the way you are visezing for your objectif to speak English the way they do on Wall Street...
(And I don't just mean that your Union Jack is upside down. That's the least of your problems with it.)
(How do I know it's upside down? From the fimbriation of the ordinaries, that's how.)
(Oh, and please don't tell me it's the Union Flag if it's not flown from a ship. That's one of those facts that every uncle knows, but isn't actually true. You definitely don't call it the Union Flag at sea, but both terms are acceptable on land, and personally I like 'Union Jack'.)
(In the brackets above, I initially wrote 'That's one of those facts that every uncle knows, but if you said it on QI, the klaxon would go off.' But then I checked, and annoyingly someone did say it on QI, and the klaxon didn't go off. But it should have done.)
(That's a lot of clarifications. Maybe I don't hate to nitpick after all.)
Posted by John Finnemore at 11:34 pm 48 comments
Monday, 14 May 2012
Three Other Things
Firstly, Cabin Pressure Series III is being repeated on Radio 4 at 6:30 on Tuesdays, starting tomorrow, with Qikiqtarjuaq. Please have your egg-whisks and pogo-sticks at the ready.
Secondly, I'm very happy to say all three series of Cabin Pressure are being released on CD this year, at the beginning of July, August, and September. You can pre-order them here:
Cabin Pressure Series 1
Cabin Pressure Series 2
Cabin Pressure Series 3
Also, it's looking hopeful that I may get the chance to mess around a bit on the inside cover. No promises, but if you have any suggestions for things you'd like to see, feel free to put them in the comments. There's not much room, so they'll have to be quite small things. I'm thinking along the lines of Carolyn's to do list, Douglas and Martin's cheese-board tally, or Arthur's favourite bear facts...
Thirdly, I was in a bookshop the other day, and saw these two books side by side. Though they're both huge sellers, I wonder if there is anyone in the world who has read them both...
Posted by John Finnemore at 5:53 pm 124 comments
Friday, 27 April 2012
Three things.
Posted by John Finnemore at 5:48 pm 38 comments
Monday, 23 April 2012
Yellow Car - the full rules.
Posted by John Finnemore at 1:00 am 349 comments
Friday, 6 April 2012
Everything Must Go!!!
Posted by John Finnemore at 3:14 pm 39 comments
Saturday, 31 March 2012
I don't blame it.
Update - tickets for the next three Priory Engagements now available on the doodle list
Sorry for the silence - busy times. Thank you if you came to the try-out last week, it was lovely to see you. As it will be if you're coming to the try-out tomorrow. As before, do please take yourself off the doodle list if you find you can't come after all, so that someone else can in your place. Although I have also just added ten extra tickets, so if you wanted to come but thought you were too late... you're not. In other news, I was on the Now Show today, which'll be on iPlayer for a week; and will be on two episodes of the next series of The Unbelievable Truth.
Anyway. There are many, many things the Vatican and I disagree on, which I'm sure must be a source of great sadness to them. So, it was a pleasure this week to discover that there is at least one issue on which the Vatican and I are in total and cordial agreement.
Posted by John Finnemore at 1:57 pm 24 comments
Friday, 16 March 2012
Grrr. Vrroom.
If Friday is dragging, here's a little game. Pretend you're an eight year old boy who's just been told he can change his name to anything he likes. Think of the coolest, manliest, most ludicrously macho name you can possibly imagine. Got it? Well, whatever you've come up with, I believe I know of an Italian conductor from 1911 who can outdo you.
Posted by John Finnemore at 1:52 am 57 comments
Labels: Names, Small Silly Jokes
Monday, 12 March 2012
Mostly Admin
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Not even this one! And this one's in a pond! |
Posted by John Finnemore at 12:44 pm 11 comments
Saturday, 10 March 2012
Anyway, here's a drawing of Andrew Marr
Posted by John Finnemore at 3:37 pm 14 comments
Labels: Drawings
Sunday, 4 March 2012
John Finnemore's Priory Engagement
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So... I have done. Unfortunately, the pub we used last year has turned its performance space into a restaurant, the food-crazed fools; but I've found another I think will be even better: the excellent Priory Tavern in Kilburn. So, do please come along, if you fancy it, to John Finnemore's Priory Engagement; 8pm every other Sunday starting in two weeks time, on the 18th March. Each show will be completely different material, mostly written in the fortnight before. It'll be about an hour and a half long, including interval, costs £7, and is suitable for ages 12 and up. Last year's run featured Jekyll and Hyde's domestic arrangements; what The Archers sounds like to people who don't listen to The Archers, and the chilling tale of the man who went for a walk... and saw a goat. What this year's will feature, I literally do not yet know.
