Wednesday 21 December 2022

24 Elephants or Bears - Elephant or Bear 18

ALT TEXT: A cardboard box, on which is drawn a family of hippos gazing in delight at a shower of cupcakes falling towards them like manna. This reflects my patron's short-lived hippo phase. However, elephants are just about visible on two other flaps of the box, so yes it does count, thank you.  


Hrrrmph said...

John is attempting to deceive us again. But he doesn't fool me with his fiendish clever-cleverness! I recognize this picture, and is not a white bear in the snow. It's actually two see-though bears balancing on the head of an invisible elephant, all standing behind a white-painted wall, on which is written, in big white letters, the words "Ursine is a posh word for bear, but I couldn't find a posh word for elephant". Hrrrmph.

nandi said...

Ursa Lorem Ipsum?

nandi said...

(^ that was in reference to the placeholder)

I did not know the UK also have House Hippos; thought they were native to North America :)

Anonymous said...

Practically out of bears and elephants with three days to go! Will he make the target of 24 things or not? Gripping stuff!

v.edgy said...

I had a hippo for a pet
And when his parents visited
I'd drop *them* cupcakes from the air
But *one* would have the lion's share

Alt Text: Even though the small hippo and the medium hippo are looking very enthusiastically at the falling cupcakes, only the large hippo has a cupcake in its mouth, and it has the look of a hippo who knows it's pretty much going to stay that way.

Hrrrmph said...

If, like me, you'd not heard of house hippos, I suggest you watch this:

Jelllywoman said...

Oh my hungry hungry hippos...

Hrrrmph said...

When John identified his patron as The Archduke Gustavus Von und zu Schellenhuber of Westphalia, I assumed that he was being facetious and that no such personage existed.
But I was wrong!
A small amount of research reveals that the Archduke is a real person!
Here is a link to a recent picture of him.
He's in full regalia - epaulettes and all - and travelling in his formal state carriage.
Happy Christmas, everyone.

Anonymous said...

The link:

Helen in Mustardland said...

Who had 18 in the sweepstake?

Get dressed you merry gentlemen, and Merry Christmas everyone!

Anonymous said...

Deck the halls with Martin’s brolly!

Also, in this age of digital media in which I own Cabin Pressure on Audible, I wonder if you’d consider releasing a book with the bonus content from the A-Z box set and maybe some bonus bonus content too?

Tealin said...

In case you are ever at a loss of time or art supplies for an immediate satisfaction of your patron's demands, there are some rather nice marching elephants at this post:
I think their knees are pretty good, but I'll defer to the Archduke on that one.

slepkane said...


Ashvi said...

This blog in very informative for us

Keith said...

Hi John, would it be possible for a short interview, via zoom or similar, for my radio show please? I'm particulary fond of "Put it on a plate" . I'm sure there are others that I like as well! Cheers.

Keith said...

Oh yes... with your response!

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