As an experiment to try to avoid people having to pay the ridiculous booking fees which were such a feature last year, I've put a list up here you can go to to book seats for the first three performances. There are only 80 seats per show, so do please take your name off again if it turns out you can't come.
Right! I suppose I'd better go and write the first one, then...
Posted by John Finnemore at 10:16 pm 46 comments
Thursday, 1 March 2012
Transport of delight.
I was on a bus the other day, and I can't explain it, but some sixth sense gave me an overwhelming feeling that two of my fellow passengers had just fallen in love.
Posted by John Finnemore at 12:32 pm 21 comments
Saturday, 18 February 2012
Three people I sat near this week.
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Click to embiggen. |
(Personal note for people who know my friend Greg: the third guy is not my friend Greg. He's an Australian barman who must absolutely play my friend Greg if (when) Hollywood make a movie of the My Friend Greg Story. I have no idea if he can act. Nor do I care.)
Also, I'm on the Now Show again today - 12.30 on Radio 4, and iPlayer for a week thereafter - trying to work out whether sanctimonious atheists or mock-persecuted Christians are more irritating. It's basically a draw.
Posted by John Finnemore at 12:13 pm 48 comments
Labels: Drawings
Wednesday, 8 February 2012
Too much of a mediocre thing.
I came across an excellent book the other day. It was called 'What Will I Do With All Those Courgettes?' That's what I call a title. Straight away, the author has asked a question that demands to be answered. The potential reader may try to move on to read the spines of other books on the shelf, but a part of him or her will be unable to stop thinking. 'Yes... but what will she do with all those courgettes?
That's what happened to me, so I took the book down from the shelf. The front cover was... everything I could have hoped for.
So, I had a look in the book, so that I'll be fore-warned and fore-armed if - when - the courgettes come for me.
Now, perhaps you, like me, have at this point assumed that this is an eye-catching title for a book of recipes about dealing with all sorts of seasonal gluts. Courgettes, certainly, but also blackberries, tomatoes, apples... After all, this was a proper book-sized book - about 200 pages - it could hardly ALL be courgette recipes, could it?
Oh yes. It could.
Though that's not to say the author didn't have to, er, stretch a little at times. Here are some of my favourites:
I like the note about it being possible to use other vegetables in place of 'the ones mentioned' (SPOILER: courgettes.) So, basically, this courgette omelette recipe boils down to 'Make an omelette. Put courgettes in it. (You don't have to put courgettes in it.)' And from there it's only a short step to...
Posted by John Finnemore at 5:43 pm 78 comments
Sunday, 29 January 2012
1 thing I drew this week - Thing One
Posted by John Finnemore at 1:50 pm 14 comments
Labels: Drawings
Tuesday, 24 January 2012
Why don't you get yourself a little trophy?
More good news - there is to be a second series of John Finnemore's Souvenir Programme! We don't know precisely when yet; but we do know that there will be six episodes this time round. Which means that, along with series four of Cabin Pressure, I now have twelve half hours of radio comedy to write. Gulp.
Also, the lovely people at the British Comedy Guide Awards have voted C.P. best radio sitcom of 2011, and J.F's S.P. best radio sketch-show. Thank you, them!
Posted by John Finnemore at 1:47 am 67 comments
Wednesday, 18 January 2012
Wednesday, 11 January 2012
Shameless self-publicity. (Warning- may contain traces of shame.)
Two quick bits of news: firstly, I was on The Unbelievable Truth earlier this week, mostly lying about crocodiles. I am very proud of my triumphant final score of No Points. What a magnificent achievement! Mind you, it wasn't easy to concentrate with all the wounded, terrified quail flapping about the theatre.
Anyway, that should still be on the iPlayer for a bit; and then I did another one which will go out in three weeks' time. And in between, I'm on the News Quiz next week. So, good news for people who enjoy my half-baked opinions, or my fully baked lies about pasta. Mmmmm. Pasta bake.
The other piece of news is that Cabin Pressure has been nominated for an audio drama award for best comedy. So, that's nice.
Posted by John Finnemore at 5:56 pm 24 comments
Labels: Cabin Pressure
Saturday, 7 January 2012
Thursday, 5 January 2012
That's what it says on his business cards.
A new entry in my occasional, and very niche, series: Favourite Guess In The Game 'Articulate' Played Over Christmas. (If you don't know it, 'Articulate' is a board game where you try to get your team-mates to say as many of the words on the card as possible without using those words yourself.)
Describer: [Trying to get the guesser to say the word 'Adder'] 'Black (pause) Rowan Atkinson...'
Guesser: 'Lenny Henry!'
Posted by John Finnemore at 4:44 pm 23 comments
Labels: Articulate Guesses, Games